Cranes and storks are symbolic of new life. Waiting can be one of the hardest things to do but I'm learning to let go and just appreciate each moment in gratitude. I didn't realize how far I'd come until earlier this week. On our way to the grocery store, Elliot stopped off at Ace Hardware to grab an item while I waited in the car. A beautiful clear morning, I took in the sights around me. Our local store has heart...a spindly tree in the parking lot is decorated with bird feeders. I happened to look up at the tree top and was surprised to see the profile of a sandhill crane carved naturally by the tree itself! The narrow large beak, big eyes and elongated neck seemed like an answer to a prayer as I've been on a quest to find unusual trees.
A blanket of peace enfolded me...and I lost track of the time. Two little wrens landed on the feeder, keeping me entertained.
Elliot was surprised to find me at peace as he apologized for taking so long. The cashier was hung up on the computer, and so he, too, had an opportunity to practice peace and patience.
Enjoy your day with the angels.
Love and peace,
Rae Karen