Recently, an older Angel for You blog came to light; a reminder on how ordinary things can bring humor under the influence of angels. Here's the 2015 recap:
"Okay, maybe I'm going a little nuts...but...I had been eating pistachios, one-by-one. The broken shells were in a little pile on the sofa beside me. Not a big fan of Elliot's special stash, that afternoon I got hooked on the flavor. Soon, I'd chomped down on the last one in the bowl. A stubborn nut too hard to crack.
I could relate...
I flipped it over and cracked up.

My angel for the day had been JOY. "There's your next blog," Elliot said, as we shared a good laugh. Mr. Pistachio took up residence in my keepsake box.
Curious, I looked up the symbolism of this deliberate messenger: In Ancient Persia, lovers met under the pistachio tree and listened to the crackling of nuts in the moonlight; a sign they'd be happy. Also, hearts are a universal symbol of love, and pistachios keep ours healthy, along with a good dose of laughter every day.
Ha! That's what this odd little nut had done!
Later, I read, Are you known by your joy? This is a question to ask ourselves often. Just like our car is checked for oil so it can run smoothly, we need to check our oil of gladness by looking for a smile in the mirror throughout the day.
"A cheerful heart is good medicine."
--(Proverbs 17)
Love and joyful blessings,
Rae Karen
Photo Mr. Pistachio Nut (9-21-15)