Last Friday not only did we get a blessing from Earl veering away from the beach but I was also able to do my angel lecture at the ARE. All agreed that prayer and meditation helped redirect the hurricane's path. Friends who are gifted with second sight could see the different healing modalities used to calm the storm as more and more souls gathered in prayerful meditation.
I received another blessing that afternoon. With time to spare before my angel talk, I was nudged to visit the library on the second floor. One of the largest metaphysical libraries in the world, I'm not the only person who has noticed how the perfect book
happens to make it into one's hands. The library also takes book donations for resale to supplement their budget. Because of the storm threat that day, the book tables were covered with plastic tarps in case of a leaky ceiling. Lifting one of the covers, I found
Angel Crossing by Susan Kaney tucked underneath. Jayne Howard, author of
Communing with Angels, had written the foreword. I smiled, reading of her encouragement to read and re-read Psalm 91. It was Psalm 91 that helped me get enough courage to step out and start speaking on the angels. So, I bought the book and sat down in the rocking chair passing the time before the lecture.
Now I've read lots of books on angels, but this one was by far the best. The purity of the messages touched a deep wellspring in my soul and I found myself teary eyed, reading what I know as the truth about God and the Angels.
Angel Crossing tells of a five day hike in the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina and a chance meeting with an Angel. While the book may seem fictional, it compacts over 25 years of Susan's genuine spiritual experiences into a five day story. This fast read (158 pages) takes you on an unforgettable journey that can't help but open your heart to God's unconditional love.
The book written in 2000 is available on
Wishing you a joyful day with your Angels.