Early Monday morning, I jumped out of bed, feeling unusually energetic. Grocery shopping day... I dug through the closet for something to wear. At the far end of the dark closet, I found my mother's forgotten electric pink moo moo lavished in sequins. I'd saved it many years ago for a beach cover up. Happy to have a touch of Mom's playfulness in hand, I held up the bright loose smock, asking Elliot, "Would you mind if I wore this to the grocery store with you?" I was playfully testing him to see if he was paying attention.
Half-asleep, he mumbled, If you want to...
The bright happy colors reminded me of Mom although the moo moo wasn't quite a fit for my early morning mood. Missing Mom something awful in that moment, I was about to return it to the closet, when an angel thought prompted, Check the label.
I can't describe the overwhelming rush of JOY I felt when I read the words: "Just Love"... FREE SIZE."
WoW! Sudden tears filled my eyes with such gratitude. I needed that simple message. It's the answer to every problem. Just Love.
Love fits all sizes...
Enjoy your day with the angels, and I'm reminded that JUST LOVE is tagged on my garment of flesh wherever I am.
Love, peace, and JOY,
Rae Karen