Sunday, September 14, 2014

Mending Fences: The Angel of Openness

This morning my angel card was the Angel of Openness.  "Let it all in," came to mind as I looked at her wide open arms.  "Don't hold back the love that is ever present. Don't block it with your self-imposed barriers. Let it in!" was her message.

A short time later while watering the meditation garden,  I was enjoying the serenity of this little sacred space. The mist from the garden hose created a lovely image of a tropical rain forest.  The thick wall of wild growing heart shaped vines stretched across the back fence, giving privacy. A tiny thought entered to disturb my peace.  What if my neighbor weeded the lovely vines like she did last year leaving the chain link fence exposed.   Since her hands are full with a career and the maintaince of a double lot, I wondered why she focused on such minutiae.

I should know better.  Thoughts are things.

A few minutes later, I caught sight of her, kneeling by the fence doing the very thing I'd dreaded. Yanking out the thick green heartshaped privacy vines.   It was amusing and annoying, as I am working with The Angel of Openness, and a  barrier was now coming down.

The first thing I needed to do was to make room for peace within, and not react, not let this spoil an otherwise pleasant morning.  I began asking the Holy Spirit to heal this grievance I had.  I must admit that I wasn't so open as to shout a cheerful Good Morning over the fence.  But there was progress as  I recognized that I am slowly getting better in surrendering to what is.  Remembering the command to love our neighbor, silently I sent her a blessing, and then returned to the house to write.

I realize that whatever disturbs my peace is an unhealed spot within me, a wall I've built to shut love out.  There is nothing going on outside of my mind, my world reflects the thoughts I think.

Today hopefully I'll allow the Angel of Openness to do a little more housekeeping and help me see the love of God everywhere.  I keep forgetting the universe is always conspiring for our highest good even though it may not appear so at the time.  Time gives way to demonstration that this is true.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,

Rae Karen