Friday, February 25, 2022

The Pistachio Nut: An Angel Message

Recently, an older Angel for You blog came to light; a reminder on how ordinary things can bring humor under the influence of angels. Here's the 2015 recap:
"Okay, maybe I'm going a little nuts...but...I had been eating pistachios, one-by-one.  The broken shells were in a little pile on the sofa beside me.  Not a big fan of Elliot's special stash, that afternoon I got hooked on the flavor. Soon, I'd chomped down on the last one in the bowl. A stubborn nut too hard to crack. 
I could relate... 
I flipped it over and cracked up.    
This pistachio had character.  A face!  Etched by nature! Quickly I checked the nut bag for other faces, but it was one of a kind.
 My angel for the day had been JOY.  "There's your next blog," Elliot said, as we shared a good laugh.   Mr. Pistachio took up residence in my keepsake box.

Curious, I looked up the symbolism of this deliberate messenger:  In Ancient Persia, lovers met under the pistachio tree and listened to the crackling of nuts in the moonlight; a sign they'd be happy.  Also, hearts are a universal symbol of love, and pistachios keep ours healthy, along with a good dose of laughter every day.
Ha! That's what this odd little nut had done! 

Later, I read,  Are you known by your joy?  This is a question to ask ourselves often. Just like our car is checked for oil so it can run smoothly, we need to check our oil of gladness by looking for a smile in the mirror throughout the day.  
"A cheerful heart is good medicine."  
                                         --(Proverbs 17)

Remember you are never alone.  Your angels are always with you to comfort, guide, and bless.  The best is yet to come.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

Photo  Mr. Pistachio Nut (9-21-15)