All the world is our mirror, so when I spotted this young woman posing for a picture with her cell phone, I watched in amusement. Behind her is the vast magnificent ocean as far as the eye can see, endless waves of sparkling sea, but she is distracted, focused on the technology at hand, with her back to the real beauty surrounding her and her unseen companions.
From the hotel balcony, I watched her strike many different poses looking for the perfect photo. She stuck out as the only one on the wide sandy beach. Her presence reminded me of how often I get caught up in me, forgetting the wonder of life that enfolds each moment in gentle love and understanding.
That's the way it is with the angelic realm and us. We often gaze into man made gadgets rather than embracing the world of nature, hands-on. The Angels are always speaking, but do we listen?
The Angels are patient. It's all okay. At no time are we not learning. And lessons come in many guises. The message for me that sun filled morning: Don't become too self-absorbed that you miss the miracles on the journey. There is always more going on than meets the eye. Stop. Look. Listen. Appreciate.
I had a good laugh this morning when my attention was drawn to the magazine rack in the living room. An old unread issue of a spiritual magazine was buried under a book, only the subtitle was visible: "IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT 'ME."
Enjoy your day with the Angels.
Blessings and love,