Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Grow in Silence: An Angel Message

God is the friend of silence.
See how nature...
trees, flowers, grass
grow in silence.
See the stars, the moon and sun
how they move in silence.
The more we receive in silent prayer
the more we can give in our active life.
We need silence to be able to touch souls.
                               --Author Unknown

Monday, March 21, 2022

2022 Happy Spring Solstice

Shortly after beginning my spiritual journey, whenever an iris appeared, I took it as a symbol that I was moving in the right direction.  Irises were like God's bread crumbs on my path.  Even though things were unsettling, somehow the events would work out for the highest good of all. And as time passed, I began to see this was true if I didn't lose my faith and give up. Many years later, I discovered this cosmic iris poster at a thrift shop in Virginia Beach.

A perfect reflection, the celestial iris captured a rainbow of emotions in one inspiring glance.  The soft hues of a blue bearded iris had blossomed far beyond the earth, as she reaches to greet the full moon, the divine feminine. Iris is also known as the Goddess of the Rainbow, and centuries ago was the word for rainbow.

Today we welcome Archangel Raphael, the governor of the season.  Raphael means  'Divine Healer' or 'God Heals'. This powerful Archangel is responsible for healing the earth and its people. He can help us seek the gift of healing and show us ways to heal ourselves in nature and through universal divine energy.

The winter season, under the leadership of Archangel Gabriel, brought feminine energy to the earth through the water element.  Now the fire element, the masculine energy is most active.  The keynote is resurrection, witnessed in nature, as dormant life reaches from darkness upward into the healing light of new beginnings.

Raphael means God has Healed. He is the Angel of brightness, beauty, healing and life. The sun, or the returning sun, sometimes symbolize him. He instructs the art of healing, especially through the elements of nature, and thus the caduceus is often his symbol. In the healing, he helps us to link our heart and our mind. The Book of Tobias in the Old Testament tells how Raphael healed Tobias' father of blindness with an ointment made from a large fish.

Spend time in nature.  Call on Archangel Raphael to bring radiant healing and dissolve any blockages holding you back from a wonderful new beginning. Then, watch what you say and think. Speak only positive life-affirming words over your life. Get ready to bloom!

Happy Spring Solstice!
Rae Karen

Friday, March 18, 2022

Angel Biker: An Angel Message

 Many years ago, I found a lost angel biker pin in the parking lot in St. Augustine.  It was by the car as I got out. Finding an angel is always a wonderful surprise; a reminder that we are never alone, our guardian angel is with us.  I tucked the little gold angel pin away in the Honda coin box, hoping to pass it along to a biker one day, and soon forgot all about it.  

Last week, waiting at the gas station in town, a half dozen bikers were fueling up.  An angel thought nudged, why not pass along the biker pin?  I wasn't even sure I still had it.  But the message was so insistent, I dug into the coin box.  There it was...buried under some loose change.  

Before I could lose my nerve, I jumped out of the car and approached a guy on a Harley.  "Would you like to have this biker angel? I found it years ago and was guided to offer it to you?" 

"Thanks!" His face lit up, as he held it in his hand.    

"Hey! A Biker Angel!" He proudly showed it to his riding buddies. 

The atmosphere at the filling station suddenly shifted from the worrisome drain of high gas prices, to a peaceful touch of heaven as I watched the bikers zoom off, wishing them all a Happy Bike Week.  The "Biker Angel" looked back and nodded, before pealing down the road with his angel in his pocket.  

Life is smoother when we remember the angels are traveling the road with us.  Inviting these loving celestial visitors into our daily life makes a world of difference. 

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

Thursday, March 10, 2022

True Blue: An Angel Message

With such divisiveness in our world, it takes courage to be true to the real you during this time of spiritual revolution. Angels can help us to stay awake and not fall asleep during the quest to experience God.  New attitudes are needed so God can remake us as we yield to Spirit. As we practice the presence of God thought by thought, hour by hour, day by day, Spirit is forming us anew, and we let go of how the world defines us. 
 I love peacocks.  So when this creative plaque popped up on my path last week, it was just what I needed to remember.  Peacocks are all about watchfulness, royalty and resurrection energy.   We are spiritual beings having a physical existence.

Have only one rule:

Be your wild, courageous,

brilliant self

every SINGLE day.

No matter what.


In his book, How You Can Talk with God, Paramahansa Yogananda writes:  

Our physical form is made of molecules, molecules are made of atoms, 

atoms are made of electrons, and electrons are made of life force or 

"lifetrons"--countless billions of specks of energy. With your spiritual eye, 

you can see the body as a mass of scintillating specks of light--the energy 

that is emanating from your 27 thousand billion cells. 

Yogananda goes on to say: "only through delusion do you see the body as 

solid flesh. In reality, it is not matter but energy."

 The good news is celestial help is available 24/7--God's pure angel thoughts passing to our consciousness. With a little willingness on our part, we can abide on high-beam and shine our light to bless the world.

 Love and peace,


Rae Karen


Monday, March 7, 2022

Letting Go, A Hermit Crab Reflection: An Angel Message

Angel messages are light-filled and easily recognized by the love they create in our hearts. And, often they pop up when least expected, but are always appreciated. 

You never know what the universe will unfold at the local farmers' market on Saturdays.  That's what makes it fun.  Some random off-beat items may symbolize my inner landscape.  An angel message, of sorts, plays out in synchronicity.  Something amusing recently happened. While digging through a vendor's wares, this elegant hermit crab paperweight turned up.  I chuckled at my reflection on  its spiral, silvery shell.  A mirror for what I'd been feeling lately,--too big for my shell.     

A hermit crab is an animal best known for its habit of occupying the empty shell of a snail.  The crab uses the shell to protect its soft abdomen, which it twists into the shell.  As hermit crabs grow they exchange their tight shells for larger ones.  Years ago, that's what happened to my young son's hermit crab. When Hermie was too big for his shell, a couple of larger shells were placed nearby for his shopping convenience. The choice was up to him.

Hermit crabs move to a new residence in the dark.  Courage and vulnerability are needed to step out of the protection of an old shell, and scurry into a better fit. 

I never forgot the hermit crab's lesson on letting go.  You can't force a hermit crab out of its shell, it won't let go, and would rather split in two.  Nature had to take its course.

One morning, to my delight, the shift had happened without any help from me.  I was amazed to see Hermie happily dressed in a beautiful new sea shell.

Change is hard, but sometimes necessary for growth.   The good news is the angels are here to guide, comfort, and protect as we leave our old shells behind and reach out for the new.

                                                                      LETTING GO

 To LET GO does not mean to stop caring, 

it means  I can’t do it for someone else.

To LET GO is not to cut myself off, it's the realization

      I can't control another.

To LET GO is not to enable, 

but to allow learning  from natural consequences.

To LET GO is to admit powerlessness, 

which means  the outcome is not in my hands.

To LET GO is not to try to change or blame another,

       it's to make the most of myself.

To LET GO is not to care for, but to care about.

To LET GO is not to judge, 

but to allow another  to be a human being.

To LET GO is not to be in the middle arranging all the


but to allow others to affect their own destinies.

To LET GO is not to be protective, 

it's to permit another to face reality.

To LET GO is not to deny, but to accept.

To LET GO is not to nag, scold or argue,

 but instead to search out my own shortcomings and correct them.

To LET GO is not to adjust everything to my desires, 


       to take each day as it comes and cherish myself in it.

To LET GO is not to regret the past,

 but to grow and live.

      To LET GO is to fear less 

and LOVE more.

                                                       --Author Unknown


What angel messages are coming to you today?  Look for the happy things of God to brighten your day.

 Love and peace,

Rae Karen


Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Ladybug Ringer: An Angel Message

A quick stop at a convenience store brought a much needed smile when I spotted a bright red ladybug wind chime.  Ladybugs are my sign that my heavenly mother is near.  Feeling lighter, I tucked it in my basket.  

Without much thought it found a home in my office on a rack. A reminder to look for the bright spots in life.  A few days later, while at my desk, a bell rang. Laughing, I turned to see Hei-Hei, our playful tabby, had learned a new trick!  Ringing the bell, like a prize fighter.  I cheered him on, remembering the good news:  "Every time a bell rings an angel is getting their wings."  Flocks of angels were taking flight.    


When the pic was uploaded, it had another heavenly touch.  

A tiny orb sealed the ladybug's smile with a kiss.  :-D

I love it.  Mama Mary Luckie is smiling down from heaven, spreading joy, as always.  Our love ones are forever near and there is nothing to fear. Love can never die.  It is eternal, infinite, supreme.

The floral plaque on the office wall is another angelic reminder. During these dark times, Psalm 91 brings comfort and protection for all who abide in the Shadow of the Almighty.  "He will cover you with His feathers and under his wings you will find refuge." (Psalm 91:4)

We are all here on planet Earth for such a time as this.  To be the light in the darkness.  Our prayers and spiritual awareness (faith) make a world of difference.  Thank you for shining your light. The best is yet to come.

Love and peace,

Rae Karen