Monday, July 29, 2013

A Rainbow!

                                (July 28, 2013, Rainbow in our neighborhood)

A beautiful rainbow arched over our house early last evening.  We'd had a thunderstorm with heavy rains and then the sky cleared.  Standing in a light mist, I tried to capture it on camera, but it doesn't really do it justice as I couldn't encompass the whole bow in one shot.  It stretched from one side of the "ground" clear over to the other side, creating a  magnificent bridge of colorful beams, layer upon layer.  A blending of diversity.

For a rainbow to appear I am told there must be falling rain with sunshine.  When I see one, there is an excitement and a wonderful childlike awe. Its beauty simply states an angelic message: that even after the roughest storms, things will get better.  Beauty and joy will appear in one's life again.  To me, this is the spiritual meaning of the rainbow, and one that the world needs at this time. 

We thank the angelic host for their dedicated service to help us all accelerate our spiritual growth. 

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings.
