Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Angel Message: The Peacocks Tapestry

(Peacock Tapestry)

I found this peacock tapestry at a furniture warehouse last year.  When moving things around the den, I discovered it this morning. Since the next twenty-six days fall under the Peacock Moon of Radiance, I thought it would be nice to feature a peacock, or two in the blogs.  When I bought this piece, I didn't notice the lotus symbol supporting the peacocks, or the heart shape framework behind them crowned with the fleur-de-lys (the three-fold-flame; trinity). 

Symbols are great reminders of the invisible realm of Spirit.  Seeing the Christ in each other (as these two peacocks are illustrating) brings them both into an awareness of Divine Love symbolized by the heart enfolding them.  The lotus has always been a sign of unfoldment, enlightenment, rising out of the dirt and mud, and blossoming into a rare flower of great beauty.  Just now I looked up the lotus in Nature-Speak by Ted Andrews.  The keynote of this magnificent flower is:  spiritual, higher knowledge at hand; and new vision coming. 

I love it!  The angels are sending constant uplifting messages on wings of Light shining away the darkness.  Let us walk in the Light and bring joy to those around us.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,
