Friday, July 28, 2023

Hee-Haw, A New Neighbor!

 We have a new donkey friend, a neighbor up the street.  I love donkeys, and the drive to the Orchid Ranch to visit our favorite burrow is ten miles away. Not that Alahambre isn't worth going the distance.

But it is a real treat to have a juvenile donkey in the neighborhood. The first time Elliot and I saw this young Jerusalem donkey, he was focused intently on a goal. Food.  With his long snout poked through the mesh wire, he tried to snag a hardy weed outside the border. 

 We welcomed him with a fanfare of love, and he stopped weeding, stood up straight, and took a good, long look at us.  Our eyes were locked in a gaze that seemed to go far beyond time and space.

  Then, the energy shifted in a surprising long drawn out BRAY!  An overflowing burst of heartfelt cheer. 


Imagine how wonderful the world would be if we met each other eye to eye at the heart level. 

For fun, I looked up the symbolism.  "Be wise but humble in a new opportunity.  People are noticing you so you don't need to promote yourself.  Stubbornness can hinder."  

 And, I can't forget our dear old friend, Alahambre, who taught me to choose love over fear and not be afraid to pet his welcoming snout.  Love is always the answer. 

Enjoy your day with the Angels.  The best is yet to be. 

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

Ref.  Animal-Speak Pocket Guide, Ted Andrews

Friday, July 21, 2023

Our Story Begins Here: An Angel Message

The morning began in a whirl.  I suddenly found myself sweeping the back porch, moving furniture, plants, knick-knacs in an enthusiastic burst of energy.  The area was charged with a new lease on life.  After lunch, a quick run to Dollar General for cleaning supplies turned up a one-of-a-kind surprise.  While rolling my cart down an aisle, an angel thought popped in.   

Look for a new door mat for the porch entrance.  

I was glad I listened.  At the bottom of the heap, I found the last one.  A heavy-duty welcome mat with a bold faced angel message. OUR STORY BEGINS HERE. 

OUR STORY BEGINS HERE.  I laughed at a needed heavenly reminder.  I will experience what I carry with me out into the world. "Love is reflected in love." 

I hold the pen in the Book of Life today... A fresh clean page...ready to be filled.   If my story is negative, centered on fear and anger, drama will play a leading role.  If my tale is focused on love,  joy, peace, harmony, and gratitude that's what I'll get.   Grace will appear in amazing creative ways that delight the soul.

Each day is filled with blessings.  And, as I open the door, I will invite my guardian angel to help me live the best story for today.     

Enjoy your day as you step out with your guardian angels.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen


Thursday, July 20, 2023

While You Are Waiting: An Angel Message

 Cranes and storks are symbolic of new life.  Waiting can be one of the hardest things to do but I'm learning to let go and just appreciate each moment in gratitude.  I didn't realize how far I'd come until earlier this week.  On our way to the grocery store, Elliot stopped off at Ace Hardware to grab an item while I waited in the car.  A beautiful clear morning, I took in the sights around me.  Our local store has heart...a spindly tree in the parking lot is decorated with bird feeders.  I happened to look up at the tree top and was surprised to see the profile of a sandhill crane carved naturally by the tree itself!  The narrow large beak, big eyes and elongated neck seemed like an answer to a prayer as I've been on a quest to find unusual trees. 

A blanket of peace enfolded me...and I lost track of the time.  Two little wrens landed on the feeder, keeping me entertained.

Elliot was surprised to find me at peace as he apologized for taking so long.  The cashier was hung up on the computer, and so he, too, had an opportunity to practice peace and patience.

Enjoy your day with the angels.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Little Armored One: An Angel Message

This morning, after last night's storm, a rare and hungry visitor appeared by the driveway.  An armadillo!  Clad in a suit of armor, like the knight in days of old, he sniffed and clawed the ground in search of bugs. I was yet to learn he can smell a bug six inches below the ground.  His striped bony plated tail circled round the old oak tree.

Years since an armadillo stopped by,  I  grabbed my camera to get a photo of this deliberate messenger.  Quickly he scurried to the other side of the fence and blended with the shady vegetation.  I snapped the camera, the lens steamy, and the shadows made him invisible.   It seemed like a missed opportunity.   Do you want to be in the angel blog? I cheerfully called out, but he was on a mission.  Rather than give up, a thought came to ask the angels for help.  My ego chided, a waste of time.  But to my delight, that armored little critter soon peeked out from the backside of the tree, and came forward in the sunlight. Still sniffing, but I got a picture to share.  Not the best, but proof that I'd seen him, and angelic help is present. 

  Armadillo is Spanish for "little armored one."  A burrowing animal whose armor is a shield on its back.  It teaches how to protect yourself and when to let your defenses down. They can protect without causing undue harm to others.  When one appears it represents personal protection, discrimination, and empathy. 

As far as protection goes, isn't it wonderful that Psalm 91 assures angel protection for all who dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High. God's angels will guard and protect us in all of our ways, but we must be willing to abide in that higher consciousness of divine Love.   Our lower mind loves to sniff around here and there, digging deep for pests and feed on drama.  

Remember you are never alone.  You are in the company of your guardian angel. The best is yet to be.

Love, peace, and joy,

Rae Karen


Wednesday, July 12, 2023

A Label Checker: An Angel Message

Early Monday morning, I jumped out of bed, feeling unusually energetic.  Grocery shopping day... I  dug through the closet for something to wear.  At the far end of the dark closet, I found my mother's forgotten electric pink moo moo lavished in sequins.  I'd saved it many years ago for a beach cover up. Happy to have a touch of Mom's playfulness in hand, I held up the bright loose smock, asking Elliot, "Would you mind if I wore this to the grocery store with you?"   I was playfully testing him to see if he was paying attention.  

Half-asleep, he mumbled, If you want to...  

The bright happy colors reminded me of Mom although the moo moo wasn't quite a fit for my early morning mood.  Missing Mom something awful in that moment, I was about to return it to the closet, when an angel thought prompted, Check the label.  

I can't describe the overwhelming rush of JOY I felt when I read the words:   "Just Love"... FREE SIZE."   

WoW!  Sudden tears filled my eyes with such gratitude. I needed that simple message. It's the answer to every problem.    Just Love.


 Love fits all sizes...

Enjoy your day with the angels, and I'm reminded that JUST LOVE  is tagged on my garment of flesh wherever I am.   


Love, peace, and JOY,


Rae Karen 

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Do A Little Good Today: An Angel Message


Subliminally, angel messages may appear while doing the mundane, like brushing my teeth.  The other day the bold words on the minty green toothpaste caught my eye.  DO A LITTLE GOOD TODAY.  

But while brushing my teeth, I gave it only a passing thought. There are many little ways to do good, but my mind was racing though the day. And, it wasn't until this photo was uploaded, I could now see smaller encouraging signs on the tube. DOING GOOD EVERYDAY.  SMALL STEPS.  BRIGHT SMILES.  Wonderful reminders to start a new day if we stop long enough to think about it. 

Yesterday, an unexpected opportunity to do a little good appeared.  It happened on the drive home, a narrow road between two small lakes. Up ahead, around the bend ... something flat and brown was motionless in the middle of the road. Mistaking it for a paper bag, we drove by.  But, an angel message whispered, it could be a turtle.   

Elliot blocked the road from any possible oncoming cars, while I got out to help.   Now, I've only helped a turtle once by actually picking it up. In the past, I'd take a leafy branch and try to coax it across the road.   But little steps add up, so I'm learning, and yesterday I was surprised by my own reaction.   

A closer look revealed a round flat turtle, medium-sized turtle.  It hugged the pavement so tight, I hoped it was alive.  

Tentatively but quickly reaching down, I told myself,  you can do this.  Sensing my vibration, his  logger head popped out of a round flat shell. He was alive.  Two big brown eyes, and a strange nose, oddly shaped like a long tube, turned to look up at me, as if to say, what's up with you?

My heart was light as I reassured him, I was making sure he safely got to the other side before a car came.   

The next thing I knew, I had hold of his damp, moist shell, near the rear, to escape any wild snapping. The touch of that slippery shell was different from a dry dusty gopher tortoise.   I let out a nervous laugh as he sprung into action. Legs kicking, lunging forward, making tracks in the air, while I tried not to lose my grip in a mad dash across the road.     

The race was won.  I sat him down in the green grass by the marshy wetland.  The direction he was heading when spotted on the road.  Soon he moved on, satisfied to be back on familiar ground.  And, so did we, happy to do a little good today.  

And, I learned something new about the turtle, as well as myself.   The water turtle's unusual nose serves as an underwater breathing tube. He is equipped to survive in his environment.   No doubt those paddle-like legs were happy to be off the road and back into the swim of life again. 

DO A LITTLE GOOD TODAY.  SMALL STEPS.  BRIGHT SMILES.   The angels love to serve, and serve us well, bringing peace, love, joy, protection, inspiration, and direction.  With the angels by our side, life is rich with fresh visions and experiences beyond measure. We can be their assistants and do a  little good each day.   The best is yet to come. Love always makes a way.

 Love and peace,

Rae Karen