Monday, October 24, 2022

An Angel Gong

Early this morning I heard a distinct clunk in the kitchen.  Something hit the floor, no doubt compliments of Hei-Hei, our playful tabby.  Later, I discovered it was an inspirational pebble as I picked it up and turned it over.  RELAX.   I smiled, grateful to start the day with a cue to relax and rest in God.  

Later, I came across the word RELAX again in an old angel blog.

Our family had been relaxing on the porch when I reminded a worried loved one that the angels were with him, and to keep on having faith.  With all the challenges, he'd been facing, he really couldn't feel the angels around him, he told me.  

Just then a distinct clank, like a gong, sounded. 

An angel ornament hanging near the front door had somehow struck against the light fixture, giving it a CLANK. And, there was no wind!


 As human nature so often doubts the validity of the angel message, we tried to recreate the tone, but of course we couldn't.  

Things did lighten up though, and we enjoyed a good laugh at the timing.  Angels were no doubt delivering a message.  No one is ever alone.  The little plaque beside it was another confirmation: 

Wherever you go, 

whatever you do, 

may an angel watch over you.

Whether we believe it or not, angels are always in our presence.  Sometimes they may appear in physical ways that make them more real, but often they embrace our thoughts with higher inspiration, taking us to a new level of grace and unconditional love. 

Lately, whenever I find myself beginning to entertain a fearful thought, I remember that there are legions of angels surrounding me.  It's such a lovely visual, that a wonderful peacefulness settles over me. 

The Psalmist wrote, "For he has given his angels charge over you to guide and protect you in all of your ways..." 

A closer look at the RELAX pebble revealed the word RELAY beginning to form.   If life is a relay race, it's comforting to know that we can do our best, and then pass the baton to our guardian angel to assure victory. 

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Rae Karen

Friday, October 21, 2022

Floccinaucinihilipilification! An Angel Message

 Years ago, after ordering pancakes at a diner in St. Augustine, I glanced at the coffee news tucked in the napkin holder on the table.  

Under the heading Worthless, one of the longest words in the dictionary caught my eye.


 It turns out, trying to wrap your tongue around floccinaucinihilipilification isn't worth a penny.  The meaning of the word is the act of estimating something to be worthless.      

At home, for curiosity's sake, I looked it up in Webster's collegiate dictionary. But it wasn't there.

I did find it in the Cambridge dictionary on-line.  But, you can see how much time I spent in search of nothing couched in a big word. 

I'm not sure why I saved that table news tidbit, but the irony of using such an extraordinarily lengthy word to convey zero, something not having any real value was amazing.   

Why it isn't worth the breath or time it takes to read it, much less say it. It was, after all, about nothing.

We all know people who are overly extravagant with impressive words in an effort to flex their intellectual acumen and keep us guessing.  Less is often more in the art of communication.  Say what you mean and mean what you say, but do it with kindness and love. And, no one will be left to unpack the fluff, and find out it was all about nothing.  Real communication comes from the heart, and not from the head. 

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Fun Childhood Memories: An Angel Message

Shivering at the County Farmers' Market on Wednesday morning, grey skies and blustery winds caused a chill in our sales as Elliot and I hurried from booth-to-booth to buy fresh vegetables. The 50-degree temperature brought back fond memories of brisk winters in Alaska. I realized how much I miss the seasons, and found the cold air invigorating, shaking me awake as I stopped to examine a mason jar, filled with colorful antique marbles.
Marbles played a big hand in my childhood. After our dental checkups, Mom treated my two younger brothers and me to a toy at the 5 & 10 store.  Marbles were always my favorite.  I loved looking at the clear glass colors of the purees or cat's eyes.  The opaque agates didn't spark my imagination as much.    
Now whenever I see marbles, I smile, reminded of  simple childhood joys.  A signal to make time to have fun and play.

Several years ago, a holiday catalog sported a circular solitaire game of hand-blown glass marbles.  The large marbles resembled a host of planets circling the earth.  My childhood eyes glistened as I placed the order in time for Christmas.  
Hei-Hei, our playful cat, knows intuitively not to rock the marbles on the glass coffee table.
This week another childhood toy took me by surprise.  A 1956 Captain Kangaroo show popped up on my youtube feed.  Just for fun, I curiously watched for a minute, as I'd been a fan many years ago.  
What a surprise to see old furry Zippy getting a special intro from the Captain himself! 

What were the chances?! I laughed.  I didn't remember  Zippy was on the show.  But there he was. Had he been my inspiration to ask Santa for the chimp that year?
Afterwards, I dug out my old lovable Zippy, tucked away in an old box in the closet.  The last remnant of a gift from Santa at age five.  Threadbare, with almost no fur, Zippy still has the little red heart I stitched on his chest as a child.
As you can see, he still exudes love and tender affection, the innocence and wonder of childhood.

I'm not sure why these old memories are coming to mind; perhaps a sign to trust and enjoy each day with the heart of a child.   The angels encourage us to be childlike and find joy in the simple things that come our way each day.   As the saying goes, it's never too late to have a second childhood.
Love and peace,

Rae Karen

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Camel Synchronicity : An Angel Message


 Synchronicity is the language of angels but often the pieces don't come together until sometime later.  Several weeks ago, I bought a tiny pewter camel at the flea market.  And just recently, I learned the symbol for the Jewish New Year 5783 is a Camel.  


A year of Grace and Abundance.  We are to be like a camel and go forward into the new year to share the abundance of God's provision.  A camel can carry up to 1,000 lbs. on its back, stores up energy in its hump, and can drink 30 gallons of water in ten minutes.  Built 6-feet off the ground, camels have sturdy wide feet made to navigate over the sifting sands.  Equipped with 3 sets of eyelids and two sets of eyelashes, it can close up its nose to endure sand storms.  These mighty rugged animals can move at 40 m.p.h.  The inner philosophy of the camel is "the glass is half full."  Stay positive and the difficult will pass.

In looking back, my grandmother had a large tan stone, shaped like a camel's head, that she used to prop the door open.   After she passed on, I retrieved the camel as a stone of remembrance. Camels represent endurance and my grandmother had endured severe life challenges. Through it all, grandmother kept moving forward, growing stronger in her faith that carried her through the valleys.

Camels can travel far distances with little water offering transportation and goods.  The appearance of a camel often indicates that the journey ahead may be difficult, but we will endure and will have the "waters" necessary to be successful. We have a reservoir of energy greater than we realize that will carry us through.


Not only that, but God has sent his angels to accompany us all the way.  We are never alone on the journey. Love will make a way.

 Love and peace,

Rae Karen

(Camel Rock, NM, web pic)

Friday, October 7, 2022

A Good Way to Start the Day: An Angel Message

I was reminded that in order to hear angel messages, it is important to pray to know that it is possible. BELIEVE.  Angels are God's thoughts of pure intuition always available to each of us when we tune in to receive.   They inspire, guide, comfort, and offer protection throughout our day. 

While thinking about the angel blog, inspiration began to bubble up.  
To my surprise, it took the shape of a mug, and an angel thought. When you reach for your morning coffee or tea cup, remember your guardian angel is right there waiting to serve you on this glorious day. 
 What a difference it would make to invite your angel.  This comforting thought brings a smile of gratitude knowing that we have angelic support as we begin our day.  We are not alone.  We are in good company.  Awareness of our angels brings harmony into our daily affairs. We find a divine order unfolding the events.  We are at the right place, at the right time, meeting up with the right people. 
So why not start your day with a heavenly wake-up cup? It will give you a wonderful lift, and little miracles will occur beyond your imagination. Opportunities to both share and receive love, joy, peace, and harmony. It's worth a won't be disappointed when done with a sincere and open heart. And, ineffable love will come pouring through each hour.

Enjoy your day with your angels.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Love Will Make a Way: An Angel Message

Thank you for your prayers and loving support for Florida during devastating Hurricane Ian.  Every prayer has power and makes a difference.  

As the winds and heavy rain pounded, I found peace in knowing that we were not alone in the storm.  People were praying for us, and hosts of angels were standing by for protection and guidance as promised in  Psalm 91. If I could just keep my consciousness above the raging winds and heavy rain, and reside in the shelter of the Most High.  In the dark, I heard the intermittent song of a tree frog--quacking like a duck.  A reminder to Fully Rely On God, not for myself alone, but all life, the birds, animals, flowers and trees. There were moments of peace as I envisioned the many towering hardwood trees out back joined together underneath a canopy of divine love. And, prayed to know that each person's guardian angel was watching over them and keeping them safe in the storm.     

In the daylight the next morning,  I watched the palm trees bend and sway, bowing down, surrendering to the wind.  A lesson for me to be flexible.  Palm trees symbolize victory.  The heavy rains created a mini lake in the backyard.  A lone sandhill crane paddled by like a duck, but soon the waters receded with no damage to the house. And, the tender sight of the sandhill family reunited in the pasture brought a tear of gratitude as the young "colts" had not yet earned their wings. 

Later, a mourning dove flew in and nibbled on cracked corn by the bird feeder.   The voice of the dove is the rain song.  The song of the mourning dove reminds us that no matter what our life conditions, new waters and new life are still possible.   

A wild buttercup had bloomed, and stood tall after the storm.  A yellow blossom, the color of faith. Endurance--doing our best to bloom where we're planted.  The timing was good because I discovered a mossy-covered black turtle stuck in the fence.  He needed a helping hand, a little push to get going again.  Something we all need to do for each other during these challenging times.

 What a comfort to know that no matter what, we are always in the company of God's angels.  Love will make a way. Thank God.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen