Friday, August 17, 2018

Where there's a will, there's a way: An Angel Message

Last night while watching a movie, a sudden thunderclap shook the foundation of our 1927 bungalow.  Lightning bolts struck the dusky sky, a storm was rolling in.  Another thunderclap was so LOUD,  I jumped up from the sofa, blurting out, HAIL MARY, FULL OF GRACE!  (I'm not Catholic, but that's my auto response when in danger.) I knew then it was time to calm down, turn off the TV, and meditate on the power of Psalm 91.  "For He shall give his angels charge over you."  That's the way I find peace in the midst of a storm.  By going within and accepting those comforting words of that entire Psalm, which I've come to know as my insurance/assurance plan.  I pray it everyday.  God is my refuge. I abide in the Shadow of the Almighty.

Soon the skies were harmonious again.

This morning, when I opened the backdoor to feed Gus, the wild buttercup nature rooted in a crack in the stucco wall greeted me in full sunny bloom.  A marvel as each day she stretches, growing taller.  A testimony that where there is a will, there is a way. Buttercup thrives in spite of her limiting condition.   In Nature-Speak, Ted Andrews writes:

"As a garden flower the buttercup is unique in that it will grow in every part of the garden.  This is part of its message.  With proper self-worth, we can succeed in every environment."

Buttercup is a reminder of self-worth and how words can affect all things. So choose words carefully for they will have greater influence now.

Enjoy your day with the Angels.  Expect joyful, uplifting messages along the way.  God is Love.

Rae Karen