Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A Higher Purpose at Work: Angel Message

You never know what "bird mail" will pop up on the "duck feed" each morning.  The cast performing at the lake is varied; each bird plays a purposeful role in reflecting my inner landscape.  The traits that need to be strengthened, or a hint on how to handle a troublesome situation. 

This morning began with a rare stance of sunlit feathery wings opened wide to embrace the warmth of a new day.  A flock of turkey vultures had gathered in a peaceful prayer vigil.  I counted eleven in all.  With such a magnificent wing span, they can effortlessly soar for hours, but this group remained earthbound.  Vultures symbolize purification, death and rebirth, and new vision.    In ancient Egypt, the vulture was considered a mother symbol. So whenever I see one, I'm reminded of motherly unconditional love in the works, or the wings.

One red headed vulture flew up on an old oak and remained vigilant on a high branch watching over the lake. Turkey vultures have no real voice.  They can only hiss by forcing air out of their beaks.  Sometimes this can reflect a lesson for us to take action rather than just talking about taking action. Perform, don't just talk about performing.  Do it. 

This message was a confirmation of something that occurred yesterday where an action was needed, and a perfect opportunity opened up in which to take it. 

 "When a vulture appears it brings a promise that suffering of the immediate is temporary and necessary for a higher purpose was at work, even if not understood at that time." 

The best is yet to be. And, we are blessed to know that we are never alone...right in the middle of wherever we may find ourselves...  God has sent His angels to watch over us.  We are always in good company.  God company.

 Love and peace,

Rae Karen

Ref: Animal-Speak, Ted Andrews

Monday, April 29, 2024

A Great White Egret: Angel Message

The elegance and grace of a great white egret early in the morning always reminds me of Audrey Hepburn dressed to the nines in the classic movie Breakfast at Tiffany's.  This morning at the lake, the ducks were missing, the waters still and placid.  A great egret waded in the shallow sun-lit ripples.  A rare picture of exquisite beauty, the patient egret  waited with poise, staying focused on the catch of the day.  The sun was so bright I couldn't see the LCD screen and asked for the angels to help as I blindly snapped away. 

And, they delivered...  

White egrets symbolize peace, serenity, and spiritual enlightenment.  They serve as a reminder to embrace our true potential, and maintain our composure in difficult times, and to stand tall in the face of adversity with poise and serenity.  

I was thankful for the reminder to ask our angels for help, and watch what develops.  The best is yet to be.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Rapping, Tapping at the Door: An Angel Message

 Angel messages come in all guises, and some ways are more creative and memorable than others.  But they all convey God is Love, and God is in the details. Recently a lonely Sandhill crane has been showing up regularly.   We named him Izzy.  The new family of three sandhills don't welcome his company. Sandhills are very territorial. Trumpeting loudly, the parents chase the lonesome rust-colored sandhill off the property. 

Izzy is resilient, and keeps coming back when the coast is clear. He seems to show up just when I'm thinking about him.   Often he strolls the perimeter of the house, head hunched down,  deep in thought like a wise old sage he slowly passes by the porch as we sit at dinner, not interested in a hand-out.  There's something endearing about this special crane.  His unique human-like personality stands out from all the other cranes we've known in the last four years.

Izzy marches to the beat of a different drum, that was evident when I heard a steady rapping, tapping on the sun-room window. LOL! What a sight.  Izzy was standing in the mulch bed, looking in the window, hungry for attention, his six-inch sharp beak pecking on the glass.   His red heart-shaped cap signaled a call for love.

I went outdoors to answer the call. Hopefully, he will soon find a mate and live happily ever after.

His visit was so deliberate, I looked up the symbolism again.

Sandhill cranes are often considered noble guardians.  If they appear in our life there is usually something that we should watch out for and take care of more carefully.  There is usually some hidden protection around us.  Or it can be a sign that we may need to be the hidden protector of someone else.  Sometimes it is a warning to watch our possessions and ourselves more closely.


We are so blessed to have our guardian angels watching over us.  They may not be seen but they never go unnoticed. 

Have a joyful day.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen


Ref: Animal-Wise, Ted Andrews

Friday, April 26, 2024

Thank you for caring... An Angel Message

 This morning, tidying up the medicine cabinet, I found a couple of old boxes of Bandaids to consolidate into one box.  Closing the lid, a surprising message appeared on the inner blue flap: "Thank you for caring for those you love."  It seemed as if an angel had reached through the veil and tapped me on the shoulder. "Thank you for caring for those you love."

In his book, Angels of Grace, Anselm Gruen writes, that the word "thank" comes from "think."  The Angel of Gratitude would like to teach you to look at everything with new eyes, with grateful eyes.  Then you can be grateful for the new day, that you have your health and can get up and see the sunrise.  You are grateful for the gifts of nature. You are aware. Gratitude makes your heart open and joyful.  You are not obsessed with the things that might annoy you. You do not start the day grumbling.  There are people who make their own lives difficult because they see only the negative side.  And the more they see the negative side, the more their experience confirms this.  

He offers good advice.  If you look thankfully at your life you will accept what has happened in it. You will stop rebelling against yourself and your fate.  Ask the Angel of Gratitude to teach you to be thankful for the people you live with. If we say thank you for another person we accept them unconditionally as they are.  They are valuable just as they are. 

Love is the medicine that cures all ills.  "Thank you for caring for those you love."

Love, joy, and peace,

Rae Karen 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Following the Signals: An Angel Message

At the lake this morning, a man out on a boat in the water pointed towards a lawn that had three life-size statues of deer. "One of them is real." He shouted, and kept pointing and motioning us forward . I thought he'd been out in the sun too long or was a jokester. No live deer were in sight, but Elliot and I walked further down the dirt road and caught a glimpse of the truth.  A white tailed deer veiled by a tree branch was nibbling on a vine.  What joy to see a deer for the  first time at the lake. Deer have been scarce in our area since last summer so this lone gentle juvenile seemed like an angel message. 

Deer symbolizes a gentle luring to new adventure. When a deer shows up, it is time to be gentle with yourself and others.  A new innocence and freshness is about to be awakened or born.  "When deer show up, there is an opportunity to express gentle love that will open new doors to adventure for you."

Another sign of a new innocence appeared in the afternoon on a walk around a different local lake.  From a distance, I spotted so many ducklings they looked like scattered fallen leaves on the ground. Happy peeps, I counted 15!   Proud mama marched her happy little flock toward the camera for a family portrait.

 All ducks have grace upon water.  They can help us to remember to handle our own emotions with greater grace and comfort in helping others move through their tangled emotions, too.  

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

Ref: Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

When Least Expected: An Angel Message

A flagrant situation has developed in our peaceful little neck of the woods. A test to hold my peace and let go of control   This morning I could feel my emotions rising at the injustice, a trespass on peace.  I went outdoors to get centered and stood looking out over the quiet pasture--away from the opposite view.  I took inventory of all the good already in that moment and felt calmer.  A lone sandhill crane strolled down the driveway, his red heart-shaped cap signaled a call for love.   Coming back toward the house, I was guided to move a mother-in-law tongue planter out in the sunlight. That's when I discovered a hidden surprise nestled by the bushes.

The forgotten orchid had bloomed!  My mouth dropped, my spirits lifted. A bubble of illusion burst as if I'd seen an angel.  Many months ago, after a blooming season, the plant shriveled with no sign of life. Rather than pitch it, I'd tucked it away.  Wow! Two big yellow blooms and several pods held a promise of more to come.  The neglected plant had bloomed without any help from me.  I welcomed the reminder that sometimes the best thing we can do in a seemingly hopeless situation is to let it be. Surrender.  God is in control.

The fretting began when I carried the orchid into the house and began mothering it, wondering where it should go to be safe from Hei-Hei's playful paws.

When the orchid photos were uploaded, I noticed something had taken a big bite out of one soft yellow petal.  I could relate.  No worries, the smiling orchid seemed to say,  radiant as the sun.  

I'm grateful for these uplifting and unexpected messages of hope delivered by the floral apostles just when needed the most.  A reminder to look for the beauty in each moment, and do your best to keep on shining.  Yellow is the color of faith. There is always more going on than we realize.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

Monday, April 22, 2024

Little Acts of Kindness: An Angel Message


Little acts of kindness can make a big difference.  Yesterday a handful of sunflower seeds tossed to a wild hungry peacock evoked a wonderful display of gratitude. His bronze and green train,  made up of 200 glorious individual tail feathers, fanned out like shimmering rays of the sun.  A full display of the "eyes of God".  I was so close, I could feel a soft breeze as he stirred the air, proudly pivoting round in a circle before me. I'd been fanned by a peacock! A first. 

 Happy Earth Day! A wonderful day to celebrate all life on this planet that we share and call home. And, "watch" for ways to extend love and peace to others in little ways that make a big difference. 

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

Friday, April 19, 2024

The Gift of Water: An Angel Message

Today's angel message is on the wonderful gift of water.  Did you know you have about 12 gallons of that life-giving elixir in your body, making it 70 percent of what you call "me" ?  

Years ago, Dr. Masaru Emoto, a pioneer in the study of water did some fascinating research on water, complete with photographs. His studies showed that water is as alive and vulnerable as we are.  He demonstrated that water is sensitive to our emotions, our thoughts, our attitudes, and our actions. Water has consciousness.  His findings make sense when you think about how water is an esoteric symbol for our emotions.  How often do we say, in a wave of anger, or a sinking feeling, a tidal wave of emotion, or in the flow.  When our mind is still, the living waters within reflect the serenity of a calm lake filling us up with peace and harmony. 
Music also affects water--soothing classical music, soft melodious tunes create beautiful water crystals while heavy metal, discordant tones the exact opposite.    When listening to music our feelings are evoked. nerves jangled or soothed... Water has consciousness.
Water is also a wonderful purifier.  I've set an intention to drink more water throughout the day, to keep my "tank" fresh.   I've got a wrought iron garden planter by the front door that looks like a tall water spigot.  A reminder for me not to take a single drop of water for granted.  To give thanks whenever I turn on the tap to get a drink, bathe, wash dishes, or water the lawn.   
In closing, Dr. Emoto's research showed how polluted/toxic water when exposed to prayer can be restored to a beautiful state of consciousness.   Another reminder to watch how I shower my watery physical body with the thoughts I think.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,

Rae Karen

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Speak from the Soul: An Angel Message

In today's world, filled with endless chatter, I loved this message from a book by Annalee Skarin, Ye Are Gods.

"One must learn to speak the language of the angels or 'speak with new tongues.' 
He must learn to speak from the soul and never from the lips, or even from the mind. 
He who speaks from the lips chatters. He who speaks from an empty mind adds confusion 
to discord. He who speaks from a full mind feeds the minds of men. He who speaks from 
his heart wins the confidence of mankind. But he who speaks from his soul heals the 
heartbreak of a world and feeds the hungry, starving souls of men. He can bring light 
for he will carry light..."

"It is given through the gift and power of the Holy Spirit. The language of the soul 
is a sacred language, and most beautiful. It can never hurt or injure. It can only 
bring a benediction of glory."

A sip of synchronicity--my teabag message: It is not talking of love
but living in love that is everything.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

(artwork from web)

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Great Expectations: Angel Message


While waiting for the light to change at a busy intersection in St. Augustine, a new business had popped up on the corner.  Giraffes had been a recent theme, and the sight of a giant giraffe statue, with a heart around its neck, seemed like one of those deliberate angel messages.    


I laughed at the synchronicity.  That big-hearted giraffe was named Pip. 

Giraffes convey messages about foreseeing the future.  The tallest of all mammals, they symbolize farsightedness.  Giraffes see great distances but their long legs and neck must work together in harmony to reach their destination.  A reminder that it's not enough to see the future.  We must be willing to move and progress toward it. With giraffe your legs and feet are on the ground and your head in the sky. 

Some questions to ask yourself:

Are you resisting moving into new areas you see for yourself?

Are you resisting change?

Are you afraid of the future?

Sometimes life has thrown us so many curve balls, we may tend to give up and lose hope in having any great expectations for fear of disappointment. The angels encourage us to keep on trying our best and steadily move forward to victory sharing our gifts.  The best is yet to be.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen 

(Ref.  Animal-Speak, Ted Andrews)

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

A Promise from a Floral Apostle: Angel Message

Maybe you've noticed how God often speaks in angel messages through nature, and the delivery has a warm touch of synchronicity and lighthearted humor. Even a prickly cactus can become a floral apostle...when I have eyes to see and ears to hear.   

Last year, you may remember a wild cactus showed up in time to celebrate Easter.  Standing tall against the inner pasture fence, it had sprouted two large flat green paddles that stuck up like "bunny ears".  The tips of those green ears had antenna-like yellow buds that whispered a promise of what was yet to be. A  promise of hope, faith, and fulfillment.  The cactus was about to unfold her soft inner beauty for all to see.  

After the blooming season, the hardy plant faded into the background, soon forgotten.  

This morning... backing down the driveway, there she was again.  Peeking through the rusted wire fence.  A prolific vision of beauty and promise to come.  Known as Optunia in the flower world, the prickly pear cactus had a profusion of tight buds that resembled yellow candles glowing on a magnificent candelabra. I counted 20 in all, a radiant picture of abundance, endurance, and fulfillment of what is yet to be.  


By this afternoon, Optunia was blossoming, opening up to the warm rays of the sun.  Happy bees buzzed, nestling down on her soft petals in a fuzzy yellow bed of sweet nectar.   

I was reminded the prickly pear cactus is a symbol of maternal love because it can endure and thrive in harsh conditions like the unconditional love of a mother.

 Yellow is the color of faith.  The cactus represents an endurance and strength to survive in new environments and situations.   We all have angelic help to assist us in learning to adapt and be flexible so we too can bloom where we're planted.  It's ours for the asking, and having faith that the best is yet to be.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Opening to New Life: An Angel Message

 The emu, a tall flightless bird from Australia, popped his flexible long neck through an opening in the fence at the orchid farm.  Curious and friendly, he welcomed our new faces, eager to interact.  Later, I read that when an emu appears, it could be a sign to look for like-minded individuals for support.  Also, the emu teaches in some way about the openness of our lives to others, which was exactly what this big-eyed bird was doing yesterday.

At home, an openness to new life had been developing.  A large hole in the pasture fence provided a way for the sandhill crane family to come visit and show off  their cute fuzzy brown colt. 


"Openness" is the angel message for today.  Look for opportunities to share your life with others.  Love will make a way. 

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

Saturday, April 13, 2024

S-T-R-E-T-C-H: An Angel Message

These trying days when physical life is being stretched and pulled quickly in many unbelievable distortions, I find it helpful to have a big green smiling Gumby waving on the kitchen windowsill.  A reminder that these troublesome changes can be used to promote our spiritual growth.  To stretch and come up higher, beyond the limited perception of our five senses. 
 Turns out the name Gumby comes from a Latin phrase: Semper Gumby, and means always flexible. Maybe you remember the unique claymation cartoon character Gumby. You could bend him, twist and stretch him. He was always flexible.   

 Another helpful Latin phrase I read years ago came from Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy. It also helped me to take a stand when I remembered to apply it.  "Semper paratus is Truth's motto."

 Semper paratus  means Divinity is always ready.  I'd just watched the 1951 sci-fi thriller, The Day The Earth Stood Still.  And, was reminded of the iconic command Patricia Neal had to make to stop the giant robot GORT from destroying the earth. Klaatu barada nikto
To keep peace in my life, at the first sign of inner distress, I'd silently command, Semper paratus! Intruding destructive thoughts of fear, doubt, guilt, worry would be shut down.  Semper paratus, God's already got this!  Divinity is always ready.  
For fun, one day I found a red heart-shaped sticker and stuck it on Gumby's green chest.  What a surprise when writing this blog to learn the description on his toy box reads:  If you've got a heart. Then Gumby's a part of you.  Another great reminder that LOVE is all that really is. Love is the answer to whatever seems to confront us.
Have a blessed day, and remember the best is yet to be.  Try your best to s-t-r-e-t-c-h and grow upward into the Light of a new day.  Divinity is always ready.

Love and peace,
Rae Karen



Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Signs and Wonders, Great Egret and Cormorant

 Pardon my long-distance shaky zoom to capture a living portrait of an unlikely pair sharing a quiet moment's repose in the sun. On April 8, the day of the total solar eclipse, their mirrored reflections on the still lake were sharper than their real life stance on the old wooden pier.  A white lacy Great Egret, a high flyer,  and a large shiny black Cormorant, a deep diver, reflecting a time of watching and waiting for the powerful new birth. 

Wishing you a day full of peace and happiness.  Every moment is filled with God's Love.

Rae Karen

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Out of Our Element, A Message of Hope: An Angel Message

 I have compassion for this tree and admire her spirit not to give up.  No longer rooted on dry land, the past years of hurricanes and heavy rainstorms changed the landscape.  The lake swelled stretching her deep, watery fingers inland.      

Some days I feel like that water-logged tree, out of my element, far beyond the old familiar comfort zone.  But this tree has been my teacher.  For the last three years, every spring, she has managed to don a new coat of fresh green leaves, offering hope and endurance in times of extreme testing and trials.   

This spring was different, she appeared dormant.  Cold lake water up to her waist, and not a single green twig on her bare branches.  I thought the waterlogged tree had given it her all, and finally let go.  But I was wrong.

This morning there she was, a hopeful sight for sore eyes.  Leafy green boughs opened wide to greet the sun, reflecting a new beginning. A renewal. 

I welcomed the hardy tree's lesson on life.  "Do your best and let God do the rest."  And, most of all, don't judge by appearances.  The best is yet to be.

Happy Spring!

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

Friday, April 5, 2024

Celestial Rainbow-Cloud Dancers

 Yesterday morning's bright blue sky had a story to tell after the heavy rainstorm that night.  Something was up.  I couldn't help notice the  wispy white clouds diving down toward earth, like angels in action.  A new, animated energy abounded.  So much so on our way out to run errands, we stopped to take photos from the driveway.

A series of tests have been coming hard.  Trials to be overcome, and rise above without reacting.  Major challenges to stay centered and at peace no matter what.  Harmony.

A few hours later, as we got closer to home, the sky had changed to a dynamic heavenly view.  Wispy rainbow clouds resembled etheric angels, dancing in a circular portal, rejoicing...

I welcomed the comforting and wonderful sign.  More is going on than meets the physical eye.  So  keep your consciousness on high.  Focus on spirit, and not matter and watch for miracles.  The best is yet to be.  Rainbows are a sign of God's promise.  So no matter what our challenges may be just now, our "clouds" will become rainbow dancers with the help of God's angels.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Poetry in Motion: An Angel Message

There's a true saying that we always teach what we need to learn.   

A few days ago, a memorable picture of harmony appeared on the still lake waters.  It was poetry in motion as I gazed through the camera lens to get the big picture.  A little brown duck had dipped down in the lake and unknowingly created a work of art.  The wise duck peacefully cuddled the center of a vortex of glistening concentric circles that all began with his action. 

It was an angel message to pay attention to my own actions.  To watch what I'm creating because its influence will circle far and wide.  The ripple effect in action. 

Little did I know that soon a test would be coming up... 

It happened this morning at the lake while feeding the ducks.  An irate fisherman tried to spoil the serenity of a new day.  In that moment, rather than take the bait, the lovely picture of the duck's rippling effect came to mind. Although, I admit my feathers started to get ruffled, I kept my focus on the calm lake and the serene duck basking in its radiant center.    

May you choose peace today and have patience when dealing with yourself and others.  Tests come in many disguises ready to reveal unhealed parts of ourselves, hidden away.

Remember you are always in the company of God's angels who help guide, comfort, and protect in all your ways. The best is yet to be. 

Love and peace,

Rae Karen


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Squirrel: Communication Skills


This baby squirrel lives in a nest of sticks and leaves near the top of an old cypress tree by the lake. Each morning I sprinkle cracked corn around the knobby outer roots of the old tree.  The host family of gray squirrels seldom join the breakfast club.  But, this morning change was in the air. The winds shifted, and only a handful of ducks showed up.  An opportunity for this daring little squirrel to spring into action and come down to nibble on a kernel of delicious corn.    

Squirrels remind us to be prepared for the future.  They are enthusiastic, and like to wrestle for play, and are keenly observant and imitative. When a squirrel appears, it brings up a question of balance.  Balance is important within the circle of gathering and giving out, and also balance is needed in time spent working and playing.   

Squirrels are very communicative, chattering away.  Bushy gray tails flicker to express emotion. So when a squirrel appears it could signal a time to develop our own communication skills. Communication  will be an  important part of our preparation for the future.  A reminder to speak with loving kindness, like these two baby squirrels high up in an old oak, they both let down their long, bushy tails, and shared a sweet moment from heart to heart.  




I was thankful for the angel reminder from nature to speak softly and deliver any messages with a kind and loving heart today.  Love is reflected in Love.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

A Bold Newcomer: Angel Message

Nature is always teaching me lessons on life.  The birds that appear at the lake are not by chance. Each one has a story (a character trait) and reveals a view of my own interior landscape.  Something I need to work on to become less judgmental and more loving and kind, to myself and others. 

 Yesterday, a Mallard duck, with a bulbous emerald green head, white necklace, and rust colored chest, appeared at the lake.  The first one I've seen there. A beauty. He stood out in a crowd of hungry, heavyweight Muscovy ducks in red rubbery masks.  The rowdy flock easily frightened the skittish brown duck away before I could grab my camera.  I had compassion for this hungry little fellow who didn't seem to fit in, and prayed to understand that he is always in his rightful place no matter what my physical eyes reveal. God's Love is the only power.  Harmony is always present.

As Elliot and I pulled out of the parking lot, I caught a glimpse of the Mallard afloat in an overflow pond across the road, finding sustenance alone.  

So, imagine my surprise, this morning to see the colorful mallard reappear.  It did my heart good to watch his orange legs and feet march boldly to the old cypress tree to join the Muscovy ducks for a breakfast of cracked corn, who were satisfied to let the newcomer be.  Harmony in action.


 A little research revealed something interesting.  Mallards will return to their place of birth.   A reminder that when we return our mind to the eternal consciousness of God's Infinite Love, in and of All Life, we too can only reflect Love.  

Ducks represent emotional comfort and protection. And, I'm thankful for the daily invitation to visit the lake to start the day. Ducks maneuver through various waters of life, like this newcomer. And, ducks can be a reminder for us to drink of the waters of life as well as nurture our own emotional natures. I learned that Mallards like having others around. They will also return to wherever they feel safe and comfortable.   

What messages are you learning from nature today?   It's springtime.  Why not spend some quiet time outdoors in the stillness of nature?  Sit by a tree, dig in a garden, talk to a flower, look up at the sky and plant your feet in the grass.   Remember you are never alone, you have a loving guardian angel by your side.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

Monday, April 1, 2024

An Easter Turkey: An Angel Message

 Early Easter morning, a special angel delivery appeared on the road to the lake. On our daily run to feed the ducks, I had the usual tin canister of cracked corn in my lap when we caught sight of a lone wild turkey waiting by the tree-lined country road.

Something was up.  With the housing boom, wild turkeys are few and far between this spring.  And, here a blue-faced juvenile tom was standing by the road, waiting.

Elliot stopped the car to greet our early Easter riser.  Rather than skittishly run in fear,  the turkey remained calm, and looked up at us with big shiny brown eyes.  What happened next caught me by surprise. I  found myself reaching into the brown tin and tossing a handful of cracked corn his way.  

Easter is a time of great thanksgiving.   "In your giving, is your receiving."  

And, our roadside pedestrian wasted no time enjoying his breakfast. 

Turkey, sometimes called the earth eagle, has a long history of association with spirituality and the honoring of Earth Mother.   Turkeys are all about shared blessings and harvest.

I was thankful for the reminder to fully give as you have fully received.  The world is in need of a loving cup of kindness. The angels encourage us to look for ways to bless others throughout the day.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen