Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Pink Flamingo: An Angel Message

                             (Wikimedia Commons: Photo)

There's something special about pink flamingos that peaks the imagination and brightens the day. Recently I found a stash of large plastic ones at Lowe's. Joyfully they took up residence around the bird bath, adding a lovely shade of pink to the green garden.   

In her book Angel Messages, The Oracle of Birds, Claire Nahmad tells us:

This beautiful exotic bird gains its fairy tale plumage from volcanic lakes and mineral spas which are warm and sulphurous.  It has gleaned an angelic harvest from the hot, explosive points upon the Earth's surface.  When we command the elemental furnaces within us in full consciousness of the directives of the spiritually-luminous soul, we shine with the beauty of the morning, with the poignancy of evening, and with the noon's full strength.  No foul or dismal weather oppresses us, and no storms shake our foundations.  

She goes on to say:  The pink flamingo glows with the colour of the rose, which is an emblem of love both human and divine.

When I took this photo just now, a touch of synchronicity was at play as I noticed the nearby garden plaque:

 in hearts that

Enjoy a loving  day with your Angels.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen