Tuesday, October 5, 2010


The Angel of the Waters Fountain, Central Park, NY (photo from wikimedia)

Have you ever stopped to notice the way things play out in your life? Several weeks ago we had dinner at a new restaurant in northern Virginia. Mom and her friend, Hawk, were anxious to treat us to Indian food, although they were not that familiar with it. When we pulled up in front of the restaurant, we had a good laugh. It was called My Karma.

Now karma isn't necessarily a bad thing. It only means that what we put out into the universe comes back to us.

The other day I was guided to a book on the shelf. It was a refresher on something I already knew. The importance of keeping our attention on our I AM Presence, that aspect of ourselves that is Divine. Examples were given on how subtle the ego can be pulling us out of attunement. Even the slightest annoyance is a sign that our focus has been shifted to the problem.

The I AM has all the power of the universe so the more we keep our attention on it, the better things will turn out. I was moving through such a state of grace as I remembered this for a few days. Then something came up. Whammo. I lost all sense of balance and reacted, getting snagged by my ego.

The next day, the ground was soaked from the steady rainfall we had over the weekend, more than 6 inches in our area. With all that water, suddenly our pump died and we didn't have a drop of water in the house. The flow stopped.

The electrician has been here this morning working on the problem. Just now he hollered, "Turn on the tap!"

Yippee, the flow is on again.

I'm beginning to see more and more the subtle and not so subtle consequences of my attitudes. The Zohar teaches that every action creates an angel, whether it be positive or negative is dependent on our choice of behavior.

Wishing you a peaceful happy day with your Angels.
