I'm reminded of a powerful statement: Declare a thing and it shall be true for you. You are a law unto yourself.
A powerful decree and a reminder that we are each the gatekeeper of the thoughts we allow to enter our mind and entertain, so stand guard. I can see how my own thoughts attract my experiences. If I tell myself that the grocery store will be crowded, the lines long, that's exactly what I get.
This happened one Sunday when I needed to pick up some items at the grocery store for a loved one. An "angel thought" reminded me that what I decree will be true for me, so why not expect the best.
I set an intention that everything would go smoothly. The angels would go before me, making my path straight and clear. It would be a pleasant time, too. And, you know, that's exactly what I got.
Yes, the store was busy, but there was a quiet hush. I made my way to a cashier, with no waiting in line. I had other errands to run, and each one was better than the first. People smiled and were loving, sharing a hug and a kind word. Afterwards, I realized the day was a demonstration of what I declared and expected! Harmony ruled!
So, whenever I begin to complain that "I HAVE TO" do something, I quickly change my mind and say,"I GET TO" do it. Grateful that I am willing and able to do so brings joy. And, I can even do it in a spirit of grace and loving-kindness as I go about my duties with the loving support of the angels.
Remember you are never alone. Your angels abide with you to comfort, guide, and bless, so live in the quiet peaceful expectation of goodness and grace. The best is yet to be.
Love and joyful blessings,
Rae Karen
(postcard- zazzle)
(postcard- zazzle)