Friday, September 18, 2015

The Woodpecker: An Angel Message

    (Woody across the street on 9-18-15)

This morning Elliot and I were surprised by a loud distinct whistle coming from across the street.  We had just stepped out the front door on our way to the lake.  With the zoom, I saw this red-headed beauty topping our neighbor's old lifeless tree.   The "call for a photo op" from this winged one seemed so deliberate that I looked up the symbolism of the woodpecker again.  The red crest reflects a stimulation, an awakening of new mental faculties.  The drumming indicates the power of rhythm and a need to follow our own unique "calling".  When a woodpecker shows up, you now have a solid foundation to move in any direction. 

In Angel Messages - The Oracle of the Birds, Claire Nahmad writes:  "Trees especially the fig tree, are emblems of the Goddess, and when the woodpecker comes to you, Divine Mother holds you in her embrace of love and wisdom, and gently soothes and nurtures your soul bringing healing balm to your wounds, whether sustained from life's stony path, or from the process of growth and putting forth."

Thank you, Woody.  If you're reading this now, the message applies to you, too.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.  All is well.

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen