Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Angels Whisper: Distraction

I was talking with a friend about angels--and how some people have a hard time believing they really do exist. Angels are for real. She looked at me and very quietly said, they are.  Sometimes angels whisper one word that can change your life.  That one word can get you through a  bad time.  It had happened to my friend.  The circumstances were unusual.  A woman she had worked with many years ago, had come to town but couldn't find the exit to I-4. It didn't make sense, because she was lost in an area she knew well.  Remembering my girlfriend lived nearby, she called her for directions and ended up coming by for a visit.

The call and  unexpected visit interrupted a heated situation at home.  The helpful word my friend needed to hear from her visitor was "distraction."  The angels knew that word was the message she needed most in that moment. In her dysfunctional relationship, whenever she became fearful, she would remember that her antagonistic boyfriend was a distraction from her true purpose. Using that word, she worked harder at attuning to her spirit, and not falling victim to her ego.

 Distraction.  The world is full of it, and whatever we value more than God is a distraction. Whatever blocks our peace is a distraction. As Christ taught, Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all things shall be added unto you.

My friend's "messenger" also had her faith strengthened.  The two women became good friends. Later she would see firsthand how the angels had used her to disarm a bad situation.  Experience is the key, to believing in angels, my friend said. 

I agree...with such gratitude for their loving presence.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.

Love and blessings,
