Monday, May 29, 2023

In Honor of Memorial Day

Angel with Soldier (Wikimedia Commons)

For he shall give his angels charge over thee in all thy ways.
They shall lift thee up lest thy dash thy foot against a stone.
            Psalm 91:11

There are many stories about soldiers who were assisted by the angelic realm during the time of battle.  Archangel Michael helped Joan of Arc win independence for France.  Often, in conflict, there are testimonies about the power of praying Psalm 91; a protection guarantee that comes to those who keep their consciousness in the spiritual realm, and embrace the inspiration of angels.  The secret place of the most high is not a physical place, but a state of mind.  His loving angels accompany us wherever we go. 
I share this Prayer for the Armed Forces from a Memorial Day program years ago.

"Angels before you guide and direct you.
Angels behind you watch over and bless you.
Angels beside you care for, comfort, and
strengthen you.

The Light of God surround you
The Love of God enfold you
The Power of God protect you
The Divine Presence of God be with you.
The Peace of God be in your heart.
Wherever you are, God is and all is well."

Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, gave an interesting reading for a young man who miraculously survived a close brush with death on the battlefield in World War I. Although wounded, the man was physically helped off the battlefield by an angel. The man later asked about the meaning of this angelic encounter in a reading with Edgar Cayce.

"In the angel stooping on the field, in the walking through the garden with the shadow...the entity was being guided, or guarded, or protected, that that as had been promised from the foundations of the world would be to each individual, "If ye will be my people I will be thy God." He that walketh in the light, and purposes in his heart to do, be that which the Creative Forces would have one be, shall not be left alone! for...His arm, His hand, will direct thy ways." 
In his book, Cayce on Angels, Archangels, and Unseen Forces, Robert Grant writes that God's arm and hand in that particular reading are the angels who are our constant companions and guardians throughout life.
Today let us honor the brave soldiers who serve or have served in our Armed Forces as well as all the guardian angels who serve right along beside them who helped America win and maintain her freedom.
Thank you, Dad.

Peace and love,

Rae Karen


Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Snail Mail, Special Delivery! An Angel Message

Early this morning imagine my surprise when snail mail literally arrived at our front door.  Special delivery. This week's soggy weather had soaked the area with much needed rain. Returning home from the Farmers' Market, coming up the sidewalk, I stopped in my tracks. 

A super-sized slug posted on the concrete floor near the hole by the bench.   

Slugs are mostly considered slow and lazy, not the brightest greeting from the angels to start a damp day.  His long gray body had vertical racing stripes. I hoped a sign he was ready for the fast track. 

But I had misjudged this humble messenger.  I had forgotten a slug symbolizes movement toward the light, increasing fertility, and divination. 

More research revealed the slug is a member of the snail family, but has no shell. The slug was an ancient divination tool often considered sacred.  Its slimy trail offered guidance in the direction of life decisions.  

It turns out the shape of the slug is associated with the letter yud in the Hebrew alphabet. Yud is the most important letter as every letter is comprised of yuds.  

There was more good news.  When a slug appears, it's a sign we're opening to receive higher vision.  A new path is opening up to stimulate a greater commitment to spiritual life.  We're setting energy into motion that proclaims to the universe: "I am ready to accept change in my life!"

I looked at the slug with fresh vision.  The first slug that's come to visit in years.  And, best of all, the slug's appearance is a reminder we will soon recognize and realize the illumination that is always present within us.  Light.  With all the global challenges as well as personal trials, it's comforting to realize that we are each moving through darkness into the light of a new path. 

Many slugs are excellent climbers.  This unexpected ability signals that we can often do much more than we may have thought physically and spiritually possible.  Trust that you are more than you presently know or understand. 

I was grateful for the positive messages from the angels. Later, I looked out to see if he was still around, but he had moved on...toward the light.  Keep shining.  The best is yet to be.

Love and peace,


Rae Karen

(Animal-Wise- Ted Andrews)

Sunday, May 21, 2023

LUV is in the Air: An Angel Message

Something amusing popped up last week that caught me by surprise.  A little sign that drove home a loving lesson on how our angels provide inspiration to refresh our soul and change the atmosphere of our thinking with a scent of heaven, just when needed the most.  

It happened on our early morning weekly run to the farmers' market.  We parked on the grassy shoulder not far from the Fair Grounds' entrance.  As I got out of the car, someone had littered the ground with a slew of cardboard pastel round lids. They reminded me of the pull lids on little Dixie Ice-cream cups served at my grade-school cafeteria.  A favorite.  

Curious, I went over to pitch them.  Imagine my surprise as I read the bold, bright forecast. "LUV is in the air.

A zsst of energy charged me.

 I laughed, "LUV is in the air." The playfulness and timing of angels.   LUV is in the air.   PERIOD. No room for ifs, ands, or buts...

Repeated 7 times as I picked up each colorful disk, feeling lighter.  Seven is the number of perfection and completion.

"LUV is in the air."   

Those angelic upbeat colorful reminders now dangle from the cabinet knobs above my desk, and on the window latches--you name it.  LUV is in the air.    

A heavenly weather forecast that never changes, but I must remember to attune to it. 

Hei-Hei played with the strings as I took a photo.  LUV in the air.

A few days later the message was reinforced again, making sure I got it.  We had arrived at a store too early, mistaking the opening time.  While waiting in the car, I happened to look at the car parked beside us. LUV is in the air dangled from the rear-view mirror.  The angels are talking to you. Elliot laughed.  The timing was amazing.  We'd never heard of LUV Car Wash, and you can't make these things happen. But, I realized that LUV is in the air is an air freshener!

Who doesn't need a reminder that LOVE is in the air, especially when driving down life's highway during rush hour?

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

Saturday, May 20, 2023

The Wood Stork's Sweet Communication: An Angel Message

 The other day I had a sweet tooth near a local bakery on the way home.  As I stood in line to order a chocolate chip cookie, Elliot motioned to me to look around the corner.  What kind of bird is this!

A large Wood Stork was pacing by the drive-thru window, waiting for service!  I could relate.

A first -- I laughed, greeting this discerning customer who knew the best place in town for homemade treats. 

I asked him for a photo, and he didn't ruffle his feathers, intent on his mission, he stared at the menu as if trying to decide the best dessert to order.

An odd looking bird--three feet tall, with thick white plumage up to his naked long neck that looks like wood, topped off with a dark bald head, and a long curved beak.   No doubt, there is something striking and special, in a style uniquely his own.  An original creation.

Since a Wood Stork can't make any noise, stances and motions are used to convey a message.  And, Woody, had no trouble expressing himself, posed at the bakery by the reservoir--home to Muscovys, Whistling Ducks, Ibis-- a happy gathering for feathered fowl to rest in the shade of the trees, and enjoy being loved. 

Before long, the kind bakery owner greeted the waiting flock with a handful of special treats, calling Woody by name.   

I've only seen Wood Storks a few times so it's a rare treat for me.  A signal to pay attention.  Storks relate to birth, unspoken communication, and creativity. His unusual behavior was part of his message.  

He was out of his element, trying something new.  Wood Storks feed in shallow waters, and slowly move their feet to scare the fish. Frightened, the fish swim to safety in what looks like a narrow space to hide between two large sticks.  But it's really the beak of the Wood Stork opened wide, under the water. So sensitive, it snaps shut as soon as the fish enter.  A message that sight is not always a prerequisite to get sustenance. 

Satisfied, Woody was on his way.  I noticed one large dark feather stuck up from his back, like a flag on a mailbox.  He had delivered an important message.  I got it.  Patience has its reward.


What angel messages are catching your attention?  God speaks through nature, and the volume is turned up the more we pay attention, and give thanks.  Enjoy your day with the angels.  The best is yet to be.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

Monday, May 15, 2023

There has to be a better way: An Angel Message


Last week, Timothy Tortoise appeared in the pasture, to my delight, he lumbered along the fence toward our house.  I hurried out to greet him.  To my surprise, he poked his dark logger-head through the wire. Then he stretched his long neck through the gap, making progress. I could see the hopelessness of his situation.  His wide domed shell was too wide and too hard to gain clearance.  And, there he was, with no hope of advancing forward.  Stuck.  But the wise tortoise didn't push harder to force his way. Wisely, he backed up, saving time and energy.

There had to be a better way...

In the past, I would have worried.  Would he get stuck in the fence if I left him alone?  But, now I relaxed.  He had this covered.  He had what it takes to break free from any physical barrier.  With powerful shovel-like front claws, he could dig like a gopher, and crawl out from underneath the fence. If his will was strong enough.

In that unusual moment, I wondered what he was teaching me by demonstration.  The valuable lesson was in not trying to force my way through a tight, seemingly hopeless situation.  Step back, retreat and re-evaluate your options. You have the spiritual tools to break free of any ego limitations.  There has to be a better dig deep within for the answers.  Your angels will provide guidance, when you step back from what isn't flowing easily, and listen.  You have what it takes to move ahead.  Patience, love, and gratitude hold the key.  And, remember, the tortoise won the race...

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

Friday, May 12, 2023

Worth the Wait: An Angel Message

 Last evening, while enjoying a pizza carryout at the lake, the best entree was saved for last.  For several days, I wondered about the Sandhill crane couple.   The empty straw nest on the old pier was a happy sign. Their work was done. 

I wondered about the newborn colts.

The answer came.  Far across the lake, I could barely make out the familiar crane couple on the hill in the shadow of the palm trees.  

What about the babies? Did both large eggs hatch?  

Asking the angels for help,  I grabbed my camera, and zoomed in, sweeping the hillside into focus.  

Then, through the steady lens, I saw them.  A joyful sight. Not one, but two fuzzy brown colts trailing after mom and dad in the green grass of home. Victory!

The creative cranes taught me an inspiring lesson. Patience, perseverance, and endurance are rewarded.  In the end, it was well worth the wait.  But it wasn't easy.

Since the lake had flooded their usual habitat, the resourceful pair improvised. A nest of straw on a weathered old pier was the next best thing.  In all kinds of inclement weather, driving rains, gusting winds, T-storms-- the couple had persevered, hunkering down, taking turns warming their eggs.  


And, it paid off.  It was worth the wait.  Mission accomplished.        

I'm thankful for the angel messages from nature.  Sometimes, against all odds, conditions may seem to be a set-up for failure, but if we just do our best day-by-day, and stick to what we instinctively know to do, unseen help will see that we deliver.  Our creative endeavors will hatch on time.  So don't ever will be worth the wait, if we stay the course, and will to be of service.  Love will make a way.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

Monday, May 8, 2023

Half-in or half-out: An Angel Message

Sometimes an amusing message from nature will catch you off-guard.  What appears to be stuck is not always the's a matter of choice in the moment.  

That's what this amusing long-tailed gecko recently taught me. At dusk, I went out on the front porch to pick up an Amazon delivery. When I grabbed the box off the bench, I happened to look down.   

 A little gecko appeared to be stuck in a hole in the cement under the bench!  His head and upper torso swallowed up in a deep round hole (formed when the concrete had been poured on the porch years ago).   

Taken aback, I looked closer.  What was going on?

A hint of guilt emerged at the sudden reflection of my own thinking at times.

Half-in, or half-out is not a whole commitment.  It's to be neither here nor there, but stuck in the middle.

If the little lizard was hiding, he was only fooling himself.  

I know lizard represents dream time, and letting go of old fears. 

Usually lizards are sensitive to vibrations, but he hadn't moved as I stared at his predicament,  wondering how to help. Expecting the worse, I was afraid of what I might see if  I pulled him out.   Elliot grabbed a paper napkin ready to retrieve the gecko.  When he reached down to tug it out, quickly it dropped down, disappearing in the hole.    

A happy ending! 

Curious about the deliberate angel message from nature, further research revealed:  When you encounter a lizard, it's most important to observe what it was doing at that moment. 

 I laughed. This had to be a first.   Its head was buried down a hole in the cement. Was it a sign for me to face my own fears? 

Or, it could be a message that concrete thinking has its loop holes in dream-time; there's a hidden hole to find refuge if you're willing to commit to greater depths in your spirit. 

Lizard is about dreams, and in this case a hint to keep your dreams for yourself hidden from view for now.

Enjoy your day with your guardian angel, and look for the happy things of God to come your way.

Love and peace,


Rae Karen    

Saturday, May 6, 2023

He's baack! An Angel Message


What's hidden for many seasons, and appears to be gone for good, can suddenly reappear when least expected.  That's the case with our neighbor, Timothy Tortoise.  When the pasture flooded last fall during hurricane season, the gopher tortoise disappeared.  His home underground no longer habitable. I often looked for him, wondering about his fate.

A happy answer came this week.  A quick glance across the pasture revealed a flurry of sand, flying from the spot where Timothy last lived.  Gopher tortoises are natural diggers. Their shovel-like forefeet are designed to dig burrows up to 40-feet along and 10-feet wide.  This provides shelter not only for him but other small animals.  

It was an encouraging sign to see him back on the field, digging out his digs.

The next day, I caught sight of a heartwarming vision.  That large tortoise was resting on top of his sand pile, reclaiming dominion, and victory.  A chance to recover what seemed to be lost was perhaps his lesson.

I was thankful for the angel reminder from nature.  To keep a steady pace forward, and don't ever quit.  You, too, will finish your race in victory. There is a season and a time for everything. So do your best and let God do the rest. 

Love and peace,

Rae Karen


Friday, May 5, 2023

A Dashing Surprise at Sunset: An Angel Message

 On May 1st, while watching the movie, Last Chance Harvey, something dashed by the sun-room catching my eye through the vertical blinds. I bounced up from the sofa to take a look.

I was glad I did.

Out on the lawn, at sunset, stood a welcoming sight for sore eyes.  A graceful juvenile deer stood still in the grass, his back to me--looking forward--sniffing the wind for direction.   

I was caught in a moment of grace--it had been over a year since the deer came by, and there he was, a beautiful deer, standing tall in the yard.  I watched him slowly walk to the fence overlooking the reservoir. Alone, he seemed to be looking for his family. 

His deliberate visit seemed important.

I know deer brings a message that you are gently being guided on a new adventure.  But further research revealed, when you encounter a deer, approach your life with precision, but without pursuing rigid goals.  Turn over the guidance of your life exclusively to your higher self, and follow the impulses with a great deal of dynamic energy.  There are certain times for certain steps.  And, the season a deer appears is significant.

In May and June, the deer comes to announce a new beginning.  

Examine yourself to become conscious of your strength, and find loving and gentle ways to express that strength.  Tone down your affectations a little; perhaps, they are burying your natural dignity.  Quietly stand by your gentle and caring sides, work on yourself, and on what's important to you, and allow yourself to be affectionate.

Deer is the bringer of wholeness, energy from light.  Open yourself to the universe; let the impulses from above flow into yourself to help control your strength.  "You are no longer controlled from outside, and the gifts of the universe will be able to manifest in your life."

I'm grateful for the uplifting guidance that comes through nature.  A reminder to go within to seek the answers needed during this time of rapid change and acceleration.  As always, it's wonderful to remember we are never alone.  God speaks to each of us throughout the day using the language of the heart we most readily understand.  We are never alone.  His angels are with you to guide you in all your ways.  Keep on looking up.  The best is yet to be.  

Love and peace,


Rae Karen 

(Animal-Messengers, Regula Meyers)