It must have been the Angel of Spontaneity who prompted a trip to the oceanfront last week. We woke up with the idea to head to the beach.
Elliot called our favorite get-away and luckily a room with a view was available. Timing is everything, and so we packed our bags for the two-day excursion and stopped to have lunch in Daytona Beach at another favorite spot, the Indian restaurant.
Sometimes you can't go back. You have fond memories of how things should be, just as they were, but when you arrive the picture is totally different. That's what happened to us. The restaurant had changed ownership and was now under a new name. The lunch was delicious, but our friends no longer worked there.
We went to the hotel and sat at the poolside waiting for the office to reopen after lunch break. Quickly it became apparent that this was not the peaceful place of choice. The pool area was being painted; nothing like the waft of latex on an ocean breeze; and the noise coming from a construction worker next door with a power drill putting up railings sent us off on a search for a new place. We were thankful for the timing as we had not paid for the room and could cancel.
I began to have doubts. Maybe this wasn't such a good time to be away. Mom was in her new place at Assisted Living, and my son was visiting, so he checked on her...but still... I thought since things weren't working out as planned, it may be a sign to turn around and go home. Elliot knew how much I needed a rest so he kept driving farther north. Soon he located a beautiful hotel and conference center and it was the best place we've ever stayed.
After an evening thunderstorm, the sun came out while it was still raining.I wondered if there would be a rainbow. Before long, one appeared in the sky, a beautiful half circle over the ocean...sorry my camera didn't capture it. But what a promise of all the wonderful things in store. Nostradamus predicted that 2015 will be the Golden Age of the Iris. Iris once was the official name of the rainbow, named for the Goddess of the Rainbow.
So when storms come into our lives, whether emotional or physical, know that the best is yet to be. Hang on to the Truth and you'll be glad that you did.
Love and blessings,
P.S. This photo taken after a storm at sunset turned the sky all pink. Perfect love casts out fear.