Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A Garden is a Healing Balm: An Angel Message

The kiss of the sun
for pardon
The song of the birds
for mirth
One is nearer God's Heart
in a garden
Than anywhere else on Earth.

This lovely garden plaque was placed divinely on my path.  What a perfect touch to a project I began yesterday.   While weeding the meditation garden, an angel thought came to me.  Why not dedicate a special place as a tribute to my mother.  Pulling out overgrown ferns to donate to a Bed & Breakfast Inn down the road, ideas began to swirl. Time spent in nature is a healing balm, renewing my strength and igniting my passion that had been missing for several months.

I began to envision a stone bench, crepe myrtles, colorful lantanas. More ideas will come day by day but what a healing way for me to spend time with Mom.  To fill the big hole she left in our lives. I know she is happy, and free, dancing with the angels. I'm so thankful for the guidance to bring a touch of heaven to earth.

Love and blessings,

Rae Karen