Divine timing always sneaks up and gently taps our soul with a heartfelt touch of heaven just when needed the most. Yesterday at dinner time, a beautiful LARGE golden damselfly flitted by the sun room window. An extra pair of diaphanous wings distinguished it from a dragonfly. Immediately I thought of my dear writer friend Joanna who transitioned
in 2018. Dragonflies had always been a special sign that her departed husband Jack was close by, watching over her from the other side.
It may seem rather silly, but I smiled. Hello Joanna!
To my surprise, this ethereal beauty landed on the raised arm of the yellow metal bench. Soft rainbow hues danced and glistened on radiant wings. So close was the beautiful damselfly that I could have reached out and touched her, except for a thick plated glass that separated our visit. She seemed content to rest on the sun-drenched bench for a spell while we ate our dinner. Joanna and I had shared many inspiring meals together. And just that morning, I'd been missing my sweet friend, and sent out loving thoughts and gratitude for our friendship.
But the best was yet to be.
When it was time to depart, I watched her flit those beautiful wings, and disappear around the corner. What happened next was one of those unforgettable moments. I heard the beat of her wings gently tapping on the sun-room window pane behind me.
Until next time. I called out. Thank you, Joanna!
This morning's, daily inspiration in God Calling had a touch of synchronicity. The language of angels. Your Loved Ones:
"YOUR loved ones are very safe in My Keeping. Learning and loving and working, theirs is a life of happiness and progress. They live to serve, and serve they truly do. They serve Me and those they love. Ceaselessly they serve.
But their ministrations, so many, so diverse, you see no more than those in My time on earth in human form could have seen the angels who ministered unto Me in the wilderness.
How often mortals rush to earthly friends who can serve them in so limited a way, when the friends who are freed from the limitations of humanity can serve them so much better, understand better, protect better, plan better, and even plead better their cause with me.
You do well to remember your friends in the Unseen. Companying with them the more you live in this Unseen World the gentler will be your passing when it comes. Earth's troubles and difficulties will seem, even now, less overwhelming as you look, not at the things that are seen but at the real Eternal Life.
"And this is Life Eternal that we may know Thee, the Only True God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent."
Learning to know Me draws that Kingdom very near, and in Me, and through Knowledge of Me, the dear ones there become very near and dear.
In closing, this morning after I'd written the blog, a beautiful turquoise damselfly flitted by me as I opened the back door. She landed in the driveway by the car on our way to feed the ducks at the lake.
A reminder that we too can shine today like the light of a dragonfly.
Love and peace,
Rae Karen
(God Calling by Two Listeners, edited by A.J. Russell)