A quick stop at a convenience store brought a much needed smile when I spotted a bright red ladybug wind chime. Ladybugs are my sign that my heavenly mother is near. Feeling lighter, I tucked it in my basket.
Without much thought it found a home in my office on a rack. A reminder to look for the bright spots in life. A few days later, while at my desk, a bell rang. Laughing, I turned to see Hei-Hei, our playful tabby, had learned a new trick! Ringing the bell, like a prize fighter. I cheered him on, remembering the good news: "Every time a bell rings an angel is getting their wings." Flocks of angels were taking flight.
When the pic was uploaded, it had another heavenly touch.
A tiny orb sealed the ladybug's smile with a kiss. :-D
I love it. Mama Mary Luckie is smiling down from heaven, spreading joy, as always. Our love ones are forever near and there is nothing to fear. Love can never die. It is eternal, infinite, supreme.
The floral plaque on the office wall is another angelic reminder. During these dark times, Psalm 91 brings comfort and protection for all who abide in the Shadow of the Almighty. "He will cover you with His feathers and under his wings you will find refuge." (Psalm 91:4)
We are all here on planet Earth for such a time as this. To be the light in the darkness. Our prayers and spiritual awareness (faith) make a world of difference. Thank you for shining your light. The best is yet to come.
Love and peace,
Rae Karen