Sunday, April 30, 2023
"Tuning in" to the Field: An Angel Message
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Out of the Cocoon... An Angel Message
A few days ago, I looked out the living room window in time to see this beautiful butterfly. The biggest ever, it lightly danced on the soft petals of the pink pentas. A comforting picture of transformation.
It's hard to believe this lovely creature was once a lowly, plain, caterpillar that had to inch its way around on the ground. Change came during a long sleep in a dark, home-made cocoon dreaming of a new life. In spring-time, came a wonderful awakening. It emerges from the tight cocoon. A beautiful new creature, with billowy yellow wings that FLY.
Fluttering from flower to flower, a butterfly brings a smile.
A reminder that transformation is inevitable...
but it can occur as gently, and joyfully as we wish, if we make changes when the opportunities come our way.
And, most of all, as a symbol of the soul, the butterfly stirs to mind, no matter what stage we find ourselves in this moment, be joyful...the best is yet to be.
Butterflies remind us to not take things quite so seriously within our lives. When one appears its a signal to get up and is a dance. Lighten up.
Love and peace,
Rae Karen
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
It's A Bird...It's a Plane... It's...
Yesterday I ran outdoors to answer an excited request from my son. Hurry! Come! You've got to see this!"
I was glad I listened.
Above the tree tops, there it was. The big beautiful Good Year Blimp! I watched it sail the blue sky above the pasture, and could clearly read the sun-lit words, written in yellow, the color of faith: GOOD YEAR.
Ah...I clapped and cheered as it passed by. A timely message as the first month in the new spiritual year, the Hebrew month of Nisan, is coming to a close at the new moon on Friday.
I was thankful for the angelic reminder. Keep looking up! The best is yet to be.
Love and peace,
Rae Karen
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Hawkeyes & Being Trustworthy: An Angel Message
With the last name Hauck, often mispronounced as Hawk, and the childhood nickname Hawkeye, it wasn't until much later in life that I realized the hawk was a spiritual messenger for me.
Last Sunday a rare encounter happened with a juvenile hawk. Driving home on the long stretch of our dead-end street, a young Red-shouldered hawk waited in the grass near the pasture by our driveway.
We stopped and I rolled down my window.
What was he up to?
One feather stuck up like a flag on a mailbox. It seemed like a special angel delivery. When I asked for permission for a photo, he turned his head for a profile shot.
Then the air shifted. He turned toward me and stared. His piercing brown eyes locked in on mine. I've never been held in the gaze of a hawk, and I wondered what he saw in me.
Something passed between us. An energy exchange.
Hawk is the messenger and my writing has slowed down to a trickle.
Suddenly a raucous screech burst from his sharp yellow beak as he glared at me, squawking, giving me the business.
Quickly, I rolled up the window. A hawk parked so close to home was significant. When a hawk circles high, it signals to see the big picture. Opportunities are coming your way.
But this young one waited in the grass, and soon flew low into the woods, leaving me wondering about the message.
I looked up the symbolism of the Red-shouldered hawk. In the Native American culture, it represented the messenger between man and God. A signal that spiritual help can be found in the heavens. A sign to keep your mind on heavenly things...
I also learned Red-shouldered hawk teaches one the importance of being trustworthy, in doing what they say they will do. A reprimand to finish the projects I began years ago. Those hawk-eyes are now the background on my laptop, a reminder to keep my word.
Remember you are never alone. Look for the happy things of God to come your way today. Take time to appreciate nature and watch for the joy you'll find when you do. Heavenly help is here...keep having faith in the unseen blessing that you are in the company of angels for God is faithful in His Word. "For He shall give his angels charge over you..."
Love and peace,
Rae Karen
Monday, April 17, 2023
Making the Best with What Is: Angel Message
A pair of Sandhill cranes were teaching a lesson on "making the best with what is." On the drive to the post office, I saw the prospective parents standing together near a nest they built on an old wooden dock at the lake.
Two rather large white eggs glistened in a sunlit bed of straw on the weathered rough planks!
The crane couple were changing shifts. Each takes a turn sitting on the eggs. A Sandhill crane lays only two eggs. It was a rare treat to get a glimpse, and it happened so fast, I wondered about it, and returned the next day with my camera.
The high waters have washed out their usual nesting choices on the tall reedy shore.
But what an enterprising pair to gather straw and build on an old pier that belongs to a house on the hill. As soon as the babies hatch, they must go into the water. That's why lake-side property is a must.
Several years ago, the weathered dock had seen better days. It extended 15-feet above a bed of dried reeds at the shrinking lake, far removed from the water. The useless old dock is now afloat, almost to the brim, after last year's storms.
Timing is everything... those old wood planks now support new life. Cranes are about creativity and longevity.
Shrouded by a stand of trees, I would have missed the crane's creative ingenuity if it weren't for an angel nudge. That's what angels do...they give us a heads-up. A more expansive vision of the world around us. God speaks through nature, my favorite language.
I'm thankful for the lesson from the Sandhill cranes. Although our terrain may look drastically different for a season or two, Love will make a way for us to celebrate new life.
"In all things give thanks..."
Not so easy to do during major trials, but with our angels watching over us, we, too, are blessed to receive fresh inspiration on making the best with what is. Flexibility is the key... Never say never...and watch for the miracles. With God, all things are possible...
Love and peace,
Rae Karen
Friday, April 14, 2023
Hiding Yourself from Others?
At the lake, an orange moth flitted by and landed near my bright green canvas chair where I sat on the boat ramp. With her wings spread wide, embracing the warm sun, I could see each glistening wing had an opened eye painted by nature. I inched closer for a photo to share, but she flew away. An opportunity was lost.
Curious, I looked on-line.
Moth is the master of disguise. A reminder to be aware that you could be hiding from yourself. Are you using your emotions to keep yourself hidden from others? If so, it's time to transform your emotional energy away from drama, and into something closer to your heart. Have faith in your journey, and trust, that although things seem to be complicated right now, you will eventually see the light. Let your heart guide you.
Soon after the reluctant orange moth departed, something popped up in the middle of the lake. The only sign of life on the water.
I hoped it was a turtle, this little ball merrily bobbing up and down in the ripples. Turtle is always a positive sign, to keep on keeping on.
Snapping away, I asked for angelic help, and was amazed by the detail. When the photos were uploaded, I could clearly see the turtle's uplifted head peeking out of the empty lake. Bobbing in sunlit ripples, its yellow-racing stripes, and matching yellow-striped eyes were up for a photo op.
I was grateful for the message: What has been hidden from you, will now be revealed so pay attention.
And, also a willingness to pop up and be counted on, when needed. The best is yet to be.
Love and peace,
Rae Karen
Saturday, April 8, 2023
An Iris Easter Blessing
Sudden inspiration sent me in search of filling an Easter basket for a dear friend. At the store, the shelves were stocked with chocolate-foiled bunnies, creme-filled eggs, yellow marshmallow peeps, and M&Ms tinted in spring hues. Among the assortment of goodies, a rare treat grabbed my heart.
An Easter Blessing, in celebration, embraced two of my favorite things. Chocolate Praying Hands and purple irises.
I read the uplifting Easter Blessing:
May you always have...
A sunbeam to warm you,
A moonshine to charm you,
A sheltering angel
so nothing can harm you...
Laughter to cheer you,
Faithful friends near you,
and whenever your pray,
Heaven to hear you."
A blessing to joyfully share with you in celebration of Easter.
For He has risen!
Love and peace,
Rae Karen
Friday, April 7, 2023
A Blooming Easter Bunny: An Angel Message
This morning, my husband came back to the house after hauling the trash can down to the street. "You've got to see this." He said, grinning in disbelief. We walked down the driveway and he pointed to the pasture. Beside the fence was a "rabbit" cactus. Each long green ear crowned with a yellow bloom.
A wonderful sign for Easter weekend. Rabbit represents fertility and new life. Cactus is about adaptation; find and express the beauty and strength in all conditions. And, just to top it off, a busy bee nestled on a petal, sipping the nectar of life.
You can't make these things happen, but when they do, what a sweet surprise. Yellow, the color of faith, is the message of resurrection. And, the blooming cactus bunny hopped on our path to celebrate Easter with you.
Rae Karen
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Not Alone in the Garden: An Angel Thought
I'm sure you can remember when at the crossroads of your life, in need of encouragement, something-- a painting, book, flower, or song spoke to your soul. Most likely, it took you by surprise as you found yourself being pulled into a deeper understanding of yourself, and the world around you. And, in that special moment, you realized, without a doubt, it was a sign, an angel message for you. An unexpected nudge to grow in spirit.
Tonight's full moon stirred such an old memory. Many years ago, I stumbled upon this vintage print of Jesus in the Gethsemane Garden. On my way home from work, I had stopped by an antique mall to look for an oriental rug.
As I gazed at the picture of Jesus, alone on the hill, far from the city below, I could relate. Those clouds that began to shroud the glow of a full moon mirrored my own fears about starting a new life. Fears that gather like clouds to rob our light.
At that time, I'd made an exciting, but drastic life-changing move to a new state. A brand new life. The security of a long-term career, my home, my cat, and friends were left behind to work on an angel documentary in Georgia. My belongings fit into a 10-ft. U-Haul truck.
Looking at Jesus praying on the rocky hillside was a comforting reminder. He was not alone in his greatest hour of contemplation and testing. Although his earthly companions had abandoned him-- asleep in the garden when he had asked them to pray. His heavenly Father had provided spiritual assistance. An angel came to give him the strength to complete his earthly mission as the Light of the World.That vintage portrait still hangs on the wall. Christ on the rock, praying in the shadow of the full moon.
A grateful reminder that I'm never alone. Neither are you. In Christ, we are a new creature--children of Light, subject to the laws of spirit, and not the carnal flesh. Christ bears witness to our spirit, and we reside in eternity with Him.
So no matter where you find yourself, even in your darkest hour, be still and take a breath, right where you are, you are not alone. Accept that you are in Good Hands. God's angels are lovingly watching over you. This too shall pass... Be of good cheer...for the best is yet to be.
Happy Easter Week!
Love and peace,
Rae Karen
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Rabbit Ears Tuned In: An Angel Message
With almost no major rain for months, the oscillating sprinkler is slowly turning the lawn green. The steady, swaying motion, spraying water to and fro, is mesmerizing from the sun-room, and brings to mind the wild bunnies that have yet to visit.
"Build it, they'll come..." seemed a theme for the day when I opened the curtains first thing this morning.
What joy to see a pair of bunnies nibbling on the fresh tall grass! It seemed like the answer to a prayer. Yesterday, I'd been toying with an idea to resurrect two older bunny photos from an old blog to celebrate this Easter week. But guidance stopped me. That was then, and this is now. I heard. Keep it fresh. Wait for the real thing.
I was glad I listened. Before dawn today, I got one of those angel zssts when I spotted not one, but two Easter bunnies on the lawn.
A too-good-to-be-true-kinda-feeling. And a powerful reminder that our thoughts are things... So, be wise in what you ask for.
I zoomed in on those "rabbit-ears" fine-tuned like an antenna, ready to hop toward any opportunities coming his way. An angel blog photo-op. He was patient and poised.
Get ready to hop by leaps and bounds. And, remember you are never alone. God's angels are with you along the trail. The best is yet to be.
Love and peace,
Rae Karen
Monday, April 3, 2023
We Are The World: An Angel Message
Years ago, when I ducked into the Dollar Store to buy a birthday card, on a whim, I hurried to the garden aisle. Imagine my surprise. This bright rubber ball globe was tucked behind a flower pot up on a shelf. In that moment, the world seemed oddly out of place, or was it an angel reminder? The more we love one another and tend to our beautiful planet, the happier we'll be.
The cashier laughed when she heard how I'd found it. "It was meant for you!"
"We are the world," I smiled, recalling the heart-filled collaboration of super star singers raising their voices in song to help Africa. Although the song is over 35-years-old, the message of Truth never changes.
Rae Karen