George Washington's signature on the wall at the Visitor Center at his home, Mount Vernon is above the inscription: To Keep Him First.
In his book The Bulletproof George Washington, author David Barton writes, “George Washington took part in the French and Indian War at the age of twenty-three. In one particular battle Washington’s life hung in the balance for two hours. The general assigned Washington to take orders to the officers in the field. The Indian sharpshooters caused sixty-three of the eighty-six officers to become casualties. After the battle George Washington recounted that four bullets went through his coat. The Indians shot two horses from under him, but he escaped hurt though companions fell on every side.
Fifteen years later the Indian chief in charge of that battle met Washington. The chief recounted, "A power mightier than we shielded you. Seeing you were under the special guardianship of the Great Spirit, we immediately ceased fire at you. . . the man who is the particular favorite of Heaven, and who can never die in battle.”
Today we celebrate the birthday of our country's first president. His story is a powerful testimony to the unseen celestial help that are in our presence. May we always remember that we are never alone, but always in the company of His angels.
Love and joyful blessings,
Rae Karen