With my latest correspondence hobby, as a member of postcrossing.com, anything with the word postcard catches my eye. Today after stopping by the post office for postcard stamps, I ran into the discount store next door to buy stickers to decorate the cards.
While shopping, I learned that postcards can be delivered in unofficial ways! This shiny canvass of a golden blue sea turtle paddling underwater was mine when I noticed the postcard marking. One of a kind, and a real bargain at $3.50, in gratitude, I brought the seafaring messenger home.
Curious, I learned from Animal-Speak Pocket Guide, that when sea turtle comes into your life: "Persevere and great success will come. Senses are heightened so trust in your pursuits. The worst is over; continue forward."
A wonderful angel message for you, too, if you happen to be reading this now.
Enjoy your day with the angels. Expect to receive messages to give you love, peace, comfort, and joyful direction.
Love and joyful blessings,
Rae Karen