Thursday, February 25, 2010

Have Faith

The last picture I took on our photo safari the other day was a surprise. Pulling into a parking space at the shopping center, this license plate was facing us. The owner was loading groceries in her trunk when I asked if I could take a picture of her plate. She gave me a big smile and said, "Sure! I put a lot of thought into it."

Just now when uploading this photo, I got to thinking about her comment. Faith is something we need to put a lot of thought into. Thought makes way for action and action brings results. I read a funny quote a while back, "Ants are like doubts in the pants of Faith." Have you ever had a really great idea that stirred your passion only to have it fade as your ego opened the door to doubt and fear? Here's another quote that egged me on to step out in faith and just do it afraid. "Faith without guts is dead."

When we move through life with our Spirit, following inner guidance, and override the personality, miracles can happen and we quickly see that there is something far greater within us that is doing the work. All we need to do is show up, in faith, that there is more going on than meets the eye. When we walk by faith and not by sight, doors mysteriously open. Faith is what ignites success.

Angel blessings,


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Song is in the Air

(Artwork by

Last night as I lay in bed listening to the pitter patter of raindrops on the roof, I heard the sweet sound of a bird singing in the dark. How could she sing in this weather? Not trusting my ears, I asked my husband, Elliot, if he heard the bird. It was true. My ears had not deceived me. I know there are many days and nights we could all use the robust spirit of that Nightingale.

Music is healing to the soul. One night I awoke from a dream with a familiar tune running through my mind. I hummed it to my sleepy husband, a songwriter. It sounded familiar to him. "Was it from Heidi?" I asked, surprising myself. He thought so.

We hadn't seen Shirley Temple in Heidi for over a year. Curious to name that tune, we watched it that night. The song in my dream was Heidi's song. A tune the young orphan sang when she first went to live with with her gruff grandfather, a hermit in the Swiss Alps. Rather than let his bad manners and foul disposition upset her, she went about her chores, singing La la la la la la lalala... It wasn't long before her grandfather began humming this happy song, too.

Heidi's Song kept running through my mind the next several weeks.

I got the message. Don't complain, just sing. Like sunshine, it was a fun, joyful way to stop others from raining on my parade.

Keep a song in your heart and enjoy the day.

Angel blessings,


Monday, February 22, 2010

Love is the Answer

When we moved into the cottage, a large ugly screw was on the kitchen cabinet wall. To hide it, we hung up these two Angels. Wherever the Angels are, they surround us with love. Recently one morning, sunlight shone through a window spotlighting the plaque. The Angels seemed to be saying, "Will you feel the light of our heart creating a beautiful pathway of love before you step out in the appearance world? Our Divine Love can help you meet every obstacle long before you come upon them."

I grabbed my camera to get a picture, but the flash went off illuminating everything. Love is always the answer. Often times when feeling unfairly treated, the problem sticks out like that big ugly screw only I can't see that the Angels have already surrounded it with love. It was in their hands. I was being reminded that the answer to every problem is unconditional love. I AM Unconditionally Loved by God and so is everyone else.

Angelic blessings,


Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Volunteer

Last night after praying in bed about a particular longstanding problem, I opened my eyes. My attention was drawn to a houseplant we adopted from a friend who moved to Colorado last year.
Something unusual was happening in that pot. A small pink bud was blooming.

Not trusting my eyes, I got out of bed to look closer.

Sure enough an impatien was about to bloom.

I blessed this little wild flower for being a messenger. To me it was symbolic of having patience. Not becoming impatient, but knowing everything blossoms on time. This little flower was seeded by the wind last summer. In the fall, when I brought the planter inside from the meditation garden, I had no idea a surprise was waiting for the right moment.

This morning that lone pink impatien was in full bloom, smiling in the pot. Out of nowhere, suddenly there was now colorful new life. But it really wasn't all of a sudden. Lots of effort had been exerted beneath the surface. Another good message to keep having faith.

I wanted to learn more about impatiens so I searched the web. To my surprise, it is symbolic of motherly love. In the medieval Mary gardens, devoted to the Virgin Mary, impatiens were viewed as "Our Lady' earrings."

A reminder to me to ask that my ears be consecrated to hear the still quiet Voice of the Holy Spirit and to recognize the calls for love that sometimes come disguised as harsh words.

Angelic blessings,

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Lions Pause

I read My Yogi tea bag message this morning, "One of the best actions we can take, with courage, is to relax." The lions at the Norfolk Zoo were doing just that yesterday afternoon.

Angelic blessings,


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Worth Insisting Upon

"The truth about you is so lofty that nothing unworthy of God is worthy of you."
A Course in Miracles

Sometimes messages appear in the most unlikely places. Yesterday morning, I removed the wrapping from a bouquet of pink tulips to save the pretty pink paper. What a surprise to find Worth Insisting Upon etched in the clay. I laughed as I looked twice. I've noticed with the Angels I often find myself doing things on a whim and wondering why. As I looked at those three words it seemed a deliberate reminder to believe in my worth that has already been established by God.

Angelic blessings,


Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Angel of Serenity

(The Angel Oracle by Ambika Wauters)

I was guided to draw an angel card for today. The Angel of Serenity is carrying the dove that symbolizes the serenity of life. Her message is, "I feel serene and tranquil when I accept who I Am. "

The selection of this beautiful angel brought a smile to my face. Yesterday I heard someone say something profound that struck me in a new light. The two main roots the ego uses to thwart us are INSECURITY and INFERIORITY. The two, in partnership, can breed a whole string of negative traits such as fear, guilt, hatred, and gluttony. Through prayer, meditation, and affirmations, we can destroy those false ideas that we feed so often by our thoughts, words, and actions.

I got to thinking how true it is that those twin roots often undermine our lives, trying to rob us of the joy of everyday living. Because if I really believed that I am made in the Image of God, then I would have no reason to ever feel inferior. And if I really believed that I can do all things as a co-creator with God, then I would not feel insecure, because I would fully live as if God was in me and all was well with my soul. Feelings of insecurity bring on all kinds of addictions, not to mention hoarding and clinging to our material stuff for security.

Praying to The Angel of Serenity opens us to receive God's love in our lives. It allows us to live in that secret place of the Most High, unshaken by difficult circumstances that may come our way. In truth, serenity is always there for us when we slow down and attune to God's Oneness.

With all the snow days the nation has had lately, it can be a beautiful time of reflection if we decide to make it so.

Angelic blessings,


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Keep On DIgging

This morning when I opened my eyes from meditation, I saw a gray squirrel digging rigorously by the yellow pansies in my flower bed. Yellow is a color of divine faith. Snowflakes swirled around him as he kept on digging. Dirt flying, he dug and dug. Soon the hole was so deep only his hind legs were visible. It was a funny sight. I began to wonder if he knew what he was doing. But he paused from time to time to stand guard. With snowflakes drifting on his head, cautiously he looked right and left, before resuming his task.

His visit was so deliberate, practically under my nose, I knew he must be a messenger for me. I watched hopeful that he would find his treasure. I was beginning to think not. The digging continued for quite awhile. Then he popped up with a large black walnut. Delighted, he dashed for the apple tree to enjoy his victory. I thanked him for reminding me that perseverance pays off. Keep on digging, you'll get there was the message.

Angelic blessings,


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Crescent Moon

(Photo from

The moon and I have been playing a game. It started several nights ago when snow still covered the ground from the winter storm. The vertical blinds were drawn shut in the bedroom. I was awakened in the middle of the night by a bright light shining through an open slat. Excited to see moonlight, I opened the blinds. Over the frosted apple tree, the crescent moon hung like a yellow cat's eye. I lay there enjoying the beauty of her pinkish halo. Below her on the left a bright star sparkled red. Mars and the moon together were a rare sight. Slowly, she traversed the sky heading west on her journey.

Anxiously, I awaited her return the next night, waking often, but there was no sign of her luminance. It was almost 4:30 before she paid me a visit, shining her light on my pillow. I thought about that old moon--how everyone I ever knew or read about throughout history had gazed up at her in loving adoration. The moon has no light of her own. She gets her glow from the sun, reflecting it like a mirror. She seemed to send long moon beams into my eyes as I blinked, watching. Her healing beauty stirred my soul and soon I dozed back to sleep in a restful peace, thankful for her gift of light.

Angelic blessings,


Monday, February 8, 2010

A Late Bloomer

I love flowers, so it was a real treat when a spring flower garden arrived in the mail from a dear friend. The bulbs, buried underneath soil and decorative moss, would hopefully bloom before Christmas. The star of the floral show was suppose to break out of a gigantic bulb that looked like an extra large brown onion taking up most of the pot. It was hard to imagine anything so beautiful would come from it.

I watered and watched the garden for signs of wonders. Soon little green heads gently poked up from the soil, growing taller. Before long, purple hyacinths, red tulips, white tulips and crocus were in full bloom, adding much joy to the holidays.

However, the star of the show remained dormant. A big dud with not as much as a hint of green coming out of its tuber. "Looks like the one with the biggest bulb is going to be a no show." I thought. With so much potential, why wasn't anything happening? There was little I could do to force it. My critical self was getting impatient, just like with other projects that had yet to bloom. I recognized these negative thoughts were out picturing what I didn't want. I remembered how each each flower has an overlighting deva or angel, so I called to the Angel of the Amaryllis for help. Also remembering in the book, The Man Who Talks With Flowers, that these flowers long to share their secrets but we must come from love. So I began showering positive, loving thoughts on this late bloomer.

A few weeks later, a tiny speck of green appeared on the edges of the center of the amaryllis bulb. So thin, I thought I was imagining things. Before long a green stem took definite form, and over the next few days, it began climbing higher, growing straight and tall like an arrow on purpose. The four buds remained shut tight. I thought it was due to the cold. One needs warmth in order to bloom. So I moved the pot to a warmer spot. Then it happened. A beautiful blossom opened up like an umbrella. Then another. And another. And another. Each one a perfect replica of the other. One for each of the four directions, north, south, east and west.

I thanked this "beauty" for the lesson in patience and not to judge by appearances. Everything grows on time. Not our time, but God's with a little tender loving care. Today while taking this photo, I saw another amaryllis growing out of that big ugly bulb. A double blessing. So love will be blooming again. Love can always find a way.

Angelic Blessings,


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Glance

In Greg Braden's book The God Code, one of my favorite passages is on the power of our eyes. "The glance of our eyes is perhaps the most telling of our gifts from the angels. Through our eyes we are given windows to the soul. "When we look into one another's eyes, there is much more occurring than simply a process of light and optics. Through the glance we each have the power to heal or to destroy, love or hate, through the message we convey."

Today let us look on all things with love.



Monday, February 1, 2010

I Will Not Die An Unlived Life


I will not live in fear

of falling or catching fire.

I choose to inhabit my days,

to allow my living to open me,

to make me less afraid,

more accessible;

to loosen my heart

until it becomes a wing,

a torch, a promise.

I choose to risk my significance,

to live so that which came to me as seed

goes to the next as blossom,

and that which came to me as blossom,

goes on as fruit.

-- Dawna Markova

Have you noticed how your thoughts are manifesting much quicker than before? For instance, last night I happened to catch a healing program on TV about the power of the spirit of trauma. The first I had heard of it. Although I recognize on a deeper level the power of trauma can paralyze and rob us of the joy of living.

The show was the answer to a prayer I had prayed the day before as I realized there is a big part of me that still operates in fear at times. My spirit is well but my physical body shows signs and symptoms of trauma over the heavy duty lessons of the past ten years. I know I drew these lessons to me for a reason. For my soul's growth.

So you can imagine my surprise when the author prayed to release the audience from this spirit of trauma. Most of us living in these stressful times, are heavily challenged to change our minds about who we are and what our purpose is here on the earth plane. Through prayer this spirit of trauma can be banished. The body can rebound, dumping old DNA memories of terrible wounds.

The next day I came across the poem, I Will Not Die An Unlived Life. A friend gave it to me last year along with some other papers she got on a spiritual retreat. I found it tucked inside a book I happened to open on the bookshelf. Divine timing.

2010 is a brand new decade and I am making a conscious choice to live it in joy, love, peace, health, and abundance to the best of my ability with the help of the heavenly host and the angels. I wish the same blessings for you.
