Friday, July 20, 2018

A Wandering Caladium: An Angel Message

Today the cool weather prompted a return to the garden for a bowl of oatmeal.  The morning sun brought something new to my wondering eyes.  The heavy recent rains had encouraged a newcomer. A little caladium plant had sprung up on the garden path!  Her variegated leaf opened like an umbrella to greet the sunshine.  At first glance, I'd mistaken her for a tall shamrock, but a closer look, to my delight, revealed the papery thin caladium known for its bi-colorful leaves.

Curious, I learned that this beautiful plant is a member of the elephant ear family.  She also goes by the name, Heart of Jesus or Angel Wings because of the shape of her leaves.  A bed of forgotten, buried caladium bulbs had surfaced this spring in a special patch by the Blessed Mother.
Caladiums in garden today

Now, this little wanderer had made her way toward the patio in clear view from the umbrella table!

I'm so thankful for these tender, loving blessings that pop up just when least expected.  You never know what may appear on the path as a reminder to walk in faith and love for all life. 

Her appearance was just the boost needed to put down the bags of cedar mulch bought earlier this week to refurbish the path.  Our little messenger, gently uprooted, joined her flock of Angel Wings under the watchful eye of beloved Mary.  I realized, too, how everything has its perfect timing, all things working together for good.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.  Keep an eye out for wonderful messages from nature that come your way.  God loves you.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen