The angels guided me to a passage about being true to our Self today. Something I think most of us struggle with from time to time. The tragedy is not that others do not know who we are--it is that we do not know who we are, and we spend our days searching outwardly hoping to find the door with our name on it.
Thomas Merton, a spiritual seeker like you and me, wrote in New Seeds of Contemplation:
"A tree gives glory to God by being a tree.. The more a tree
is like itself the more it is like him...For me to be a saint
means to be myself. Trees and animals have no problem.
God makes them what they are...With us it is different...
We can be ourselves or not, as we please. We are at liberty
to be real, or to be unreal. We may be true or false, the
choice is ours. We may wear one mask and now another,
and never, if we so desire, appear with our own face. But
we cannot make these choices with impunity...If we have
chosen the way of falsity, we must not be surprised that
truth eludes us when we finally come to need it!"
The goal of life is to become our authentic Christ self, the one God intended us to be. The inner seed, our divine spark, does not rest, it will make itself heard time and again, inspiring us to be what we are meant to be. The angels will help us with that glorious unfoldment when we have the courage to let go and be.
Enjoy your day with the Angels.
Love and blessings,
Rae Karen