I have compassion for the angels who try their best to help me. Many years ago, my husband and I were planning to attend a lecture in a nearby town. A couple that would be riding with us said they knew the way. No problem. They had visited the public library where the talk God is Speaking to You was to be held.
As the lecture date drew near, an angel thought nudged, get the directions on-line, but I ignored it.
Then, again, as we were leaving our house to pick up our friends for the lecture, the angel message crossed my mind once more. Get the directions! But I chided myself, don't be such a control freak.
As the lecture date drew near, an angel thought nudged, get the directions on-line, but I ignored it.
Then, again, as we were leaving our house to pick up our friends for the lecture, the angel message crossed my mind once more. Get the directions! But I chided myself, don't be such a control freak.
Well, you've probably guessed what happened. An hour later we're circling the town, puzzled as to where the public library is located. The lecture was about to begin when we happened upon a 7-11 and asked for directions. Funny thing -- we had to circle back and had earlier driven by the rear unmarked entrance to the library parking lot. How had we missed it? We all laughed.
So the topic, God is Speaking to You was just what I needed. A reminder that God never stops talking to us, but our "spiritual receptor" is like a radio. Angelic messages-- pure intuition, winged with truth and love-- are broadcast 24/7, but in order to hear, our "radio" has to be turned on and tuned in, or we can't discern God's thoughts. Static on our airwaves can interfere with our reception. Static comes in many forms. Fear that we may be afraid of what we'll be told. Low-self esteem, a feeling of unworthiness to hear God, is another muffler. Anger and guilt can also block the flow.
We've all had an experience or two where we've turned to God in prayer for an answer, yet we don't hear anything. Here are some lecture notes to help out:
How to Listen to God for an answer.
1. Tune out fear. Go within and close the door of your mind. Affirm the truths you know about God. He is all-knowing; He knows your every need. He is omnipresent; ever present regardless of where you find yourself. You cannot be absent from God. He is All Loving and wants the best for you. (Or use a particular scripture to connect, e.g,: "Be still and know that I am God."
2. Tune in to God. Tell Him the problem and expect an answer. Keep your spiritual receptor turned on. Listen, be willing to receive.
3. When the answer comes, obey. Don't hesitate.
Tips that it is God speaking:
1) The thoughts that come are good and moral.
2) They are a blessing to others as well as yourself.
3) A peaceful calm feeling prevails (not pushy or aggressive like having a personal agenda)
4) There is a sense of authority. I must do this, or I must not!
When You Can't Hear...
Pray the static be revealed to you. Ask what blocks in your consciousness impede you from hearing God? Then, stay vigilant for the answer. It may not come during prayer, but it will be revealed, so be expectant of hearing Him. His answer will always give you peace and be a win/win for the highest good of all.
I've been trying to listen more to God and to obediently follow the guidance offered to make the road smoother by driving under the influence of angels.
So the topic, God is Speaking to You was just what I needed. A reminder that God never stops talking to us, but our "spiritual receptor" is like a radio. Angelic messages-- pure intuition, winged with truth and love-- are broadcast 24/7, but in order to hear, our "radio" has to be turned on and tuned in, or we can't discern God's thoughts. Static on our airwaves can interfere with our reception. Static comes in many forms. Fear that we may be afraid of what we'll be told. Low-self esteem, a feeling of unworthiness to hear God, is another muffler. Anger and guilt can also block the flow.
We've all had an experience or two where we've turned to God in prayer for an answer, yet we don't hear anything. Here are some lecture notes to help out:
How to Listen to God for an answer.
1. Tune out fear. Go within and close the door of your mind. Affirm the truths you know about God. He is all-knowing; He knows your every need. He is omnipresent; ever present regardless of where you find yourself. You cannot be absent from God. He is All Loving and wants the best for you. (Or use a particular scripture to connect, e.g,: "Be still and know that I am God."
2. Tune in to God. Tell Him the problem and expect an answer. Keep your spiritual receptor turned on. Listen, be willing to receive.
3. When the answer comes, obey. Don't hesitate.
Tips that it is God speaking:
1) The thoughts that come are good and moral.
2) They are a blessing to others as well as yourself.
3) A peaceful calm feeling prevails (not pushy or aggressive like having a personal agenda)
4) There is a sense of authority. I must do this, or I must not!
When You Can't Hear...
Pray the static be revealed to you. Ask what blocks in your consciousness impede you from hearing God? Then, stay vigilant for the answer. It may not come during prayer, but it will be revealed, so be expectant of hearing Him. His answer will always give you peace and be a win/win for the highest good of all.
I've been trying to listen more to God and to obediently follow the guidance offered to make the road smoother by driving under the influence of angels.
Love and blessings,
Rae Karen
Rae Karen