I keep this little garden angel on the windowsill overlooking the meditation garden. A gardening friend gifted it to me when she heard I accidentally stepped on a garden rake. The handle had popped up and whacked me on the head. When it happened, I quickly told myself God is love. This is not His Will for me. By knowing the truth rather than giving into the pain, I had good results. Not even a bruise or a bump. Thankfully, I learned a lesson on watching where I leave my garden tools and where I place my feet when working in the yard.
Several days ago, this little garden angel brought another message. I looked down by her on the windowsill and saw a small winged one trying to get outdoors.
A firefly! Her presence sparked a touch of childlike joy. Holding out my finger, I softly told her, "I'll take you outside." But she wasn't interested in my help. I watched her flit up higher on the window pane. Again, I placed my finger near her, offering her great freedom.
To my delight, this time she climbed aboard.
Gently, cupped in the palm of my hand, I ran to the backdoor. As I gently opened my hand in the sunshine, I could feel the warmth of her gratitude as that little firefly happily flew away, leaving a smile on my face.
I recalled that fireflies look like an ordinary bug during the day, but at night they flicker, bringing hope and joy. When one appears it is a sign to honor the creative ideas flickering in our mind. Also it is important to remember that the light is always within us as we go through any dark challenges.
Enjoy your day with the Angels.
Love and blessings,
Rae Karen