Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Stretching to Reach Our Potential: An Angel Message

Lately synchronicity has been in the air about rubber bands.  It started when I landed on a local radio station in time to hear the end of a talk.  The minister was saying how God stretches us so that we can reach our potential, because we cannot do it by ourselves.   By yielding to the hand of the Father, like a rubber band that is stretched back so far, when let go, it can travel a great distance with the help of the Force. 

Something amusing happened yesterday.  A package arrived in the mail, a gift for an upcoming special occasion.  Three porcelain  dolls of the world were individually boxed and bound together (side-by-side) with a 14" rubber band!  I was amazed by the recurring symbol.  Who knew rubberbands were that big?    


In that moment, it seemed like an angel message.  The world is being stretched today as never before. All of God's children are being severely tested to build up our spiritual muscles.  When confronting a problem, we are stretched and stretched.  And, with the help of God's angels, we don't have to worry about snapping.  We will have the resilience to stretch safely beyond our seeming limitations. 

"For he shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways."  (Psalm 91:11) 

Now, if only my memory would stretch far enough to remember where I put that extra large rubberband... 

Keep on stretching...it's worth it in the end.  The best is yet to come.

Love and peace,


Rae Karen