Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Purple Spiderwort: An Angel Message - Bloom Where You Are Planted

Spiderworts have always been a favorite. They are low maintenance and bloom where they are planted, freely sharing their beauty.  This flower apostle recently popped up through a break in the concrete sidewalk leading to our front door. I wondered how I'd missed it, growing wild, but we mostly take the stepping stone path from the driveway to the porch.

Its cheerful presence took me by surprise as angel messages often do.  "Here I am!" The victorious little spiderwort seemed to shout.  "Against all odds,I made it! Where there is a will, there is a way!" Smiling in purple blossoms of joy, it was just the message I needed to keep on keeping on.  Even more surprising, it had  survived the lawn mower the day before! Its zest for life must have touched the heart of the lawn care man who decided to let it be when edging the walk.

So, dear friends, if you are facing a challenge of any kind, just know that there is a power within you that is greater than your circumstances.  Rely on that loving Presence to see you through to the light of a new day.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,

Rae Karen .