Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Christmas at Blue Springs


On Christmas day, a wonderful gift from nature popped up.  A tremendous herd of manatees bathed in the warm springs at Blue Springs State Park. A respite from the frigid waters in the St. Johns River.  Five years ago we'd ventured out on Christmas Day to be in nature.  An angel thought nudged to do it again, but early Christmas morning brought heavy rains.  After lunch, another nudge surfaced, the rain had stopped and grey damp clouds hung low, but we gave it a go. 

We were glad we listened.  Although the human crowd was sparse, the manatee count was high, over 200 of these gentle, peaceful creatures were cozying up in clusters to share space in the warm springs.  

The first one I spotted, slowly swam toward us on the observation deck. It came to rest so close to the deck I could see her bubbles. The big gentle gray creature enjoyed a lunch of green leafy vegetation.   

The large number of manatees gathered together on a cold Christmas Day was a call to revisit the symbolism.  Turns out, these peaceful creatures symbolize trust; trust in others to do the right thing.  Since manatees use all of their senses, they can be a reminder for us to do likewise in our daily lives.  Are we relying solely on one input, and not taking in as much information as we should. That message hit home, as we had listened for inner guidance rather than the weather forecast, and drove to the park, in hopes the manatees would be there, and we wouldn't be rained out.

Another thing about these gentle watery mammals is that they see well. A special membrane helps to clean their eyes.  A reminder to step back and clear our vision from time to time.  As this 2023 comes to a close, we may ask ourselves about our vision.  Are we looking at things too closely? Or not closely enough? 

When you spot a manatee ask yourself, do I trust my feelings?  Is it time to seek gentler and warmer environments within your own life?   

Trust your heart.  Examine your trust in others, and follow your own sense of what's right.

The energy of 200 manatees is a wonderful experience.  Their powerful energy field, along with the presence of the angels, filled the Springs and ourselves with an abundance of joy and peace.

Love and peace,


Rae Karen  

(Ref. Animal-Speak, Ted Andrews)

Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas


 Behold, a virgin shall bring forth a son, 

and they shall call His name Emmanuel, 

which being interpreted is, God with us. 

               ISAIAH 7:14 R.V.


May you find comfort and peace in the eternal truth that you can never be separated from the love of God, no matter what.  

Merry Christmas,

Rae Karen



Friday, December 22, 2023

Entanglement Phenomenon! An Angel Message

When I look at a beautiful Christmas tree all lit up by a long, strand of continuous tiny lights, I take time to reflect on the infinite power of light.  
In quantum physics, the scientific term entanglement explains how at one level all light particles seem to be in touch with all others. Experiments to measure this entanglement phenomenon revealed that light photons in one location are immediately entangled with ALL other light particles. 
What's amazing is it doesn't seem to matter if the photons are coming from the earthly glow of a campfire or from a distant galaxy made up of billions of stars.  From light's perspective,  ALL light particles seem to be touching one another instantaneously in what scientists call  an "entanglement" phenomenon. In reality, there is no distance between Point (A) and Point (B).  

Years ago, when I first learned about the entanglement phenomenon, the timing was amusing. I'd just unraveled a tangled mess of tree lights.  Lacking patience, my issue had been the detanglement phenomenon that occurs every year when the lights aren't properly packed away. The entanglement phenomenon lesson was a message presented to lighten up.  I laughed, thankful for a bright perception on the issue.  I admired the glow from the colorful light bulbs on our Christmas tree.  Each bulb seemed to be individual and separate, but in reality they were united and powered by light from the same source.
O Christmas Tree  (English version by Ruth Heller)
 O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
O tree of green, unchanging.
Your boughs, so green in summer time,
Do brave the snow of winter time.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
O tree of green unchanging.

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
You set my heart a singing.
Like little stars, your candles bright
Send to the world a wondrous light.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree
You set my heart a singing.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
You come from God, eternal.
A symbol of the Lord of Love
Whom God to man sent from above.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
You come from God eternal. 

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

tree photo: web

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Welcome, Archangel Gabriel on the Winter Solstice

Today we welcome the Winter Solstice and Archangel Gabriel, the governor of the season whose name means God is my strength
Archangel Gabriel is the heavenly Annunciator who brings glad tidings of new life. He was the angel who announced to Mary her miraculous role in birthing the Christ child. According to the Bible, Gabriel also appeared to Zechariah announcing God's plan for his barren elderly wife Elizabeth to conceive a baby. Their precious child would be John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ Jesus, The Light of the World. 

Archangel Gabriel helps to stir a greater appreciation for the divinity within each of us as the angel of Love and Hope.
The winter solstice is a time to kindle our inner light in spite of the outer darkness. By spending quiet time in contemplation and meditation, we will awaken to our true divinity.

During this time of year, the angelic hierarchy draws closer to the earth, bathing the world in rays of divine love. This outpouring brings an expansion of consciousness beyond the physical world for those who still their minds and attune to the heavenly blessings.

Thank you, Archangel Gabriel.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen

(Archangel Gabriel Artwork by Nanette Crist Johnson)

Thursday, December 14, 2023

A Christmas Ball: An Angel Message

Something magical happens when you first plug in the Christmas tree.  A symbol of everlasting life, the evergreen branches and shiny lights warm the room with an unspoken peace.  A promise of miracles.  A Christmas tree angel enfolds each tree. 
Something wonderful is unfolding, both within, and without as we share love, peace, and joy. 
Over the years, our cat has taught me a lesson on patience and letting go when it comes to the tree. Instead of spending the holidays, guarding the tree, saying No! No! No!, our fragile ornaments were replaced with plastic ones.  
This year, I surprised myself when the tree was set up.  Immediately Hei-Hei lit up and pulled a shiny red ball off the lighted tree.  Rather than complain, I grabbed the camera, and enjoyed his playful Christmas spirit. What was even more surprising, that romp satisfied his curiosity. Now he's content to rest under the evergreen branches on a soft red flannel tree skirt.       

It's true, during the darkest season of the year,  the heavenly host draws closer to the earth plane in celebration of the Light of the World, the Christ. You can feel the angelic loving presence in the "atmosphere". To make the holiday festivities even more special, the angels hope for an invitation to join us as we go about celebrating the holidays with friends and family.
Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen 

Monday, December 11, 2023

The Twelve Days of Christmas Carol

Have you ever wondered what a partridge in a pear tree has to do with Christmas?

The 12 days of Christmas started December 25th to The Epiphany on January 6th, the cycle of Christ's birth to his baptism. The song, The Twelves Days of Christmas, dates back to Medieval French troubadours, formally published by an Englishman, J.O. Helliwell in 1842.

Here's one interpretation of the Song:

12 Drummers Drumming - The 12 Articles of Faith

11 Pipers Piping - The 11 apostles, less Judas

10 Lords A Leaping - The Ten Commandments

9 Ladies Dancing - To recall the fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance

8 Maids A Milking - The Beatitudes

7 Swans A Swimming - Gifts of the Holy Spirit: piety, wisdom, counsel, fear of the Lord, understanding, knowledge and fortitude

6 Geese A Laying - Six Days of Creation

5 Gold Rings - First five books of the Old Testament

4 Calling Birds - Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

3 French Hens - Three gifts of the Magi; or faith, hope and charity

2 Turtle Doves - Two birds sacrificed by the Jews at the birth of a son

A Partridge in a Pear Tree - Christ who gathers his young under his wings.

Singing is a fun way to get into the spirit of Christmas.  I grabbed an old songbook of carols, compliments of our local newspaper years ago. I sat on the sofa and sang some childhood favorites.  When finished, I felt a rush of joy.

"O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, You speak of God, unchanging.
You tell us all to faithful be. And trust in God eternally.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, You speak of God unchanging."

 Enjoy your day with the Angels.  And make a joyful noise!

Love and peace,

Rae Karen

(Note:  Excerpts from Do You Know What I Know? by Jim Cook)

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Filling Up with Christmas Cheer: An Angel Message

 Our small town is steeped in holiday cheer. I've never seen so many big inflatable Santas in boats, or trains, on roofs with sleigh and reindeer, a host of happy snowmen, busy elves-- decorate  lawns and rooftops.  

The water treatment plant has joined in the fun with a welcome Santa at the gate.  It was fun taking a night tour of the Christmas sights.  Joy is in the air as a holiday train blows the whistle traveling through the neighborhood.    

As wonderfully festive as these buoyant inflatable figures are at night, the next morning they all lay flattened like pancakes, strewn all over the lawns.   A daily fill-up is needed to get back into shape and rise up for an encore performance that night.  

This scenario reminded me to take time out to be filled with Spirit during the holidays. Daily maintenance is needed to refill our tank so we too can rise up, with renewed breath.  Meditation, prayer, scripture, good deeds, and loving kindness help me to stay centered. Thanks to the Holy Spirit, we can make the world a brighter place right where we are each moment by sharing Love.   

And, it's wonderful to remember that we are never alone.  God has sent his angels to be with us to guide us in all of our ways.  

Love, peace, and joy as we celebrate the Light of the World.

Rae Karen