These are crazy, shifting times -- sometimes we may be trying too hard to make things happen by foolishly compromising and falling short. Wanting to make a change, is it really for the better. Only time will tell. The ego will prompt any change is a good one, just get moving! Deep down, if your heart is 100 percent into it, that's a green light.
All things work together for good, eventually. Remember old fears surface to be healed. The enormous energy it takes to suppress an emotion can be released. You feel lighter and more energetic.
Get moving now! came to mind when our next door bachelor neighbor torched the stack of hardwood trees he felled in his backyard. From our den window, a circle of flames shot up, so overpowering it could have held back Pharaoh's army. And my neighbor was standing wide-eyed, holding a limp garden hose, looking bewildered. The tall hardwoods standing were a sad sight. Their leafy canopy was beginning to singe from the heat of the fire. I called out to the angels for help, and soon the fire was under control, but my nervous system was drained. Fire is one of my biggest fears. My mother's baby sister died in a fire.
Then our new neighbors, on the other side, moved in with truck loads full of overflow items that couldn't fit into the house. Their backyard looked like a scene in Sanford & Son. The family had downsized from a home with a garage. Even a rental shed couldn't hold all their belongings.
That did it. It was time to move. The search began. We found a place in a rural setting and signed a lease.
After packing up, I began to have doubts. This new home was more modern, but lacked the old world charm of our 1927 bungalow within walking distance to the college and downtown. And the beautiful meditation garden I'd worked so hard to create with nature over the years was tugging on my heart. Whenever I thought about the upcoming move, I'd get teary eyed. I found myself secretly not wanting to move in spite of our troublesome neighbors. Then, I began to see that the world is my reflection. I could choose to see the Christ in everyone, to go beyond appearances and judgment.
Anyway, the week of the move, we stopped by to look at the new location once more. Somehow the house had become smaller. And, it turned out, to be in a flight pattern for landings at the nearby airport for small aircraft. The early morning sky was puttering with lawnmower engines, breaking up the serenity of country living.
We knew then it was not the right move. I unpacked all the moving boxes and re-energized our old bungalow, happy to be at home again. Maybe I'm learning to accept the what is factor and enjoy life in the moment.
Love and blessings,
Rae Karen