Sunday, April 17, 2016

The White Heron: An Angel Message

A beautiful snowy white heron was the first messenger to cross my path this morning.  Patiently she watched the rippled waters waiting for sustenance. Her pose was one of elegance as her white wispy feathers reflected the gleam of the morning sunshine, I was reminded of Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's, dressed to the nines, after a night out on the town. 

When a heron appears it signals a time to assert yourself when opportunities arise. White represents spirituality, higher truth.  So take action, as you will have unseen support in the spiritual realm.   

The Angel of Spontaneity had pushed me out of my morning routine, and a happy walk around the lake fed my soul as I enjoyed feeding the birds.   

Three darling ducklings swam toward me gladly seizing the opportunity for a meal. Ducks bring a message to stay in an environment that brings comfort; your problems will be easily handled.  (They were fed right on time.)

Enjoy your day with the Angels, and follow the subtle nudges that break you out of a routine and into the realm of exciting possibilities. 

Love and joyful blessings,

Rae Karen