Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Inner Celebration of Christmas

"O Christ, especially on this sacred morning, manifest Thy consciousness within us, reveal Thine omnipresence all around us, that we might understand and perceive Thee as Thou art, behind the veil of nature, and cradled within us.
Aum. Peace. Amen."
                                                                       Christmas Day Address
                                                                              -- Paramahansa Yogananda

May the peace and joy and glory of the Christ unfold in you today and fill your life as never before.   Merry Christmas!



Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A "Christmas Star" - Rare Conjunction of Planets

My email box had a wonderful present just now. The Space Weather Report advises a rare Christmas conjunction of planets:  Venus, Jupiter, and Earth are aligning to produce a "Christmas Star" as observed by NASA's STEREO-B probe situated over the far side of the sun.  

You can visit: for images.

I've been interested in learning more about The Star of Bethlehem, and watched a documentary film by that title last week.  With our computer technology, astronomers have software that will display the night skies at any given period in history. Using this tool, some researchers believe that the Star of Bethlehem was Venus and Jupiter aligned, forming a figure 8. 

It's exciting that this Christmas time in 2013 Earth is included in the star with the same two planets!

Many blessing on this holy night.




Monday, December 23, 2013

The Gift of the Poinsettia: An Angel Messsage

Poinsettia in the backyard 

Elliot and I sat outdoors in the backyard, enjoying the warm December weather.  Suddenly he asked, Why don't you blog about that beautiful poinsettia?  It bloomed against all odds?  I looked at the big red flower, a housewarming gift from a dear girlfriend several years ago.  After Christmas that year, I had planted it in the backyard by a camphor tree.  A perfect spot to thrive, so I thought, and it did. 

Until last month, a team of ambitious tree trimmers pruned the camphor tree before I had time to rescue the holiday plant.  To my dismay, the felled branches had crushed the leafy poinsettia. Only a woody stem remained anchored in the soil.  I doubted it would survive, and soon forgot about the lone twig.      

Then, yesterday I discovered it had spread new leafy branches.  They covered the ground with splashes of red. Vitality had returned, the gift had kept on giving.  

It's the Spirit of Christmas, my husband smiled, as we admired the colorful plant.  Turns out he was right.  When I took a closer look at the poinsettia, I spotted a small plastic Santa underneath its leafy new growth.  I picked up Santa, who also had cracked, but he was still bearing gifts. 

Nature can teach many lessons. I realized life is like that poinsettia. The good news is that our challenges never leave us where they find us, we are stronger and more grateful having grown  through the process.  To see every problem as an opportunity to grow spiritually is the message of the angels. 

We don't have to go it alone, the angels are forever with us, guiding, comforting and inspiring us with pure loving intuition. 

I later learned that poinsettias were first cultivated by the Aztecs and were known as "flores de noche buena" which means Christmas Eve or Flower of the Holy Night; they are also known as The Christmas Star or Christmas Flower.  

 Enjoy your day with the Angels.  Merry Christmas!

Love and blessings,

Rae Karen

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Welcome Gabriel, Governor of the Winter Season

(Artwork: Gabriel by Bellini Giovanni; Wikimedia Commons)
Gabriel is the Archangel of love and hope who comes to brighten our lives at this special time of year.  He governs the winter season to assist in purifying, uplifting and quickening our spirituality.  Each season brings its own energy change that manifests most clearly in nature.  Winter is a time for giving birth to feminine energies.  It is the time of the holy birth.  The angelic hierarchy working with Archangel Gabriel help in generating energy that is birth giving and creative. 

The higher energies at play now make it easier to meditate and tap into  inner guidance.  Dreams become more vibrant.  Winter is  the time to slow down outer activity and open up to contact with the angels and your I AM Presence. 

Just like in Nature, there is much invisible activity and so it is a reminder to be
 patient with new endeavors.  They need time to germinate so they can sprout forth at the best time. Don't lose hope; more is happening than it appears.
 Archangel Gabriel is often shown with a lily, a symbol of purity and self-control.  It is a symbol that invokes the influence of angels.  It helps to stimulate the throat chakra and all the centers of the head, so that the creative power of The Word can be unfolded in our lives.

Today we welcome Archangel Gabriel and give thanks for his dedication and service at this holy time of year.  Under his authority comes a strong wave of divine love to awaken a greater appreciation for the true essence in all life.

Love and blessings,


Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Angel Appearing Before the Shepherds

(Artwork: Wikimedia Commons)

And suddenly there was with the angel, a multitude
of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace,
good will toward men."  
                                                      Luke 2:13-14
What a joyful night for the shepherds when out of the darkness came a bright light. The Angel appeared with good news and the world was forever changed.   Angels are God's messengers, His representatives, who continue today to bring uplifting messages to humankind.  May we feel their loving presence and guidance especially during this light-filled time of the year.
Enjoy your day with the Angels.
Love and blessings,

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hawks and Dimes, Angel Messages

The angels send uplifting messages in many ways. They speak to each of us by using a language that is close to our heart.  Earlier this week, I spotted a baby hawk swoop down and land in the parking lot of a restaurant downtown.  I wondered what he was doing.   Hawks usually soar, but this one was grounded. Then he flew up to the top of the three story building.  Hawk is symbolic of seeing the big picture, coming up higher to get a better view.  I thanked him for being a messenger.

After dinner  I was surprised to find a dime on the sidewalk by the Christian Science Reading Room at 111 New York Avenue.  Curious, I looked up the symbolism on-line.  I knew from a dear friend who had lost her husband many years ago the meaning for her.  She began to find dimes when in need of guidance and reassurance.  An intuitive told her it was a message from her late husband that all would be well.  When dealing with difficulties, she was amazed how a dime would turn up in the most unlikely places.  She would thank Joey for watching over the family; an angel on the other side.

My search on the web for more information on the angels and dimes turned up this explanation:  "Finding a dime means that heaven is keeping an eye on you. People usually find dimes when there is something that they are worried about. You could be wondering if someone is safe that you have not seen in a long time. You could also be worried about money. Whatever it is and you find a dime, angels are letting you know that all will be well. Do not worry. Instead, turn your faith towards God and let Him take care of it."

Enjoy your day with the angels, and invite them to share their joy.

Love and blessings,
