Saturday, September 5, 2020

A Wild Boar, or Two: An Angel Message

 Almost a week had gone by with no sign of our 200-lb. broad-backed 'neighbor'.  Elliot and I were beginning to think that wild boar had moved on to greener pastures.  Then, a few days ago, my heart leapt at a happy sight.  It was early morning, and a peacefulness blanketed the air. Sunlight was shining through the treetops.   I happened to look up from my morning reading in time to see him.  Prancing by the sun-room, his straggly black tail wagging, as always.  That wild pig was so close to the window, I could see his shiny black coat glistening with morning dew.  I was happy to know 'Sal' was still around.  

His visit got me to wondering...maybe I've been house-bound too long.  How else could a wild boar stir a touch of joyful anticipation in my life?   How often does one see a wild boar? especially in their front yard?  The idea seemed to fulfill a deeper desire--that out of the mundane something wild and new can suddenly forge a path into our lives.

Sal seems content with his lot in life, making the best of it, moving swiftly on purpose in his comings and goings, to and from the woods. A rogue, free to be, and intelligent enough to maneuver safely without causing an uproar.  Yet with courage to step out of the safety of the woods for a purposeful  adventure.  Turns out, boar people don't like waiting around for things to happen in their lives.  When a wild boar appears, it can  be a signal to be honest in all we do, and have the courage to face the problems in our life that seem dreadful or uncomfortable.  (Stop procrastinating, especially on projects.)  Boar represents abundance/courage/power, and on the flip side, stubbornness/conflict/disorder.

With all the wild boar energy, I shouldn't have been so surprised to find a one-of-a-kind hand-carved boar  like Sal at the farmer's market today.  It came from Africa...

My angel messenger card for today was Introspection, and featured a connection with nature.   Earth is a reality of choice.  Each day, each moment we are presented with choices.  The planet, like ourselves, is primarily water, and water is symbolic of transforming the spirit, searching for God within.  Nature comes to tell us that it has an important gift for you that will encourage your spiritual awakening.   

What angel messages have been coming your way recently?  Expect a gift that will encourage your spiritual awakening.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen