Thursday, June 4, 2015

An Angel Message: More on Mother Mary's Iris and the Full June Moon

Long before dawn this morning, I woke up and went out to the living room.  To my surprise the full moon had created an inviting path of light on the carpet. Grabbing a large pillow, I stretched out bathing in her healing energies. Gazing up at the high window by the fireplace, it was as if I had been tapped on my sleepy shoulder.  See, the reflection of the full moon on the stained glass irises? 

I sheepishly remembered yesterday's blog naming the Iris Mother Mary's flower for June to represent Celestial Reflections. The poster I'd shared then of the cosmic iris and the full moon had now been  translated into a "living" portrait in the living room window!  June is proving itself to be the month of Celestial Reflections, but we must wake up and pay attention. 

Angels are always speaking to us and their tender touch transforms our world into a place of joyous wonder. 

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,

Rae Karen

(photo of full moon 6/4/15 in our living room.)