Friday, March 27, 2015

An Amaryllis Surprise: An Angel Message

How are you doing working with Archangel Raphael and the nature angels of Spring? Resurrection energy abounds with opportunities for healing. Our challenges can  bring unexpected blessings... if we can keep our focus on the spiritual truth of Life. Angels enfold us, always.  The substance of divine Love fills all space and form.  

Yesterday while watering the garden, my eyes leapt at the sight of this unexpected beauty.  An amaryllis welcoming Spring with open petals.  In the Victorian Age, an amaryllis indicated success after a struggle.  Also, a flower that represents a job well done.  To give one to an artist, is a way of encouraging creativity.

So, if you're reading this, take heart that your efforts to keep your thoughts on upward wings are working beneath the surface and when you least expect it, you will benefit from the blossoms of a job well done just like the Amaryllis.  Keep expressing your creativity...

sharing the unique gift of you!

Enjoy your day with the Angels!

Love and blessings,

Rae Karen

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Angels Everywhere: Psalm 91

Yesterday morning I found myself interrupting the task at hand and grabbing a book off the shelf, one from an eight volume set by Joel S. Goldsmith, author of The Infinite Way. The books were a  gift from a dear friend several months ago.  I'd been feeling deflated, but you can imagine my surprise to open  the book God Formed Us For His Glory and land on a passage titled, Angels!  That synchronicity shook me awake...more is happening than I know. Angels are always guiding us in the subtlest ways, although unseen they are not unnoticed.  The paragraph began with that comforting scripture, Psalm 91, "For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways."  

"in ALL thy ways"...the more receptive we are to acknowledging this help, the easier it becomes to pass through our trials with more peace, love and joy and to avoid those obstacles that try to block progress.  Thank you! Angels.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,

Rae Karen

Friday, March 6, 2015

Baby Squirrels: An Angel Message

What an action scene to watch two bushy tails draped over a high limb on the 80-ft tall oak in our backyard. With the zoom lens, I expected to see two squirrels but the close up shot was more endearing than expected. I thanked them for the reminder that a little tender loving care goes a long way. 

Squirrels are very communicative, chattering away, so it's not surprising that their appearance is a reminder to develop our own communication skills. It will be an  important part of our preparation for the future.  Squirrels bring a message to use proper balance in work and play but do it with TLC.  

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,

Rae Karen

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Angel of Tenderness

The Angel of Tenderness was my random card for today.  The angel shown on the card was sharing a tender moment with a cat. And, soon, I had a chance to practice tenderness with our furry feline, Angel who had arrived at the office before me.  Rather than disturb her, as she warmed up the chair, I remembered the Angel of Tenderness and pulled up a seat beside her ready to do a blog.  

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,

Rae Karen