Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Two of My Favorite Things...Iris and the Ladybug

(Photo from the web)

It's wonderfully comforting to know that the angels speak to each of us in our own unique way.  They know the reaches of our heart and usher in messages in pictures, songs, nature, whatever speaks volumes to what we are yearning to hear and know.  And, of course, at the bottom of it all, is the desire to know that we are dearly loved by God and the angels.

Today I invite you to open up your heart to see what messages of love are winging their way towards you.  They are waiting..but in our rush...they often go unnoticed.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,

Rae Karen

P.S. Ladybug represents a dream fulfilled, and the iris is the flower that announces the newness of life, ushering in new birth.