Monday, September 25, 2017

The Color Purple for Your Soul

The angels certainly know how to get our attention when they have something they want us to know.  For instance, many years ago my 90-year-old  friend, Genevah Seivertson, wrote a book, Angel Teachings.  In it, the angels had much to say about the value of color in our life.  One day I was guided to read her book again, but things got busy and it was put on hold.

Then to my surprise a few days later while running an errand, I got a big angel message in my face at the checkout at Ace Hardware. In a promo for Soul Paint, a life-size mannequin wore a badge, "WHAT COLOR IS YOUR SOUL?"

You can't make these things happen! The angels had been after me to add more color to my life. I got it!  I let out a laugh.  SOUL PAINT!

When I asked the manager if I could take a photo, he gladly invited me to take the "Purple Energy" mannequin home.  The promo had ended.   Purple is my favorite color.   It's a wonderful spiritual vibration. So it was a win-win.  A sign from the angels to be more spiritually minded in my thinking. To rise above the material and to focus on spiritual truth (unseen things above).

In The Angels' Teaching, the Angels recommended:

 We would like you to make your prayers, PRAYERS OF COLOR."

I  love the idea of sending prayers in color.  So I leave you with a joyful prayer on lavender wings with a glint of golden rays for a wonderful new beginning with the Color Angels.

(After this blog, I paid more attention to the colors in everyday life.  I began to see drab rooms could be sparked by adding a bright, cheerful accent color here and there.  Lately I've had an urge to spice up the kitchen with a fresh coat of paint! Think color!)

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen