Yesterday Elliot and I couldn't find a parking place in Saint Augustine. We had called out to the angels for help, but it just wasn't happening. The weather was warm and sunny and everyone was down town. It was so busy that we decided to head back to the hotel and return on Sunday morning. We had driven a few blocks from the congested area when I saw street parking in front of a large church. It was in a park with oaks and cedars near the water. We decided to stop.
In the courtyard of the Prince of Peace Church, we came upon an old tree standing alone.
I wondered if it was a cedar of Lebanon?
Elliot looked at the plaque. "What does it say? I asked backing up to take a picture.
"It's a message from the tree," he smiled.
I thought he was kidding me.
But when reading the beautiful words out loud, my eyes began to well up and goosebumps tingled my arms. For I have always felt this way about the trees, but having it confirmed in such a loving, touching way melted something deep inside me. Just the day before I had sent up a prayer for a forest of trees felled behind the hotel in Savannah.
This powerful message is meant to be shared.
Here's what the old cedar tree had to say:
"Behold me! The silent witness,
I have known it all,
Listen to me as I speak
through the wind.
I am a child of God, Just as you.
He sends me water from the clouds.
He sends me light and warmth of
the Sun to nourish me.
It is my responsibility to
provide you with clean air and
I shelter you and keep you.
Beneath my boughs, deer have grazed,
and Native children played.
Beneath me I have seen the vices of men:
greed, ambition, deceit,
And the virtues of Faith, courage,
compassion, heroism,
Even self-sacrifice
I am a child of God, Just as you.
Learn from those who have gone
Bend, but hold your truths; stay
strong and persevere, as I have.
Come, don't be shy; place your hand
upon me.
I will share my strength with you.
God has given us all many gifts.
Rejoice in them, share them.
I am a child of God, Just as you.
We are all God's children."
Elliot and I both touched the tree, grateful that we were guided to come to this wonderful place.
The Church is on the sacred grounds of the Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche. And is the birthplace of Christianity in America, dating back to September 8, 1565.
I am learning the more I can let go, the greater the blessings. This is a time of amazing synchronicity. Have you noticed it, too?
Enjoy your day with the Angels.