Monday, May 20, 2013

Listening for Angel Messages

(artwork from Wikimedia Commons)

May our walking on earth be gentle as
the union of the butterfly and the flower.
             --Traditional Buddhist Blessing

It rained for the second day in a row!  The birds are singing sweetly on this cloudy morning.  The church bells just chimed 8:00, and the drone of a low lying plane passing by are all signs of life, each in its own form.  I'm not sure what to blog about today, my mind is a little foggy like the weather, so I'm going to listen in to the angels for help.  I know ideas will come because only my own thoughts can block my reception to their inspiring transmissions radiating 24/7. 

Yesterday in meditation the words, "To thine own self be true," came to mind.  Words of truth from Shakespeare, and according to scripture, we each must work out our own salvation line upon line, precept upon precept.  Sometimes I try to integrate a dual thought system, spirit and ego, and the results are less than positive.  Either everything in this dream is true or none of it is.  I tend to judge what's good or bad, forgetting that when I awaken it won't matter.  Only the love that inspires each action is real. So keep on trying to follow the ideal of not seeing anyone as a body, but recognizing them as spiritual beings, made in the image and likeness of God.

When I look out upon the world using my physical sight, I see many problems in many different forms.  Friends overcoming physical challenges, storms, poverty, abuse, etc.  but underneath all the seeming chaos is a golden strand of everlasting Light, linking us all together in Oneness.  The sparks of God we are, waiting to catch fire and emblazon our memory to return our minds home to Him. 
 A favorite line from A Course in Miracles"The kingdom of heaven is now.  There is no other time. There is no other place.

May I feel His peace knowing this as I walk in the world today.  Angels surround me, gently guiding my steps on upward wings.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.
Love and blessings,