I love this image of the trumpet swan gliding in sync with its beautiful reflection. I'd been reading the greatest lesson one can ever learn is to be at peace,--no matter what. When the waters are calm, we can see our true reflection. But when stirred by negative emotions, we splash about lacking clarity, and easily get off course.
Today we can know that whatever may come up, we will not lose our peace. We can choose to go within and be still. To call on the angels for help in maintaining balance. Peace is not dependent on outer circumstances, but it comes from a deep stillness within.
The stillness of the peace of God is mine.
--A Course in Miracles
--A Course in Miracles
Later, I looked up the spiritual message of swan:
"Swan brings a message to rise up to the highest
levels of your world of senses, open your bright eyes, and have courage
for the highest spiritual experiences."
Love and joyful blessings,
Rae Karen
Love and joyful blessings,
Rae Karen
Ref: Animal Messengers by
Regula Meyer
Photo: Trumpet Swan at Earl Brown Park, 9-13-15