This month I celebrated my birthday. In preparation for the day, I had bought a new journal to write down my goals, helpful quotes, watchwords, and inspiration for the new birth year. A birthday marks a new beginning, the old has passed away and new energy gives us the momentum to start fresh. In her book, Gateways Into Light, Flower Newhouse offers the following guidance:
"On birthdays we meditate upon our guardian Angel, the Kindel Archangel who drew the diagram of our incarnation, the karmic relationships of which this life is made, and our daily and spiritual duties."
I've found that time spent in meditation everyday is important, but especially so on your birthday. A journal is a wonderful reminder throughout the year as to where I am and where I am joyfully going. On my birthday, I had a special delivery. When I returned home from an outing, an angel had been delivered to our doorstep. Her message seemed to be: Spread your wings! I still don't know who the messenger was, but I am thankful for their thoughtfulness as well as the message.
Enjoy your day with the Angels and spread your wings!
Love and blessings,