Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Inner Celebration of Christmas

"O Christ, especially on this sacred morning, manifest Thy consciousness within us, reveal Thine omnipresence all around us, that we might understand and perceive Thee as Thou art, behind the veil of nature, and cradled within us.
Aum. Peace. Amen."
                                                                       Christmas Day Address
                                                                              -- Paramahansa Yogananda

May the peace and joy and glory of the Christ unfold in you today and fill your life as never before.   Merry Christmas!



Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A "Christmas Star" - Rare Conjunction of Planets

My email box had a wonderful present just now. The Space Weather Report advises a rare Christmas conjunction of planets:  Venus, Jupiter, and Earth are aligning to produce a "Christmas Star" as observed by NASA's STEREO-B probe situated over the far side of the sun.  

You can visit: for images.

I've been interested in learning more about The Star of Bethlehem, and watched a documentary film by that title last week.  With our computer technology, astronomers have software that will display the night skies at any given period in history. Using this tool, some researchers believe that the Star of Bethlehem was Venus and Jupiter aligned, forming a figure 8. 

It's exciting that this Christmas time in 2013 Earth is included in the star with the same two planets!

Many blessing on this holy night.




Monday, December 23, 2013

The Gift of the Poinsettia: An Angel Messsage

Poinsettia in the backyard 

Elliot and I sat outdoors in the backyard, enjoying the warm December weather.  Suddenly he asked, Why don't you blog about that beautiful poinsettia?  It bloomed against all odds?  I looked at the big red flower, a housewarming gift from a dear girlfriend several years ago.  After Christmas that year, I had planted it in the backyard by a camphor tree.  A perfect spot to thrive, so I thought, and it did. 

Until last month, a team of ambitious tree trimmers pruned the camphor tree before I had time to rescue the holiday plant.  To my dismay, the felled branches had crushed the leafy poinsettia. Only a woody stem remained anchored in the soil.  I doubted it would survive, and soon forgot about the lone twig.      

Then, yesterday I discovered it had spread new leafy branches.  They covered the ground with splashes of red. Vitality had returned, the gift had kept on giving.  

It's the Spirit of Christmas, my husband smiled, as we admired the colorful plant.  Turns out he was right.  When I took a closer look at the poinsettia, I spotted a small plastic Santa underneath its leafy new growth.  I picked up Santa, who also had cracked, but he was still bearing gifts. 

Nature can teach many lessons. I realized life is like that poinsettia. The good news is that our challenges never leave us where they find us, we are stronger and more grateful having grown  through the process.  To see every problem as an opportunity to grow spiritually is the message of the angels. 

We don't have to go it alone, the angels are forever with us, guiding, comforting and inspiring us with pure loving intuition. 

I later learned that poinsettias were first cultivated by the Aztecs and were known as "flores de noche buena" which means Christmas Eve or Flower of the Holy Night; they are also known as The Christmas Star or Christmas Flower.  

 Enjoy your day with the Angels.  Merry Christmas!

Love and blessings,

Rae Karen

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Welcome Gabriel, Governor of the Winter Season

(Artwork: Gabriel by Bellini Giovanni; Wikimedia Commons)
Gabriel is the Archangel of love and hope who comes to brighten our lives at this special time of year.  He governs the winter season to assist in purifying, uplifting and quickening our spirituality.  Each season brings its own energy change that manifests most clearly in nature.  Winter is a time for giving birth to feminine energies.  It is the time of the holy birth.  The angelic hierarchy working with Archangel Gabriel help in generating energy that is birth giving and creative. 

The higher energies at play now make it easier to meditate and tap into  inner guidance.  Dreams become more vibrant.  Winter is  the time to slow down outer activity and open up to contact with the angels and your I AM Presence. 

Just like in Nature, there is much invisible activity and so it is a reminder to be
 patient with new endeavors.  They need time to germinate so they can sprout forth at the best time. Don't lose hope; more is happening than it appears.
 Archangel Gabriel is often shown with a lily, a symbol of purity and self-control.  It is a symbol that invokes the influence of angels.  It helps to stimulate the throat chakra and all the centers of the head, so that the creative power of The Word can be unfolded in our lives.

Today we welcome Archangel Gabriel and give thanks for his dedication and service at this holy time of year.  Under his authority comes a strong wave of divine love to awaken a greater appreciation for the true essence in all life.

Love and blessings,


Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Angel Appearing Before the Shepherds

(Artwork: Wikimedia Commons)

And suddenly there was with the angel, a multitude
of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace,
good will toward men."  
                                                      Luke 2:13-14
What a joyful night for the shepherds when out of the darkness came a bright light. The Angel appeared with good news and the world was forever changed.   Angels are God's messengers, His representatives, who continue today to bring uplifting messages to humankind.  May we feel their loving presence and guidance especially during this light-filled time of the year.
Enjoy your day with the Angels.
Love and blessings,

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hawks and Dimes, Angel Messages

The angels send uplifting messages in many ways. They speak to each of us by using a language that is close to our heart.  Earlier this week, I spotted a baby hawk swoop down and land in the parking lot of a restaurant downtown.  I wondered what he was doing.   Hawks usually soar, but this one was grounded. Then he flew up to the top of the three story building.  Hawk is symbolic of seeing the big picture, coming up higher to get a better view.  I thanked him for being a messenger.

After dinner  I was surprised to find a dime on the sidewalk by the Christian Science Reading Room at 111 New York Avenue.  Curious, I looked up the symbolism on-line.  I knew from a dear friend who had lost her husband many years ago the meaning for her.  She began to find dimes when in need of guidance and reassurance.  An intuitive told her it was a message from her late husband that all would be well.  When dealing with difficulties, she was amazed how a dime would turn up in the most unlikely places.  She would thank Joey for watching over the family; an angel on the other side.

My search on the web for more information on the angels and dimes turned up this explanation:  "Finding a dime means that heaven is keeping an eye on you. People usually find dimes when there is something that they are worried about. You could be wondering if someone is safe that you have not seen in a long time. You could also be worried about money. Whatever it is and you find a dime, angels are letting you know that all will be well. Do not worry. Instead, turn your faith towards God and let Him take care of it."

Enjoy your day with the angels, and invite them to share their joy.

Love and blessings,


Friday, November 29, 2013

Angels Dancing Round the Sun

(Angels Dancing Round the Sun: Giovanni di Paolo Conde` Chantilly)
Light travels 186,000 miles per second.  A beam of light circles the earth seven times every second.   I love this image of angels joyfully dancing round the sun.  Each new day on earth is a celebration.  Their message is rejoice and share your Light.

Love and blessings,


Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Big Picture: A Message from the Angels

(The Peacock and the Peacock Butterfly, Archibald Thorburn)

A picture is worth a thousand words.  It wasn't until I saw the title of this painting on-line, (The Peacock AND the Peacock Butterfly) that I looked closely to find the dainty peacock butterfly. They appear to be sizing each other up, these two.   

 The little butterfly peacock can fly, while the stunning big bird is mostly grounded.

(Peacock Butterfly - Wikimedia Images)

I think the angels were sending a message on paying attention to the details.  See the entire picture, and don't get mesmerized by the brightest and biggest.  

God is in the details.  

 All life is on a mission helping us to return our thoughts back to the Divine Mind.  Butterflies are free and represent a new way of being. 

Many friends comment on the inner changes they feel during this time of major transformation.  Like the butterfly, we, too, are becoming a new creature in Christ consciousness.  It's exciting, but one must stay grounded as there is a tendency to be flighty, zoning in and out of time and space.

A wonderful mantra to use when feeling less than grounded:  "Be still and know that I am God."  I speak it silently as a command to my body.  A peacefulness settles over me as I let go, and let God take the reins.

Enjoy your time with the Angels.  And remember that every thing you say or do is important, so choose your actions with love.

Love and blessings,

Rae Karen

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Angel Message: The Peacocks Tapestry

(Peacock Tapestry)

I found this peacock tapestry at a furniture warehouse last year.  When moving things around the den, I discovered it this morning. Since the next twenty-six days fall under the Peacock Moon of Radiance, I thought it would be nice to feature a peacock, or two in the blogs.  When I bought this piece, I didn't notice the lotus symbol supporting the peacocks, or the heart shape framework behind them crowned with the fleur-de-lys (the three-fold-flame; trinity). 

Symbols are great reminders of the invisible realm of Spirit.  Seeing the Christ in each other (as these two peacocks are illustrating) brings them both into an awareness of Divine Love symbolized by the heart enfolding them.  The lotus has always been a sign of unfoldment, enlightenment, rising out of the dirt and mud, and blossoming into a rare flower of great beauty.  Just now I looked up the lotus in Nature-Speak by Ted Andrews.  The keynote of this magnificent flower is:  spiritual, higher knowledge at hand; and new vision coming. 

I love it!  The angels are sending constant uplifting messages on wings of Light shining away the darkness.  Let us walk in the Light and bring joy to those around us.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,



Monday, November 18, 2013

2013 Overtone Peacock Moon of Radiance (Nov. 15- Dec. 12, 2013)

(Full moon taken in the backyard)
Saturday night I happened to get a glimpse of the full moon from the den window.  It was high above the camphor tree almost visible through its branches.  It was encircled in a beautiful pink radiance like a halo.   I hurried outside with the camera to get a better look.  It's too bad that a photo doesn't always reflect the true beauty of the moment.  The pink radiance didn't show up as magnificent as it had with the naked eye.
Earlier I'd received an email regarding the significance of this particular moon and was surprised by the name, the Overtone Peacock Moon of Radiance.  With all the synchronicity around the peacock the past several months it seemed important to go take a look at this moon for myself.
The peacock symbolizes beauty and resurrection.  The peacock is often associated with the resurrection of Christ.  Christ said if thine eye be made single then thy whole body will be filled with Light.
"In this moon summon the Supreme Forces of Light, Truth, and Divine Knowledge to overcome the darkness.  Every thought we think has an electrical charge and creates a ripple effect.  Our mind is directly connected to the electromagnetic field of the Earth.  The Earth's electromagnetic field is directly connected to the Sun, with its sun spot cycle, solar flares and coronal mass ejections.  The continuous bombardment of solar and cosmic radiation directly affect the biosphere of our mind.
This radiation sends forth a continuous stream of higher thoughtforms into our planet.  These non-conceptual "thoughtforms" are called mentation waves.  We want to open and to receive these new mentation waves that are entering through a new Galactic Beam of consciousness.
To do this requires a letting go of the old, taking responsibility for all of our thoughts and actions and making an effort to keep our mind saturated with the sacred, inspiring HIGH thought forms."    (Foundation for the Law of Time, Issue #43 Noos-Letter)
Enjoy your day with the Angels.
Love and blessings,

Monday, November 11, 2013

Solar Flares and Transformation

(Daytona Beach Sunrise Last Month)

I've been keeping up with the solar storms the past week or two; the eruptions from the sun are powerful and can effect our electromagnetic field.  Some people are more sensitive to the atmosphere than others but it does play out in feelings of lightheadedness, feeling ungrounded, and spacey.  Some comment on headaches, irritability, and lethargy.  A few with vision problems... The flare activity affects each of us in different ways as we are unique by nature, but universal in the divine scheme of things.
This is not something to be fearful of; in fact, the light particles are activating our physical bodies in ways that promote a quickening of spirit.  Although not always comfortable, it is comforting to know that this is a phase that will pass and has not come to stay.  Rest, drink plenty of water, take a soak in the tub, spend time in nature, practice daily meditation, and contemplation all help to stay centered. 

So if you are feeling a whole lot or even a little bit not like yourself these days, know that you are a work in progress.  Be gentle with yourself and hold on to your hat, the art of becoming is becoming to you, eventually.

The good news is that we are not doing this alone.  The divine has interceded with the assistance of legions of angels helping to lift us up to the higher region of consciousness where Love resides eternally.  Whatever is unlike love is being forced up to the surface to be healed and released making more room for light.

The best is yet to be.

Love and blessings,


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Autumn Angel

Autumn Angel
Today I found this delightful Autumn Angel on Wikimedia Commons.  It is from a 1916 book entitled, Walk Me Through My Dreams, A Picture Book of Verses by Joe Lindsay. This illustration is by I.R. Outhwaite.
I love the imagery of the illumined angel lighting the way, swirling colorful leaves so that we may walk in softness in our dreams. 
Wishing you all a gentle and wonderful awakening at this special season of the year.
Enjoy your time with the Angels, and know that you are never alone.
Love and blessings,

Monday, October 28, 2013

Going Within

The still infinity of endless peace surrounds you gently
in its soft embrace, so strong and quiet, tranquil in the
might of its Creator, nothing can intrude upon the
sacred Son of God within.
          A Course in Miracles
Yesterday my Angel card was Tenderness, and the companion quote above (from the Sayings from A Course in Miracles deck)  were a comforting match.  These are times of heavy transformation and regardless of what's going on externally, I look forward to taking time out to go within.  Spending time in meditation helps bring peace and as a result things have a way of unfolding in effortless accomplishment throughout the rest of the day. 
The angels encourage us to be tender with ourselves and kind to each other as everyone is engaged in this spiritual transformation.  Divine Love waits on welcome and is thankfully ever present. 
Love and blessings,

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Symbol of Peacock and Good News

I found this artwork of Gabriel, the Archangel associated with the Annunciation on the web.  With my recent affinity for peacocks, this seemed like a perfect companion for the blog.  The keynote of peacock is resurrection.  With its colorful feathering, resembling eyes, it is also symbolic of watchfulness or wise vision. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was chosen for her purity, although Joseph initially grieved  over her condition, knowing he was not the father of the child she carried.  Her reputation was at stake.  The Angel visited him in a dream to set him straight; Mary was conceived by the Holy Spirit.

The angels help us to see that things are not always as they appear; there is a higher truth taking place, beyond our current comprehension:  Do not fear. Keep the faith and stay watchful.  Look to God and not the problem.  Love is their message. 

This week I came across these peacock boxes at Bell's.  They were the answer to a storage problem in my new little office. With only one desk drawer, I needed more space.  The decorative boxes can help remind me to be more vigilant for what I'm "storing away" both mentally and physically.  Thoughts are things.

"The light of the body is the eye:  if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." (Matt. 6:22)

Enjoy your day with the Angels, and stay open to receiving joyful blessings. 



Monday, October 21, 2013

A Snake: Message of Rebirth, Resurrection, Healing, and WIsdom

Sometimes animals show up with a message for us in a rather unique way. Early Saturday morning I laughed to see this creature had manifested over night in our neighbor's yard!  I thought it was a turtle at first, but the fangs said otherwise.  The snake has long been the subject of great controversy.  Sometimes seen as devil and sometimes as healer.

The snake is symbolic of transmutation, death, and rebirth.    It sheds its skin as it outgrows the old.  The eyes of the snake cloud over before it begins to shed its skin, then clear as it begins to shed its skin.  To mystics this indicates the ability to move between realms, crossing over from life to death, and back again.  To the Native Americans, the snake represents transformation and healing.   

I got another "angel message" when I saw this humongous inflatable snake.  It was an illustration on how sometimes we entertain wrong thoughts (error) and they balloon up overnight, seeming very real and overwhelming.  But in truth they are only enlivened by the energy (fear) we feed them.  This gigantic snake was generated by an electrical motor to keep it blowing hot air. It had no power of its own.  Just like our egos at times.   Kind of funny that before sundown Saturday evening, there was no sign that this big snake had ever been there.  So no matter whatever you're facing right now, know that you and God are a majority and that you are in the company of angels.  You are and always will be perfect, made in His image and likeness.  You are a spiritual being and nothing can change your identity as a Child of God.  So don't be deceived by your five senses, trust in a power greater than your own.

Enjoy your day with the Angels, and try to be more vigilant for what thoughts you're entertaining about yourself and others.

Love and blessings,



Friday, October 18, 2013

Pink Morning Glory: Break Old Habits and Be Spontaneous

(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

This morning while waiting for skydivers at The Perfect Spot, my attention was drawn to a beautiful pink flower growing in the gravel parking lot. Against all odds, it was in full bloom enjoying the morning sun.  I knew it was a morning glory and remembered fondly my grandparent's farm where they had grown in the gullies bordering the dirt lane leading to the house. 

Today Elliot and I celebrate our 16th anniversary.  I was thankful to nature for this beauty.  I looked up on the fence by the car and saw a leafy vine filled with lots of pink morning glories opened wide.  I was sorry I didn't have my camera.

Later on I learned more about the symbolism of this flower shaped like a funnel.  A funnel can be used to draw things in or help express things outward.  A morning glory is a sign to be more spontaneous in our expressions. It's time to break old habits and get out of a rut.  Just like the woodpecker message yesterday on following the beat of a new rhythm, the morning glory signifies the old way of doing things will no longer work. It's time for fresh new energies.  The vines of the flower are heart shaped and the color, pink, indicates expressions of love need be more spontaneous.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Your Newborn Purpose...

Your newborn purpose is nursed by angels, cherished by the Holy Spirit
and protected by God Himself.  
A Course in Miracles
As wonderful things begin happening under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I've experienced an ego backlash trying to shift my consciousness to the limitations of the 3-D world.  Sometimes my ego is vicious and she begins to build a case on her behalf.  At these times, I must dismiss the validity of her claim by choosing to put more faith in the spiritual than in the physical, more trust in love than in fear.  It is a battle of the mind.  I'm grateful for the comfort of the Holy Spirit and the angels that come when invited. 
 Last night I woke up wrestling with an issue, something that had a favorable outcome, but my ego was convicting me of not being a good person.  Sometimes the ego's voice is loud and insistent. I get an uneasy feeling in my abdomen.  I'm learning if  I can keep dismiss her judgments and then focus on the Allness of God, peace comes.  The angel thoughts of higher consciousness wash over me with blessings of peace and love.
This morning I found this comforting passage from A Course in Miracles.  I love the vision of my newborn purpose being nursed by angels.  It's true for everyone who listens to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Enjoy your day with the Angels.  And don't let the ego fool you, You are a holy Child of God and always will be.  God is Love.
Love and blessings,

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sunshine Cottage

                               (Sunshine Cottage in the Backyard)

My inner child delighted at this "find."  It brought back childhood memories of living in Germany.  An old dirt road behind our neighborhood wended through a park-like setting. The Germans had plots of garden land, each with a cute little decorative cottage for storing supplies.  I was only seven at the time and enjoyed our family's evening walks down that magical lane.

I'd forgotten all about it until I assembled this cast-off, and set it up in the meditation garden by the camphor tree.  I named it Sunshine Cottage, and it has brought more light and joy into the yard.  My iris fairy is smiling now that she's at home.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,


Monday, October 7, 2013

Jellyfish: A Lesson in Maintaining Balance

(Jellyfish at Daytona Beach last week)

Walking the shore at Daytona Beach in the early evening, I was surprised that jellyfish the size of  medium pizzas had come in with the evening tide.  Stranded on the wet sandy beach, I could get a closer look at these clear rubbery beings. I stared at the pinkish transparent flower crowning the tops. 

There were so many I looked up the message:  

Jellyfish reside in the warm seas around the world. During warmer seasons they tend to move toward the poles, and during cooler months, they move toward the Equator.

Jellyfish hold acceptance and faith, knowing and trusting that All That Is will provide what's necessary for them to survive. They are the only creatures that rely on movement for the sustenance of their lives.  Since they have almost no ability to move on their own, they must depend on the oceans currents and the wind to move them along on the way they must go.

As they move in harmony with the currents of life, they show us how to flow with the natural forces of Mother Earth. There are some ancient healers who hold the belief that the tapestry of true spiritual knowledge is held within the transparent form of the jellyfish.

Jellyfish know how to survive and only eat the most necessary food.
If  jellyfish swim into your life, maintaining balance in all areas of your life is an important lesson for you.  

Ask yourself are you flowing with life in a balanced manner? Or wasting too much time drifting aimlessly and not enough time actively crossing the currents and heading toward your goals.

Things I'm still working on...

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,

Rae Karen

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Wake Up, Remember

Angel messages can appear anytime, anywhere, but some are more obvious than others!  Elliot and I saw this pickup truck at a parking lot in Ormond Beach, and this time I had my camera.  When I ask the angels what to write about, the message for the day comes in plainly, and is always one I needed to hear and to share.  I've found this to be true with anything, if I stop and ask for divine assistance, things have a way of coming together in amazing ways. 

God is Love.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,


Friday, October 4, 2013

The Promise of A New Day

                                            Sunrise, October 4, 2013     Daytona Beach

Shortly after sunrise this morning, we saw the dolphins; two pods were swimming by each other heading in opposite directions, kind of like Congress these days.  The beauty of each new day as it breaks on the horizon is a glorious reminder of the grandeur of Creation and the power of the now.  With nothing in sight but the sea, the sky, the sun, and the sand, the simplicity of Life can be captured for a moment, to be remembered when things get challenging.

This morning by the sea when I opened my eyes after meditation, I was surprised to see a rainbow ascending from the top of a big gray cloud.  I took a picture, but it didn't turn out; at least you can get the idea.  The timing, a message of hope and promise, is a comforting one:  No matter how big or how dark the cloud, a rainbow is hidden behind it, a beautiful omen that all will end well. 

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,


P.S. My pelican friend returned to his post this morning; enjoying the sunshine on his back.


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Patient Sunrise: An Angel Message

                                Sunrise this morning at Daytona Beach

The sun was slow to rise this morning; the sky had already lightened, but no sign of that golden energizing ball of light on the horizon.   Patience paid off, because it did finally appear in a dramatic and beautiful way, breaking through the clouds. 

Some birds that enjoyed the start of a new day...a snowy ibis.

Wading in.

And, one of my favorites, the pelican scanning the surf for breakfast before making a plunge

Pelican is a good messenger right now.  He symbolizes staying buoyant and riding the waves, the storms will soon pass.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Seagull at Saint Michael's Mount

Happy Michaelmas Day!  Today is set aside to honor the beloved Archangel Michael and all his dedicated service toward uplifting humanity.

Love and blessings,


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Angels Whisper: Distraction

I was talking with a friend about angels--and how some people have a hard time believing they really do exist. Angels are for real. She looked at me and very quietly said, they are.  Sometimes angels whisper one word that can change your life.  That one word can get you through a  bad time.  It had happened to my friend.  The circumstances were unusual.  A woman she had worked with many years ago, had come to town but couldn't find the exit to I-4. It didn't make sense, because she was lost in an area she knew well.  Remembering my girlfriend lived nearby, she called her for directions and ended up coming by for a visit.

The call and  unexpected visit interrupted a heated situation at home.  The helpful word my friend needed to hear from her visitor was "distraction."  The angels knew that word was the message she needed most in that moment. In her dysfunctional relationship, whenever she became fearful, she would remember that her antagonistic boyfriend was a distraction from her true purpose. Using that word, she worked harder at attuning to her spirit, and not falling victim to her ego.

 Distraction.  The world is full of it, and whatever we value more than God is a distraction. Whatever blocks our peace is a distraction. As Christ taught, Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all things shall be added unto you.

My friend's "messenger" also had her faith strengthened.  The two women became good friends. Later she would see firsthand how the angels had used her to disarm a bad situation.  Experience is the key, to believing in angels, my friend said. 

I agree...with such gratitude for their loving presence.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,


Monday, September 23, 2013

The Gift of the Bromeliads - An Angel Message

(Bromeliad in bloom in the garden last year)

Sometimes things aren't as they seem.  Someone's discard can be another's treasure.  The universe is always giving.  Look at the sun, the air, the sea.   I've been reading the Tao, and trying to put it into practice.  One verse was on intention:  Having a desire and not trying to fulfill it myself, but allowing it to come to me in whatever way it may appear.

 My garden recently got a new addition, a refurbished cute playhouse in which to store garden supplies. I thought bromeliads would make a nice border along the pathway to the little front door.  At Lowe's, these exotic beauties are rather expensive, $15 or more per plant.  Instead, I replanted some from other spots, knowing they would eventually multiply. I also set an intention for them to come my way.  Then soon forgot about it...

Until passing by a historic house in town,  I spotted a long green leaf in a  trash bag on the curb.  I wanted to stop to check see if it was a bromeliad, but Elliot and I were in a hurry that day, so I didn't mention it. 

Then on Sunday on our way home from an angel lecture in Orange City, an intuitive flash nudged me to check out that trash bag I'd seen.  I'd hit pay dirt!  Over 20 uprooted bromeliads were in need of a rescue. Thankfully, I grabbed the bag and headed home.   The timing was good, because they were all tucked in the ground before it began raining.  I thought  I heard a sigh of relief as trash day was right around the corner, but they were now safe at home. I was so thankful for the "angel" reminder.  The bromeliads were in good shape, just in need of a little TLC.

The Tao principle had worked. Curious, I looked up the symbolism of bromeliad on-line: Rich blooms in deep colors can mean wealth or success in life or love.  Softer shades often mean a wealth of beauty, charm or elegance. 

Some of mine were soft pink, others I'd have to wait for the blooms.  The esoteric message of the bromeliad was helpful:  To open up to our deeper nature, the self that is part of a grander whole. These flowers teach that we are surrounded by all the support (love) we need.  They show us the innate potential within, our resourcefulness and capacity to change, adapt and grow! (like my new flowers).  Bromeliads help us to challenge many of the flawed views we hold about life and ourselves by learning to cultivate and build upon the potential that is within us-- as opposed to working on the list of faults that limit us.  The moral?  Be yourself.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.  And look for the beauty within you.

Love and blessings,

Rae Karen

Friday, September 20, 2013

Eureka, A Lizard!

Getting ready to plant some flowers, I put my hand in an old garden glove, one I hadn't used in a long time. To my surprise it had an occupant!  Something was blocking my finger from reaching the tip.  A thought came.  A lizard!  Quickly I  looked inside.  A little lizard was curled up inside one "finger." 

I was glad I hadn't crushed him.  I apologized and left the glove on the ground, giving him time to escape.  Later when I checked, he was still curled up inside but had moved closer to the opening.   I put the garden glove on the plant stand, leaving him alone to come out at his own discretion. 

Since living in Florida, I'm no longer afraid of these little creatures and surprisingly have found them to be cute and animated with their ruby puffy throats.  In Animal-Speak, lizard is symbolic of detachment.  If a predator grabs its tail, the tail breaks off so the lizard can scamper to freedom.  The lizard then begins the process of growing another. Lizards can teach us to become more detached in life to survive.  Sometimes it is necessary to separate ourselves or part of ourselves from others to be able to do the things we must do.  Lizard can show up to help us break from the past.  It may even indicate to explore new realms and follow your intuition before you get swallowed up in something that is not beneficial for you.

I'm learning more about the Oneness of all Life and the spiritual messages that come in many guises.  I found this cute lizard at a yard sale and have it posted by the back door.  The more faith and trust I can put in Spirit rather than material, in life rather than death, in truth rather than error, the more freedom I, too, will experience.  It's certainly worth the vigilance.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,



Sunday, September 15, 2013

Keep The Faith

Great faith is often built  during great trials. 

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

In Remembrance of Loved Ones on 9/11

(Photo from Wikimedia Commons:Courtyard illuminates the night sky to commemorate each life lost at the Pentagon on the five year anniversary of 9/ll)

There is a light in you which cannot die;
whose presence is so holy that the world
is sanctified because of you.
All things that live bring gifts to you,
and offer them in gratitude and
gladness at your feet.
The scent of flowers is their gift to you.
The waves bow down before you, and the
trees extend their arms to shield you from the heat,
and lay their leaves before you on the ground
that you may walk in softness, while the
wind sinks to a whisper round your holy head.
The light in you is what the universe longs to behold.
All living things are still before you,
for they recognize Who walks with you.
The light you carry is their own.
And thus they see in you their Holiness...
A Course in Miracles

Monday, September 9, 2013

Just Be With What Is

A few weeks ago, I had an angel message to visit The Goodwill Thrift shop. There was a book I needed to read. I would find it when I got there.  I wasn't sure if it was my imagination, but decided to go take a look.  Within a matter of minutes, I found a wonderful book:  Change Your Thoughts--Change Your Life, (Living the Wisdom of the Tao) by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.  It was not new to me as I'd read it years ago and had passed it along, but it had some powerful teachings that I needed to remember. 

When I opened the book, someone had penciled in a note on the title page in big bold letters:  Just Be With What Is.  It had been underlined for emphasis.  At the bottom in pencil was the message:  "Allow an irritant not to vanish, but allow it to be what it is."

The angels were giving me a heads up.  In the wake of any disharmony, a traffic jam, long lines in the store, an argument, a financial crisis, or whatever it is that is irritating you, make a decision to find the peaceful center within yourself.  By not thinking of what is happening and instead taking a few deep breaths, you can choose to empty your mind of judgment avoiding the temptation to react like a fool.  Know that there is something here for you to grow through that you have attracted to strengthen you.  You can have the ability to stay poised and centered no matter what goes before you. 

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Angel of Peace

Peace is the angelic message for today.  First we must seek and find peace within ourselves before it can be experienced externally.  We must make peace with our body, with our thoughts, with our feelings, with all life.  Peace must be attained within before we can know the peace that surpasses human understanding.

Then pray when the sun is high at midday:  "Our Father who art in heaven, send to all the Sons of Men your angel of Peace; and send to your kingdom, our Heavenly Father, your angel of Eternal Life, that we may soar beyond the stars and live forever."  (The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book 4).

When circumstances arise that test our peace, and these tests can happen often during the day, the choice is ours.  We can choose to see peace instead of focusing on the issue at hand.  Taking a breath, or pausing before reacting in haste can keep us connected with the eternal now.  This is the work.  To stay fully present in the moment regardless of what's going on "out there."

There is a place within us where we can rest in Divine Love in perfect peace. 

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,
