Sunday, July 31, 2016

A Call for Prayers: An Angel Message

"For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways."
     Psalm 91:11
This evening I was guided to read a few beautiful passages about the angels that I want to share with you.  It's so important not to lose faith at this time of great transformation.  The more we choose to stay focused on the spiritual side of life, the unseen, the more light can shine out into the darkness illuminating our "footsteps" back home.

In her best seller, Embraced by the Light, Betty J. Eadie wrote about her two near death experiences; one as a child and the other at age of 31 while hospitalized for an operation.  Betty's second account includes a beautiful description of seeing different angels. She saw angels answering prayer.  The prayers of humans were rising like beams of light, and the spiritual beings were rushing to answer them.  She witnessed the great joy in which they did their work.  The prayers said with faith and intensity were answered first.  She saw how elimination of doubt freed prayers to bear fruit.  Betty heard pure voices and glorious music.

In Heaven, light was not reflected; it came from within the objects.  She saw beautiful and loving people weaving on ancient looking looms.  They seemed to be making cloth that shimmered and sparkled,  "like a mixture of spun glass and spun sugar."  There were also "living" waters and plants that seemed to sway to a subtle, but unforgettable music, praising God. 

 "When the heavens scrolled back," Betty said, "I saw earth with its billions of people on it.  I saw them scrambling for existence, making mistakes, experiencing kindness, finding love, grieving for death, and I saw angels hovering above them."

I am so thankful to Betty for sharing her powerful experiences about heaven and the angels.  It's comforting to know that no matter what we are facing, we are not alone, God has sent his angels to be with us, to comfort, protect and direct our path.  Our gratitude goes out to these tireless companions who serve with infinite love.
Love and peace to you, 

Rae Karen

Saturday, July 30, 2016

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes: An Angel Message

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes...

Angels will sometimes convey messages in dreams and those precious night time communications remain etched in our heart and mind.  For instance, in my late forties I had my first and only dream ever of flying like Superman.   I was overjoyed, euphoria had me singing as I flew above the treetops at a college. The sweet familiar melody was on my mind when I woke up:  "A dream is a wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep."   That happy dream mirrored my newfound freedom as I had left behind everything familiar and started a brand new life in a different part of the country working in a different industry that involved an angel production.  

Several years ago, I found a large wall decal with those lyrics and placed it over the kitchen door as a reminder. It stayed put until several weeks ago. In the dim morning light, I stepped on something sticky on the kitchen floor. I reached down and had a good laugh as I peeled the transparent decal off my Quest shoe.   "A dream is a wish your heart makes"... The timing had the markings of an angel message!  And so I pass it on to you.  No matter what you're facing, hold fast to the dream that makes your heart sing. The best is yet to be.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen  

Friday, July 15, 2016

Embrace One Another: An Angel Message

We are each of us angels
with only one wing and we
can fly by embracing one
  Luciano De Crescenzo

Yesterday's visit to the DeBary Garden Center unfolded a precious surprise.  I found this beautiful statue on display.  "Angels have wings to carry our prayers"  As I read these comforting words engraved on the wing, it brought peace to remember that we are never truly alone. No matter how grave the situation may appear, God's angels are ever present, both within and without.  Prayer is a powerful gift we can give to ourselves and to each other.  

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Beauty of a Droplet: An Angel Message


What is very precious and beautiful that we often take for granted?  

A drop of water.  

On this blistering hot summer day, we just had a refreshing sun shower. Water is both renewing and purifying.  

Seventy percent of what we call "me" is made of water.  Dr. Masaru Emoto's research irevealed water is as alive and vulnerable as we are.  It is sensitive to our emotions, our thoughts, our attitudes, and our actions. Water is the esoteric symbol of our emotional nature.  Think about the many expressions we say:  I'm in the flow. I've got a sinking feeling; I'm in over my head.  A wave of emotion caught me offguard. Just float. Sink or swim.  The list goes on.   

Our body responds to our emotions so why not fill your glass and your tub with positive thoughts about yourself and others. The angels encourage us to take a dip and cool off. Nothing positive can happen in the heat of a moment.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Light on the Path: An Angel Message

                                (Garden sunlit path 2016)

Several days ago while in the garden, I was too busy to notice the waterfall of cascading sunlight on the path until I uploaded this photo.  Beauty is all around us, lighting the way with angel messages.  If we take a moment to really observe our surroundings what joy awaits our experience. 
A lesson from nature appeared recently.  A bucket of a dozen bromeliad plants greeted me one morning with a surprise. I had uprooted them several weeks ago. It was too hot to work in the garden. So imagine my surprise coming down the garden path to discover one of those flowers had bloomed in the bucket of rainwater!

I marveled at the lengths it had grown to in order to bloom against all odds.  No dirt, in a crowded bucket of plants soaking in rainwater!  The amazing red bloomer had extended its stem, reaching high above the other plants, so it could bathe in the sunlight.  It was an exuberant message of perserverance and faith.

I looked up the esoteric message of the Bromeliad: to open up to our deepest nature, our true self that is part of a greater whole.  

These flowers teach that we are surrounded by all the support (love) we need.  They can help us challenge the flawed views we have about life and ourselves.  When we learn to build on the potential within us instead of focusing on our seeming faults, we can bloom by being our true self.  Faith blooms in a garden...

Enjoy your day with the Angels!

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen 

Friday, July 8, 2016

An Angel Wake!

                                Photo from Wikimedia Commons

The vision of the angels
works softly and peaceably
awakening joy and exultation.
   --St. Athanasius

On your voyage through the sea of life, may you leave an angel in your wake. 
Water is a code word for the Light of the Creator in our physical realm (according to The Zohar, The Book of Splendor).  May your soul be refreshed today in the living waters of Life.

Enjoy your day with the Angels!

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Angel Thought Watch

The function of the wing is
to take whatever is heavy 
and raise it up.          --Plato

May today be filled with wonderful blessings. Each loving thought you entertain can become a grain of sand bringing heaven to earth. 

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

(Photo: Wikimedia)


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

A White Feather: An Angel Message

Something unexpected happened yesterday morning. Elliot found this rather large white feather on the floor by the sofa where we'd been meditating!  

A white feather, especially one that turns up in an unusual way in an unlikely place (indoors), is a spiritual sign.  The angels are near, watching over our plans, encouraging us to take the next step forward to victory.

Let us be like a bird perched 
on a frail branch while he sings.
Though he feels it bend, yet he sings his song
knowing he has wings.

                       ~~Victor Hugo

Enjoy your day with the angels. We are grateful for their loving presence. 

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Don't Quit: Angel Message

Creativity is a flower
that praise brings to bloom
but discouragement often
nips it in the bud.


How many times have you been excited about a creative idea, and in that moment you felt as though nothing was impossible. You had clarity and a sense of purpose that you were being guided.  Then doubt wriggled in and slowly eroded your enthusiasm into inertia.

 A favorite definition of angels comes from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.  Mary Baker Eddy explains: "Angels are God's thoughts passing to man; spiritual intuitions, pure and perfect." 

Perfect.  Pure, meaning untouched by human error.  Free from ego judgment. When we  still our minds,  the angels deliver higher thought forms that bring joy to our soul. These angel messages capture the heart of our creative nature and spark our lives.

So why not invite the angels to speak to you today.  Stay open for a new way of being in the world.  A way you can joyfully share your gifts with others. We only need to follow their guidance step by step to victory.

Enjoy your day!  

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Trumpet Swan Delivery: An Angel Message

Early this morning an old friend reappeared at the park.  The beautiful trumpet swan.had been missing for many long months. She was almost like a mirage, all snowy white, preening in the warm morning sunlight. 

 Last night a Firecracker Festival had rocked the park, so I didn't even bother to look for her today in the aftermath of a booming celebration.

 Watching her graceful movement, I realized that Life happens like that sometimes, just when you least expect it, there's your miracle!  So I'm learning to relax and just let it happen.

A rooster crowed during my walk. Cock-a-doodle-doo brought a smile as I remember the world is as we dream it, so why not have a happy one.  

I looked up the spiritual message of swan in Animal Messengers  Author Regula Meyer writes:  "Swan brings a message to rise up to the highest levels of your world of senses, open your bright eyes, and have courage for the highest spiritual experiences."  

Enjoy your day with the Angels!

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen 



Friday, July 1, 2016

Reaching Out: An Angel Message

Taking advantage of the angel's guidance to spend more time in nature, I found myself cooling off in the shade at St. Augustine last week.  Sitting with my back against an old oak, I snapped a photo of the blue inlet hoping to catch a jumping fish.  It was then I caught sight of the beautiful silhouette portrait created by the lovely overlighting trees. Their long arms seemed to stretch linking up with each other to lovingly share their sacred place in the sun.  

The angels of summer have a message for today.  They ask that we too may reach out and lovingly embrace those closest to us.  Let us lend a helping hand to support our neighbor. We can share the sunshine.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen