And to you who are troubled,
rest with us,
when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from
heaven with his mighty angels.
(2 Thes. 1:7 KJV)
The Harvest Full Moon as well as a lunar eclipse both occur today. Change is in the air and the veil is getting thinner.
I love synchronicity, the language of the angels. You really can't make it happen. So when it does, you get a burst of enthusiasm in your soul to awaken.
For instance, yesterday's palm tree energy came up again early this morning. My husband Elliot, up before dawn, was guided to pull out a small red book from the bookcase in his office. I was still in bed when I heard the soft hooting of an owl outside the window. The owl is known as the bringer of wisdom and had come when Elliot was reading The Return of Jesus, a weathered old book that had once belonged to my Grandma.
Tucked away all these years, you can see the faded cover showing Christ standing by a tall palm tree and pointing to the upward way. His comforting words are remembered in the lower right corner, "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again."
Dating back to the ancient Near East and the Mediterranean, the branches of the palm symbolize victory, triumph, peace and eternal life. A wonderful reminder for this chaotic time in our history. The Kingdom of Heaven is within us and the victory is in Christ.
Love and joyful blessings,
Rae Karen