Monday, December 30, 2019

Rain to Rainbow: An Angel Message

With the angels on-board, sometimes you may find yourself heading out in one direction, then by mistake, you take a wrong turn. Only in hindsight, do you understand that the wrong turn ended up being exactly the right turn in the long run.   There are no accidents or mistakes in the divine plan.      

That's what happened on Sunday afternoon.   Elliot and I were on a leisurely outing to visit our donkey friend at the rural orchid farm.   Taking an unfamiliar route to our destination, at the intersection, we weren't sure which way to turn on Route 11.  Asking the angels for help, we turned left and five miles down the rural two-lane highway, we realized our mistake.  We should have made a right to visit the donkey.

With nowhere to turn around, Elliot smiled and said, "I guess we're going to St. Augustine."

"Really!"  I clapped, thrilled by his spontaneity--usually the trip is overnight, and here we were on our way to my favorite place on earth, with no luggage.   Unexpected joyful tears of gratitude sprang up as I settled down to soak up the panoramic view of nature outside my window.  Towering pine tree forests hug both sides of the road.  Healing energy sustains a serene long stretch of nature, untouched by any sign of commercialism.  This wonderfully slow-paced rural route speaks to a simpler time.  Herds of brown and black cattle graze in green grassy fields;  huge metal grain silos dot the landscape; an old windmill spins round, and there are a sprinkle of houses, here and there.  It's a great stress reliever as you watch the expansive scenery go by.

I couldn't believe it!  I grinned.  We were going to St. Augustine on a whim!  A lone hawk soared overhead, guiding the way.  Doubts came as dark clouds began to form; rain was in the forecast. But we were on an adventure, expecting the best.

The rain held off on the hour's drive, with an occasional break in the clouds, to reveal a blue sky.  I couldn't wait to return to my favorite old city, God's City.

Approaching St. Augustine city limits, the sky suddenly opened up, dumping down heavy rain.  Amid the soft flapping of windshield wipers, I loudly affirmed, (with a touch of false bravado):  We're going to see a rainbow!  

Traffic was moving as the rain pelted Ponce de Leon Boulevard in the Old Historic District. Now that we were almost at the Mission de Numbres, we couldn't let the weather dampen our spirits.  At least, we had an umbrella.

A bend in the road brought a wonder that seemed to good to be true.

Was there really a BIG colorful rainbow arching the road ahead?!

With the cellphone camera, I snapped away,  hoping to dodge the fast wiper blades, and capture the rainbow to share with you.  It was far better than finding any pot of gold.

By the time we arrived at the Mission, the sky was clearing, with only a drizzle.   I stood under an old oak and got this rainbow photo.

Rainbow at  Mission  12/29/19

Before long, the sun came out and we had a beautiful afternoon in prayer and meditation on the grounds by the inlet.  At the end of the day, an angel nudged to return home.  The guidance was good.

The return trip home was smooth, with little traffic through the pines.  Nearing our hometown, a small spiral rainbow appeared in the sky! We laughed, thanking the angels for the guidance-- rainbows in our going out, and in our coming in.  It had been a long time since we'd seen a rainbow.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.  Feel free to step out of the box, and have an adventure.  The more spontaneous, the greater the blessings can be when you invite the angels to join you.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

Saturday, December 28, 2019

A Honey Bee Messenger: An Angel Message

It's funny how such a tiny thing can make such a big impression.  On Friday, Elliot and I had stopped by our favorite local orange grove, Marshall's, for a bag of  sweet tasting navel oranges.  This tradition almost stopped several years ago when the state of Florida was in jeopardy of losing its orange trees.  Imported bees were part of a rescue mission at Marshall's Grove, as the owner did not want to spray  pesticides to protect the orange trees.  We called for the angels to help and prayers were in the works, too.
Fuzzy photo of fuzzy bee on the top mirror rim. 

This year the orange grove is yielding a really good crop, thanks to the bees, and the angels. 

Driving along the dirt lane, through the orange-laden trees, our spirits were soaring at the wonderful turn-around for the grove.  We had juicy organic oranges again.

Our next stop was Office Max to buy a memory stick for my computer. 

Sitting at a traffic light, my attention was drawn to my side-view mirror.
Something had moved on it. 

My first thought was a tiny lizard was taking a joy ride. But the light changed, and in the flow of traffic, I could now see it was a hitchhiker from the orange grove.   A small fuzzy striped bumblebee. 

I looked out, cheering him, Hold on!  We don't have far to go.

Undaunted by the wind on the International Speedway, he stuck to the white mirror's rim while Elliot did his best to drive slow.

Office Max was over the bridge, less than a mile away. 

I watched that little creature  with a strange feeling that we were one on this wild unexpected ride.  I asked the angels to surround that little orange grove worker bee and keep him safe. 

We were almost there. 

Elliot pulled the car into the lot, navigating the dips, so as not to bounce off the bee rider as we arrived at our destination. 

I gazed out the window in amazement.  That fuzzy little bee, although somewhat dazed had made it, against all odds.  As I took his photo, the manufacturer's message on the mirror caught my attention: 


I've come to see how the outer world is a mirror of what takes place in our inner world.  I was thankful for that inner impulse, that I call an angel nudge, that pointed out the little bee on the passenger mirror.   

Bees are a long time symbol of doing the impossible because their body is too large for  its small wings, but that doesn't stop the bee from defying science.  The fast speed of those little wings is what makes flight possible.

I wondered about returning the bee traveler back to the orange grove, but Elliot said, the angels would guide him to his next assignment.  They could even lead him back home.  I smiled, not sure this was the case, but it was a nice thought.  We let him be, and went into Office Max.

While shopping in the store, I looked about for a little box to transport the honeybee home to our garden. 

But it seems I need not have worried...

For when we returned to our car, a short time later, our fuzzy bee messenger had flown away.

But more bee energy was in the works.   

That evening Elliot pointed out a decorative dish on the nightstand, a gift many years ago.  See the bee on it? 

The best is yet to come!  

So if you're reading this angel blog, take the message of the bee to heart. 

Let yourself be carried away by the wonder of  each moment and taste the sweet things in life that come with an elixir of  joy. 

Enjoy your day with the Angels, and take notice of those angelic impulses that reflect your inner landscape.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

Friday, December 20, 2019

Oldies but Goodies: An Angel Message

Yesterday I knew something was up when I was guided to turn on the radio instead of the CD player, loaded with Christmas music.  The house had been filled with wonderful holiday music all week.  The radio, on the other hand,  has been played only a few times through the years.  

With the remote, I scanned for a talk show I'd recently heard in the car.  

Bouncing through the AM stations, the call numbers flashed, none were a hit.  Then to my surprise, I heard an oldie, coming in loud and clear.  Turns out, a new Oldies radio station, WLBE 790, was broadcasting out of nearby Mt. Dora.  "Well, be!" that was just what was needed.   

I couldn't believe my old favorite, Johnny Angel, was wafting through the dining room at lunchtime.  Suddenly I was a teen again, dreamily singing along.  

It's funny how music is a bridge.  It can stir up memories of that sweet bird of youth that enliven our cells and bring happiness now.

Thanks to that angelic random radio selection, my afternoon was filled with uninterrupted golden Oldies, one hit after another.  The Supremes' hit, Stop in the Name of Love,  made me jump up off the sofa and join in, complete with hand motions, and dance moves that I haven't done in years.  

Scientific studies have shown that when we sing an uplifting or spiritual song, both hemispheres of our brain unite, and ignite parts of our brain that are rarely used. This union produces a healing effect. 

Singing and dancing are healing.  It doesn't matter if you do either well, as long as you put your heart and soul into it.    It's hard to be in a bad mood while you're singing and dancing.  

"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord."

Enjoy your day singing with the Angels.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

(photo: Victorian tin)

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Remember to Keep Christ in Christmas: An Angel Message


Recently, I watched one of those romantic Christmas holiday films.  The theme was on the traditional Christmas.  There was a long list of necessities:  1) Trim a tree; 2) Bake cookies;  3) Build a gingerbread house;  4) Make a snowman;  5) Wrap presents, etc. The movie was full of the warm cozy snow scenes in a village of Christmas lights and decorations that make Christmas special, but something was missing.

It wasn't until the next day, I realized what it was.   The birth of the Christ, or the real reason for celebrating Christmas was not mentioned. 
Years ago, I remember heading down the Daytona International Speedway to do some Christmas shopping. So many things needed to be done to get ready, my thoughts were scattered until I spotted a large billboard of the manger with these bolden words: 


There was no time for a photo, but I slowed down long enough to think about the timing of that important holiday message. The Speedway, I sheepishly laughed,--what a perfect place for a billboard reminder to KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS. 

Throughout the seasons of the year, the light shines the brightest during the dark winter months.  It's wonderful to share love and joy with family and friends, but also to set aside some quiet contemplative time to reflect, in gratitude and love, on the true meaning of Christmas, and God's gift of love and joy to the world. 

Wishing you a joyful, peaceful day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,

Rae Karen

Monday, December 16, 2019

Christmas Messages of Light: Angels

Our feisty feline, Hei-Hei, played a role in my finding an unexpected angel message this morning. A big rainbow radiating across the face of Christ Jesus!

 Around 10 a.m., the cat and I were enjoying a fast-moving game of Hide and Seek.  On the run, I flew down the hallway, and hid behind the bedroom door.

That quick raccoon-tailed cat, with those bright shiny eyes, found me right away...

And, the chase was on again.

Making tracks through the dining room, I caught sight of something unusual.

A bright colorful rainbow! 

It was shining on the Christ.  (A photo from a gift shop in California many years ago.)

The sunlight had created the beautiful bow, reflecting off of a sun-catcher hanging in the dining room window.

I stopped to take a look.  The rainbow Christ, the tall simple wood statue of the Virgin Mary, and the evergreen tree on the mantle all spoke of the mystery of Christmas.  I was so thankful to see it.

And, just as quickly as it appeared, the sunlight soon shifted-- the rainbow now only a memory, but the message not to be forgotten.  God's promise to all of His Children.  God is Love.  Let there be Light.

How are the angels speaking to you today? 

(Hei-Hei in the Light early this morning)

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Living Advent Calendar: An Angel Message

Red-shouldered Hawk on the wire out front today.
For the last several years, I've enjoyed the childlike wonder of opening a German advent calendar each day in December leading up to Christmas.  The sequential numbered doors, hidden in snowy winter scenes with angels and children, were fun to discover.  This year Hei-Hei chewed off one of the doors, so I decided to skip the physical advent calendar and let the angels deliver the hidden door for each day.
It's been fun to watch what may cross my path in the countdown to Christmas Eve.

Today, while sitting on the porch, I had no sooner ended a prayer when to my surprise I caught sight of an unusual visitor.  I wasn't thinking about the living advent calendar door, my mind was elsewhere when I happened to look up. 

Outside the porch window, a red shouldered hawk was on the tall wood power pole across the street!  The sun's rays cast a glow on his golden chest as he pecked away at a prize.

Red-tailed or Red-shouldered hawks have been one of my long-time  messengers.  And, so the timing of his unexpected appearance brought peace, so much so I decided to let him be, and not take a picture. Whenever one shows up it is a sign to pay attention, a message is coming your way. 

Soon the red hawk spread his wide wings, and flew away. I thanked him for the message, to see things from a higher perspective.  A hawk is a heavenly messenger akin to Mercury.  Life is sending you a signal to get ready for an opportunity that will be coming your way.

With renewed energy, I got busy tidying up the porch.  When I happened to look out again, to my surprise, that hawk had returned to the pole to eat lunch.  Opportunities had come his way. 

Hei-Hei, our tabby, crouched down on the windowsill, and watched him like a hawk while I sat on the love seat beside the cat, with binoculars glued on the Red-shouldered bird.

Soon it flew away again, but Hei-Hei stayed at his post, vigilant at the window.

I knew something was up.

This time, the 3rd visitation,  the hawk messenger had come even closer.  He now perched on a cable wire in front of our house, affording a wonderful photo op that became advent calendar door number 9 for Day 9.

So if you're reading this angel blog the hawk message is for you, too.  Get ready! Pay attention! A heavenly message is coming your way to help you fulfill your life's purpose.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Best Gift of Christmas: An Angel Message

Early one morning, feeling the call of the Christmas Spirit, the holiday decorations were hauled down from the attic, and my son and I got busy trimming the tree.  It wasn't long before Hei-Hei decided to help out. 

Hei-Hei, the Tree Trimmer

Crystal-like, orbed angels, too big for the tree, were hung in the living room window, on each side of the fireplace.  To our surprise, when the sun warmed up, the angels were beaming a joyful blessing.  A colorful splash of rainbows sparkled, dancing around the room!   

At noon, the angelic light show got even better.  

A colorful rainbow had landed on the tall Angel statue.  Its choice of location, unique.  An iris for an iris, I laughed. (Iris was once a word used to describe a rainbow.)  The large rainbow rested on the angel's left eye for quite a while.  Then faded away, leaving a powerful message of gratitude. 

 To keep thine eye so filled with light as to only reflect God's Love.

Later that day, Elliot and I stopped by a second-hand shop in town. Browsing through the Christmas decorations, my eye caught sight of this antique serving tray. It reminded me of an old-fashioned Christmas, a simpler time. I almost didn't buy it, but there was an inner feeling not to let it go.  I wasn't sure why.

At home, a closer look revealed how this Santa Claus was prepared to deliver the true Spirit of Christmas.  I saw how his big burlap backpack was overflowing with an abundance of little red hearts as he towered far above the forest of snow laced evergreen trees. Filled with a joyful Spirit, this  white bearded Santa, reached out with his arms opened wide to embrace all.  He was ready to deliver the best Christmas gift of all, to all. The gift of  LOVE.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Giant Snail Shell: An Angel Message

I've learned that you don't have to look hard for angel messages.  If we're supposed to see or find something helpful, it will naturally happen, as long as we keep an open mind, and a feeling of expectancy, having invited our loving angels to be with us.

 Last Sunday, I spotted something brown in the grass as Elliot and I were returning to the car, after enjoying a picnic lunch by the windy waters at Lake Helen.

At first, I thought it was only a plain brown leaf, but it had an unusual shine.  So I reached down to take a closer look.

WOW.  What a find!   A giant empty snail shell had been buried in the grassy dirt.

It was the biggest one I'd ever seen.  Holding the brown shiny spiral in my hand,  it was unlike the small white shells nestled in the sandy soil in our front yard. This big golden amber shell clearly stood out, of a different nature.  So much so, I wondered about the message.

Am I moving too slow in a really BIG way!? 

Later, I learned something from this little excavation.

A snail is born with a little piece of hard substance, it's that little circular spot in the center of its shell.  As the snail grows, the shell naturally adapts to the proper size, by wrapping a soft substance that hardens into a another layer of shell for protection.

The spiral pattern is a universal symbol.  Life goes round and round, in a repeating spiral, but hopefully we are expanding our consciousness and growing more and more in spirit in each go-round.  The lessons may appear to be the same old same old, as we wind around and around, but we are changing, we are not the same, we are getting stronger and better with each successive rotation. We are coming up higher.

Since Snail carries its shell on its back like a mobile trailer, wherever it goes, it finds itself at home.  Thankful to the angels, I brought this prized snail shell home.  It rests in a decorative planter in the meditation garden to remind me to enjoy the journey.

What angel signs are coming into focus in your life? 

Whatever they are, take it at your own pace.  Snail reminds us that it's not how fast or slow we move, eventually we all arrive at our destination.  Home.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

4444, O Thank Heaven for Angel Signs... Angel Message

Sitting at a stop light yesterday, I saw a lady walk by wearing  a shirt with angel wings on her back.  "That would make a good blog," Elliot said. Moving quickly, she was almost out of range as I fumbled for my phone camera.  At home, when I uploaded the photo, and magnified it on the screen, I could clearly see the bigger picture.  Angels wings, the number 4444, and the  7 ELEVEN sign that I know reads, O thank heaven for 7/ll.   I had a good laugh, putting the symbols together.

On-line, I learned about the symbolism of Angel number 4444:

"You have a very strong and clear connection
 with the angelic realm and are asked to use it
to your advantage, and for the benefit of others."

Another interpretation of  4444:  "A message of
faith to have confidence that you are on the right
spiritual path in your life."

And, just now finishing the blog, an angel thought reminded me that Elliot and I were at a STOP LIGHT, another nudge to practice patience when under the effects of H.A.L.T.  (Hungry, Angry, Lonely Tired).  Stop! Halt! Choose to ask your angels to help you maintain harmony and peace. Everything is either Love, or a call for love.

What fun when we listen to our angels and begin to see the world through a more expansive and uplifting lens.  Enjoy your day with the Angels and embrace your strong connection with the heavenly realm.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

Friday, November 29, 2019

Cattle Egret on HALT: An Angel Message

Okay, there are signs, and then, there are signs.  Timing is everything.  And, some angel messages seem more deliberate than others.  This morning I had a good laugh at a rare sight.  This animated white cattle egret was not in its usual milieu, a cow pasture.  A place where it typically shops for bugs and other pests. 

Instead, he was making a spectacle of himself in the busy grocery store parking lot.  Posing on a  car parked near ours, his radiant white image was mirrored on the shiny hood of a maroon car. 

Hoping, he wouldn't fly away, I knew this could be an angel blog and asked for their help. 

As I zoomed in on his snowy feathers, I noticed the red STOP in the sunlight. 

Something was up.  The last angel blog had featured the symbolism of a STOP sign, as well as the acronym for HALT.  A remedy for keeping peace during the holidays.

Now, here a cattle egret was driving the message home again to HALT.

Whenever we are feeling Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired (H.A.L.T.),   STOP! HALT! before reacting and losing our peace. The ego strikes when we are most vulnerable, so beware of its tactics and choose to step back, pause, regroup, and stay centered.  Ask to see peace instead of the looming upset.  Everything is either love, or a call for Love, except in the ego's judgment.

I was thankful to the Angels for another Heads up!

Later, a little research revealed why these birds make such good cow companions.  The cattle egrets are attracted to insects.  As the cows move through the field to graze, they stir up the bugs in the pasture. The cow egret can then easily scoop up a big meal of pests with little effort.

I learned a new word about their symbiotic relationship. It's called commensalism which literally means to eat at the same table.  It's a win-win.  What benefits one, benefits the other.  They work well as a team.  As do we when we invite the angels to join us on our daily walk in gratitude for our heavenly companions.

Enjoy your day with the Angels. 

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

(photo:  web)

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

HALT! Stop! In the Name of Love An Angel Message

The stop sign symbol shown here conveys a quick message without words.  At a glance, it warns the driver to pay attention.   Slow down.  A stop sign is up ahead.

With the holidays coming up, this photo brings to mind a helpful message.  Recently, I heard a minister say that we are most susceptible to an ego attack when we are:


The first letters of each  symptom spell the word H.A.L.T.  Halt!  Stop!  

It's true.  Patience runs thin when our physical bodies are unhappy.  We are tempted to react and take the bait.  That's when it's important to stay vigilant.   Try hard to remain silent when it is not necessary to speak.

Taking this photo today, I noticed again the bold directional arrow above the red STOP symbol points upward.

A signal for me to STOP before reacting.  To look up, and take the high view of whatever it is that is tempting me to disturb my peace.  Everything is either Love.  Or, a call for Love.   By asking the Holy Spirit's help to see peace instead of the grievance at hand, peace will come, but I must be willing to slow down and yield my own need to be right.  It only takes a little willingness, but the effort is well worth the outcome. Harmony.

In closing, the 60's Hit by the Supremes just came to mind.   "Stop! in the Name of Love!"

Wishing you a joyful, loving, peaceful and abundant Thanksgiving!

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen


Sunday, November 24, 2019

God is in the Details: An Angel Message

When a ladybug appears, it always brings a message of joy.  Everything in the universe is connected by an invisible loving thread.  This became more apparent when a bright red ladybug flew into my mail box this week.  Closely looking at the postcard from Germany, I spotted the heart-shaped dots on its back.  The colorful ladybug's reflection brought to mind an unusual blessing that had recently happened out of the blue.  

Elliot and I had been sitting on a bench by the St. Augustine Inlet at Our Lady of La Leche Mission. A 208' monumental cross marks America's first Christian mission settlement, dating back to the 1500's. 

Enjoying the peaceful view, I happened to notice a little black spot on Elliot's arm.  Unsure as to what it was, he gently picked it up and turned it right side up.   

A closer look revealed a touch of sadness, as we stared at a lifeless little ladybug.

Not wanting to give up on our little love messenger, I softly spoke life affirming words to it as I  placed my thumb beside it on Elliot's hand. 

To our delight, those lifeless little legs began to move!  It crawled onto my thumb and stayed there! 

A warm feeling of gratitude and contentment washed over me as I watched it resting on my thumb.  I saw there were only two bright red spots on its dark shiny wings.  Ladybugs are reminiscent of my earthly mother, Mary,  now in heaven, and our beloved Mother Mary, Queen of the Angels.  

Watching over my ladybug visitor, I suddenly got the message.   

A red spot of love on each black wing represented both mothers who had lovingly been by my side during a season of visual darkness, giving me faith and courage.        

After a wonderfully long five minute communion of hearts, our dear angel messenger gracefully spread her wings and launched off of my thumb.  It was time to go.  What joy to watch her fly free in the sunshine, merrily on the way to spread more love and cheer. 

How comforting to know that Love heals all things.  Whatever comes, comes to pass, not to stay.  Divine Love is always with us in the midst of trials and tests.  Choosing love over fear, brings peace and healing, and makes room for God to shine through in the details.  God is Love. 

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

Friday, November 22, 2019

Unexpected Gifts: Angel Message

I'm so thankful to be learning more and more about the blessings of spontaneity, by just letting the day gently unfold. Being nudged by loving angel thoughts, not my own concrete planning.

 Late Wednesday afternoon while visiting the old city of St. Augustine, Elliot and I decided to make an impromptu drive across the bridge to Vilano Beach.  It's a quiet beach with little traffic, a throw-back to simpler times.   Looking out at the expansive sea, with its constant tides was like a homecoming.   I could breathe deeply, watching the white capped waves roll into the sandy shore, one after another. 

 A flock of cute little  brown and white sandpipers, on long stick-like legs, scurried along the shoreline, dodging the watery fingers of the incoming tide. Single minded on the goal, their long black beaks penetrated the wet sand foraging for dinner.  Their efforts paid off.   Food was plentiful.   

To my delight, something else had arrived in plenty.  Seashells!  Whole and perfect, a rare treat, waiting to be collected in one small sandy area.   The late afternoon sun glistened making each shell a treasure. Never has seashell collecting been so effortless.   And, I hadn't planned on looking for shells.  But there they were, as if they had been a special gift from the sea.  

But it gets even better, the spontaneity thing.  

Because the next day, on a whim, we returned to Vilano Beach for one last look at the ocean before returning home.  As we climbed up the steps to the wooden lookout bench, I couldn't believe what I saw on the deck by the railing. 

Two pure white Angelwing shells!  Beautifully detailed by nature,  they come astonishingly close to how we imagine the wings of  an angel.  My heart warmed at the gift, some human angel had so thoughtfully delivered.  

Smiling, I gently picked up the delicate beautiful shells, with such a joyful feeling that angels are guiding. They are real celestial beings.  Although they are unseen, they do not go unnoticed.  The pair of Angelwings felt like a sign of good things to come. 

Angelwing Shells - 11/20/19

 Isn't it wonderful to understand that unseen loving angels are here to guide, protect, and help us to grow spiritually on this adventure called Life.  It's thankfully rewarding to listen and allow life to unfold moment by moment. What spontaneous angel thoughts are whispering to you today?

Hei-Hei looking over the stash

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen   

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Change in Plans: An Angel Message

When the chill of winter hit Florida this week, early one morning, Elliot and I answered the call to head for Blue Springs to see the manatees!  An angel message had prompted me to be spontaneous that day.  Step out of the same old routine.   The big gentle manatees migrate into the warm springs only when the St. John River gets too cold.  In hopes of seeing them, we changed our plans in midstream and took a detour to the state park, rather than grocery shop. 

At the admissions gate, we learned the park had counted 138 manatees in Blue Springs that morning.  And the best part was there were very few visitors as we made our way to the lookout deck. The manatee is one of the gentlest water mammals.  It has a streamlined body, full around the middle, and narrows to a paddle shaped tail.   

The cool air, soft breeze and still aqua spring waters were ripe with many adult manatees (10 to 13 feet long).  Motionless, they were resting in the warm springs.  One big mama floated by with her baby on her back.  

At first, the pod was very still, resting under water, intermittently coming up for air.   I asked the angels to help me get a photo.   To my surprise, the waters soon stirred, as you can see here, and things got a little more lively.
Then the Springs manatee specialist and the artist who keeps a record of each one and their markings showed up in a bright red canoe.  

The gang gathered, curious, as to what these two were up to!

A volunteer at the Springs, stood beside me on the deck. In the stillness, there was a gentle hush of peace and tranquility.  The hectic pace of the world seemed far away.  Looking out at the springs  I thought I saw a rare sight.  A dolphin!  My new park nature friend pointed out it was a manatee. He was eating the resurrection ferns on a tree.  Manatees are non-aggressive, non-territorial herbivores.  The ferns are brown and look dead, but become lush green plants when nourished by the rain. 

Resurrection fern!    I laughed, respecting his hardy appetite. The only manatee in the crowd, coming up to munch down.

 I had learned something new.  The old camphor tree in our backyard sprouts little green ferns on its long lanky limbs after a rain.  Now, I knew the name, and liked the thought of resurrection energy at work in our favorite old tree.

In Animal-Wise, Ted Andrew writes manatees represent trust, gentleness, and trust in others to do the right thing.  The waters are home to these gentle creatures and man must be respectful when boating on the rivers. We have a responsibility and relationship to nature. 

When manatees show up, we may be looking at things too closely or not closely enough.  A reminder to step back and clear our vision from time to time. 

It was a fun morning at the park and a wonderful reminder that no matter what we may be going through, the story isn't over yet.  Resurrection is in the wings, we just have to clear our vision and resurface to receive the blessing.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen  

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Gift of a Rose: An Angel Message

Last week, I was out in the garden with the hose providing some much needed TLC.  From across the way, I noticed a single red knockout rosebud about to bloom.  The other rose bushes have long shed their delicate blossoms, but here this joyful little messenger was radiating a gift of love.   It may seem rather silly but in that instant, I felt the loving touch of my mother, Mary.  She loved roses and her front yard had many fragrant rose bushes that she tended well.  Funny thing was earlier that day I was really missing her, something that I thought had been healed. 

In joy, I smiled, feeling the power of love, it never dies, but blooms forever in our hearts.  When I returned to take a photo the next day, the little red rose was bursting in full glory.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Look for little touches of love to brighten your day.

Joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

Sunday, November 3, 2019

A Call for Love: An Angel Message

Sometimes a drive out in the country helps to clear your head.  The daily news takes its toll even if you try to keep it at a small dose.  Prayer and meditation are important.  Another remedy can be helpful.   Step away, and be still.  Do something different.  Take a break from your problems and just be, thankful.

Yesterday afternoon, Elliot and I stopped by the rural orchid farm to say hello to our donkey friend.  Sometimes things run hot; other times, cold, or just plain lukewarm.  I'll admit when Alahambre came to see us at the fence, some of my old fears had returned.  His enormous mouth, big teeth and steady gaze made me a little uneasy. 

 Elliot stepped right up and reached over the fence, patting the burrow, and talking lovingly.  When he was done,  I held back, not trusting. 

His enormous face turned my way.  With big brown eyes he seemed to say, "Now it's your turn."
I looked at him and had to smile.  His loving spirit was so eager and open, before long I was stroking his brow, and whispering sweet words as I gently picked the sticky burrs off his back. 

A funny thing happened as I was walking toward the purple lotus pond to see the Koi fish.  He kept pace with me, walking along the other side of a wire fence.  As I moved away from him, I heard one of those painfully long woeful HEE-HAWS! 

His call was so loud that it shattered the serenity of the orchid farm. 

I turned to see him. 

What a heartbreaking call for LOVE.  With nostrils flared, ears pinned back, baring his front teeth, he was in high-gear. 

It may seem strange to say what I felt in that moment.  My heart melted.  He really does love me!  I thought, in amazement, wondering why.

What could I do, but return to the fence, reach out, and answer the Call for Love.  I gave  him another warm friendly "I love you, too" pats on the head.  And, all was well.

LOVE is the answer.

Is there someone who needs a LOVE pat from you today?

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

photo:  Our donkey friend at Orchid Farm 11/2/19

Thursday, October 31, 2019

A Treat at the Backdoor: An Angel Message

Coming home, as I reached the backdoor, what a surprise!  Seven blooms on the wild buttercup plant!  The most yet.  As you can see the plant is still growing strong, thriving in the crack at the doorstep.  Through all kinds of weather, she has gained strength, branching out and reaching up for the light.  A good message for us all in these challenging times.  Against all odds, with Christ's love, we have what it takes to persevere and grow through adversity to victory.  It just takes a little faith...the size of a mustard seed.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen 


Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Molting! A Revolting Development: An Angel Message

In late August, while sitting on a bench at the Fountain of Youth Park in St. Augustine, I wondered where all the peacocks were?  It was a late summer afternoon, with a soft breeze coming in from the inlet. 

Peacocks always brighten my day so I quietly asked the angels, if we were supposed to see one, it would just show up.  On our last visit, in May, there had been quite a party of exquisite fanning peacocks to help celebrate my birthday.

The angels were at work because before long, a lone peacock appeared in the parking lot.  I was thankful for the sighting.  Elliot and I curiously watched as it busily pecked in between the shiny grill work on a parked SUV.  

Elliot joked. He's doing a maintenance check  Oil. Washer fluid.   

Amused, I wondered if it was a way to sharpen his beak.

What happened next caught me by surprise.  

A sightseeing trolley, packed with tourists, pulled up in the parking lot.  The driver/guide spotted the alpha peacock, who had since moved away from the car.  

Through the trolley loudspeaker, the tour guide told the visitors that the peacocks were in molting season.  They were shedding their showy train of feathers, but they would regrow in time for mating season in the spring. 

So, now I had the answer as to why these beauties were few and far between.  I had no idea that the peacocks lost their beautiful tail feathers each year. 

Another lesson was forming, though.  

A lesson to watch what you put out there, because it will come right back in your face!  

What that driver said next, got my dander up! 

His boisterous voice rang out from the loudspeaker, "Peacocks are about the dumbest birds around!"  He shared a personal story about an experience he had one day.  While waiting for a tour group, he had watched that stupid alpha peacock attack its own reflection.  It had pecked away at a car bumper for over an hour.  "How STUPID is that?" He bellowed.   

I wanted to jump up off the park bench, and speak favor over these exotic birds, but I didn't.  

He went on to brag how he had shouted at that alpha peacock, calling it names. "STUPID! DUMB! YOU'RE PART OF THE PHEASANT FAMILY, AND LIKE YOUR ANCESTORS, YOU WOULD MAKE A DELICIOUS MEAL!" He laughed.

That apparently did it! The peacock sprang into action, squawking LOUD!  It flew up on the hood of the trolley car, pecking at it.    

I had compassion for all of those visitors on vacation, especially for those on a once-in-a-lifetime visit to St. Augustine. They had gotten an earful.   Elliot and I watched with a sigh of relief as that menacing driver pulled out of the parking lot, proud as a peacock, hauling a train full of wide-eyed tourists. 

What a trip!

We are teaching all of the time.  And, this was one of those instances that speaks so clearly the lesson it conveys.  I asked the angels for patience and forgiveness.  

After the trolley had gone, peace returned and I softly called to the peacock.  I told him that he was not stupid, and that he was a beautiful gift from God. And, to ignore what that driver had said about him.  We loved him. God loved him.

To my surprise, the peacock came close to the bench, and peeked through a leafy branch.  His train was bedraggled, missing the 6-ft long feathery turquoise eyelet quills.  But, he was still beautiful to me, and a messenger to stay watchful for my own thoughts and actions.  Am I bringing more love to the world, or not.  Am I wasting precious time pecking away at myself, not recognizing the mirror of my own excessive self-absorbed actions.  That what I perceive as an attack from another is only an unhealed aspect of myself? 

Watchfulness is the keyword of the peacock because of its many feathery eyes.  Autumn is a time of turning, a season to willingly let go of the old to make way for the new.  Like the trees and the peacocks, shed what no longer works, and joyfully look forward to a springtime resurrection.

Molting Peacock - Fountain of Youth
Enjoy your day with the Angels!

Love and joyful blessings!

Rae Karen

Peacock in Molting Season at local Rehab

Monday, October 7, 2019

Tortoise On the Move: An Angel Message

Yesterday while on a drive to the lake, this huge old tortoise crossed the road in the town of Lake Helen. Excitedly, I whipped out my phone camera, amazed at how fast those short little legs were making tracks over the grassy field. 

Elliot laughed, reminding me that the tortoise won the race with the over-confident hare.  Rarely do we see turtles, especially an enormous, ancient-looking tortoise traveling the road, with years and years of experience. With his house on his back, he is always at home, wherever he goes. 

 Our fellow journeyer, seemed to say, Keep on moving toward the goal, doing your best day by day, and you will be victorious.   If the odds seem against you, whatever you do, don't give up! With God all things are possible.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Out of Gas: An Angel Message

Recently an angel postcard came in the mail from a new postcrossing friend in Germany.  She interpreted the German quote for me.


In life, there are 
sometimes moments
when a person
comes to meet us,
as an angel, to
help us or to speak
a word that will remain
   --Dan Lindholm

Sometimes an opportunity comes along, out of the blue, to be an angel for someone.  It's not always convenient, but well worth the effort.  Several years ago, Elliot and I were walking around downtown, enjoying a leisurely afternoon.  A man in his twenties approached us asking for a gas can.  His car had run out of gas in the NO PARKING ZONE on busy New York Avenue and he was afraid he'd get a ticket.

We suggested he try the nearby hardware store.

 "I don't have enough money to get a new one."  He said, before walking away.

Something didn't feel quite right as Elliot and I returned to the parking lot, leaving him alone to solve his problem.  But neither of us had felt a strong nudge to go the extra mile. Just as I was about to get into our car, another man walked by wearing a JUST DO IT! T-shirt.

Recognizing an angel assignment, we set out on a mission, and drove by his parked car.  We had plans to return home,  get our gas can, fill it up at the station, and he'd be on the move.  Only he wasn't there by his car. We went on with our plans anyway, but when we stopped by again, he still wasn't anywhere around. 

It seemed like a lost cause, but then an angel thought said, just be patient, so we waited.  Minutes passed, and I tried to send him a mental message to return to his car.  His problem had been solved.

Time passed, with no sign of him.  Another angel thought prompted me to affirm: "Divine Mind (God) knows where this young man is."

I listened for guidance.  An idea came to me.  Go to The Christian Science Reading Room across the street.  My  friend was working the desk that afternoon. Maybe she had seen him?

 Guidance was correct.  The young man had stopped there for help.  She had given him some money and a container for gas.  He had headed for the nearest gas station several blocks away.  We drove up to the gas station to give him a ride, but he was no where to be seen en route or there.

The word "Patience" kept coming to us.  Don't give up. 

So once again, we returned to his empty vehicle to wait.   Before long, he showed up, carrying a can of gas.  With a surprised grin, he gladly added our contribution to the fuel tank, grateful that he now had enough fuel to get home.

The angels guided me to ask him,  "Do you believe in angels?"

He nodded.

It seemed important for him to realize that he is never truly alone.  "Angels  nudged us to help you today." I told him. 

He gave us a big smile. 

Recently, he'd been released from the hospital. He lifted his shirt to reveal the stitch marks across his back that came from a bad car accident. He almost died and was in a coma for quite while, but now he was so thankful for a new lease on life.

It turned out his name is Michael.   I told him about Archangel Michael, the powerful Archangel whose name means Who is Like God?  The protective warrior Archangel who helps every seeker on the path to fulfill their life purpose by removing obstacles in the way.

He looked surprised, as if no one had ever spoken to him like this.  He smiled and said, he'd been to church for the very first time last week.

I was so thankful to the angels for the message to be patient and not quit in the middle of an angelic assignment.

So today why not be open to ways to be as an angel to help or speak a word that will express Divine Love.

Enjoy your day with the Angels!

Rae Karen

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Butterfly Effect: An Angel Message

I always ask the angels to lead me to what I need to find as I run my errands.  At our local library last week, they guided me to a wonderful book.  It was tucked inside a wicker basket along with other little inspirational books for sale.  The cover of a butterfly cut-out taken from a map of the world caught my eye.   The Butterfly Effect, How Your Life Matters. 

Fascinated, I read about the scientific explanation of "the butterfly effect".  It goes something like this.  A butterfly could flaps its wings and set molecules of air in motion, which would move other molecules of air, in turn moving more molecules of air--eventually capable of starting a hurricane on the other side of the planet.

The author, Andy Andrews, writes about how Science has shown the butterfly effect to engage with the first movement of any form of matter-- including people.  The butterfly effect has been promoted to the status of a law, known as The Law of Sensitive Dependence Upon Initial Conditions.  

In other words,

Every single
thing you do

"By your hand, millions--billions--of lives will be altered,
caught up in a chain of events by you this day.

Do I make a difference?

When I move...
when I act...
when I do something...

does the universe notice?


To quote some powerful inspirational truths about you from this book:

You have been created as one of a kind.

On the planet Earth, there has never been one like you...and there never will be again.

Your spirit, your thoughts and feelings, your ability to reason and act all exist in no one else.

The rarities that make you special are no mere accident or quirk of fate.


That's quite a wake-up call, don't you think?  So why not celebrate your life as a gift to all you meet in both thought and deed today.  Believe in Yourself (like the tag on this butterfly blouse says!) You make a world of difference by your every action so choose wisely.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Give Peace a Chance: An Angel Message

Ever notice the timing of things?  How something may catch your eye...and, there is a vague zsst or an angel buzz, that signals it is meant for you. The why factor may not be clear at the time, but on a deeper level, you know, so you buy it.   

That's what happened when I came across this old black and white photo postcard of John Lennon.  It was tucked inside a vintage box of old cards at the local antique store.  John Lennon making the peace sign at the Statue of Liberty was a reminder for me to give peace a chance.

Last year when the international call went out to send postcards to Dusseldorf, Germany in celebration of their world peace mission, I spent several days looking for a meaningful card.  Little did I know I already had the perfect card. An angel must have tapped me on the shoulder.  So John traveled with the Statue of Liberty and joined thousands of other postcards celebrating peace that were posted on their giant bulletin board.

"Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me."

Enjoy your day with the Angels!  Look for the happy things of God's Love to come to you.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen